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SPGN Final


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Vision Impairment
a vision impairment that intereferes with development and affects the educational performance
Vision Impairment must have one of the following
-20/70 in good eye after correction
-peripheral field restricted to not more than 20 degrees
-diagnosed deteriotating eye condition
Characteristics of VI
-intellectual abilities similar to their sighted peers
-unable to use visual imagery
-concept development depends on tactile experiences
How is VI determined?
Comprehensive Evaluation done by an optomestrist or opthalmologist
Non-visual learners
no functional vision or so little that it does not help them
How do we help NVL?
keep classroom set-up the same
convert handouts to braille
identify who is talking
Visual Learners
residual vision is useful to them
How do we help VL?
Order text in large font
Magnifying glass
Music Stand to bring the book upright
Mobility for VI
Seeing eye dogs
human assistance
electronic assistance
developmental disability affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction.
Social Interaction Characteristics
normal attachments do not develop
friendships do not develop
emotions are rarely displayed
Communication Characteristics
functional language is not aquired or fully mastered
conversations are not maintained
Physically or Otherwise Health Impaired
Orthopedic Impairments
Other Health Impairments
Juvenile Rhematoid Arthritis and what we can do
bones and joints wear down prematurely
-time position/activity changes
Muscular Dystrophy
genetic disorder that converts muscule into fat
Characteristics of MD
bottom-up progression
more common in boys
spine issues like scoliosis and kyphosis
Spina Bifeda
Neural matter comes out of a hole in the neural tube
Characteristics of SB
difficult muscle control
Swing-to gait
Bladder/Breathing issues
Cerebral Palsy
non-progressive motor disorder cause before or at the time of birth
Characteristics of babies with CP
can't sit-up, crawl, stand, walk, etc
can only use one hand to do things
don't outgrow baby reflexes
4 types of CP
muscle spasms
high muscle tone
look really skinny
slow rhythmic movement in affected area
muscle jerks
Characteristics of CP
speech sounds slurred
need nutritional support
need mobility assistance
Professionals that help CP
Physical Therapists
Musical Therapists
Speech Pathologist
Traumatic Brain Injury
injury to the brain caused by an external physical force resulting in total/partial function disability and/or psychosocial impairment
Open-head Injury
latex covering of brain is penetrated
Most common TBI patient
Boys between the ages of 15-24
Medical Characteristics
broken bones
blurred vision
seizure activity
Physical Characteristics
decreased motor coordination
sensory defecits
Cognitive Characteristics
decreased attention, organization, problem solving
Behavioral Characteristics
What we can do for TBI patients
Medical intervention
Be aware of what they've done
Don't assume previous knowledge is still there
Criteria for TAG per Blume
General Intellectual Aptitude
Specific academic aptitude
Creative and Productive thinking
Leadership ability
Visual and Performing Arts
Ingredients for giftedness per Renzouli
Above average ability
Task Committment
good memory
good vocab
intense workers
How do you help someone with TAG
extra work
work ahead
assist peers
Add something to enrich the childs experience
Accelerate their academics
TAG programs from the 20's-60's
test scores

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