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Sadava Life the Science of Biology


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Types of DNA
What does tRNA do?
Protein synthesis occurs halfway through
What does rRNA do?
Makes ribosomes
Three Characteristics of Cells are...
- All living things are made up of them - They come from previously existing cells - They are the basic unit of life
Prokaryote or Eukaryote: Which has no "true" nucleus?
Prokaryotes have no "true" nucleus or wrapped DNA.
What are the two categories of eukaryotic cells?
Plants and animals.
5 Special Characteristics About Plant Cells
1) Chloroplasts Synthesize food 2) Central H2O Vacuole 3) Cell Wall made of Cellulose 4) No centrioles 5) No lysosomes
Cells have a larger volume or surface area?
Surface area, because if not, they would not be able to function properly
What do scanning electron microscopes do?
See the exterior
What do transmission electron microscopes do?
See the interior
Free-floating DNA in Prokaryotes?
Closed Circular Naked DNA
Is a virus a cell?
What are the concepts of a cell wall?
Hard, rigid and protects the cell; made of a sugar and protein, peptiologylcen
Cencept of flagellum?
Begins in plasma membrane and grows out; is entirely of protein
How many membranes does an animal cell nucleus have?
Cycle of DNA?
DNA and protein --> chromatin --> chromosomes
What does the nucleolus do?
It is concerned with making ribosomes.
What is the Extension of the nuclear membrane?
Endoplasmic Reticulum
What does the Endoplasmic Reticulum do?
It serves to increase the cells surface area.
Explain the 4 main concepts of a Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum?
1) has ribosomes embedded on its surface 2) concerned with protein synthesis 3) increased surface area 4) increased surface area for more ribosomes, to produce more proteins
Explain the main concept of the Smooth ER?
does NOT have ribosomes embedded on its surface b/c involved in fat synthesis or lipids
Concept of the plasma membrane?
consists of two layers of lipid molecules; keeps inside of cell away from outside; allows for the passage of materials
What does the Golgi Apparatus look like and what does it do?
consists of a series of flattened membrane sacks; involved in modifying and sorting proteins;
How does the Golgi modify proteins?
dice, connect together or attach sugar;
What are the three things that a Golgi body can do to a protein?
Sends proteins to make a lysosome (involved in food digestion); takes the proteins and sends them to the plasma membrane; take proteins and send them out of the cell to be secreted
Explain Centrioles.
always going to be located very close to the nucleus; paired structures (always two); involved in the cell division process; sit at 90 degree angles to each other;
What is the make-up of centrioles?
microtubules help form centrioles; groups of three ( triplet sets of microtubules, total number is 9) centrioles consists of 9 sets of triplet microtubules
What is Peroxisome and what does it do?
It's a microbody that serves to detoxify poisons; serves to regulate the oxygen levels inside of a cell; too much oxygen causes death and too little (obviously)
What are free ribosomes?
ones that are just floating in the cytoplasm, involved in protein synthesis; 60/40
What is the make up of peroxisome?
consists of enzymes one of the main ones is OXIDASE; take O2 and convert it into H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide); turns H2O2 with CATALASE into two molecules of H2O;
Explain a mitochondia and its purpose.
cellular organelle that carries out cellular respiration; produces all of the energy for the cell and is a chemical form of energy called ATP
Explain the cytoskeleton.
provides the framework and the support for the cell; gives the cell its shape and if possible, allows it to move; all comprised of fibers of protein

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