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- Transform boundary
- the location where two tectonic plates slide past each other. An example is the San Andreas Falt. also called a strike/slip fault.
- Trial
- each reptition of an experiment
- Tributaries
- small streams that flow into a river
- Trubidity
- a measure
- Tribidity
- a measure of water clarity. this is a test done with eiher a secchi disk or tubidity tube
- unconformity
- typically relating to geology. this means that there is a mixture of material in the rock
- unicelluar
- composed of only one cell
- universal solvent
- water,it dissolves more substances than any other solvent
- Upwelling
- the movement of colder, nutrient-rich waters from the deep ocean into shallow seas
- ubran sprawl
- spreading of a city into regions that used to be farmland or forest
- vaccination
- the process in which a person is given a small dose of weakened or inactivated virus that can causes the disease in order to prevent the person from getting the real disease
- vacuole
- a cell structure that is used to store water and waste products
- variable
- any factor that can affect the results of an experiment