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Psychology Midterm 2


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American psychologist who established the 1st psychology research laboratory in the U.S. and found the APA
G. Stanley Hall
looking inward in an attempt to reconstruct feelings and sensation experianced immediately after viewing a stimulus object
the school of psychology and theoretical viewpoint that emphasizes each persons unique potential for psychological growth and self direction
humanistic psychology
American psychologist who founded behaviorism
John B. Watson
emphasizes studying the purpose or function of behavior and mental experiacne
scientific study of behavior and mental processes
the idea that the mind and body are seperate entities
interactive dualism
a German psychologists who founded psychology as a formal science and opened the 1st laboratory
Wilhelm Wundt
British-born American psychologist who founded structualism
Edward B. Titchener
emphasizes the study of observable behavior
American psychologist who was largely responsible for finding humanistic psychology
Carl Rogers
anything perceptible to the senses such as sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste
the acquisition and modification of behavior in response to environmental influences
investigates mental processes, including reasoning and thinking, problem solving, memory, perception, metal imagery, and language
cognitive psychology
research focused onn such basic topics as sensory processes, principles of learning, emotion and motication
experimental psychology
studies the physical, social and psychological changes that occur at different ages and stages of the lifespan
developmental psychology
explores how people are affected by their social environments
sociaal psychology
examines different individual differences and characteristics that make each person unique
personality psychology
focuses on the role of psychologogical factors in the development, prevention, and treatment of illness
health psychology
studies how people of all ages learn
educational psychology
concerned with the relationship between people and work
industrial psychology
studies the causes, treatment, and prevention of different types of psychological disorder
clinical psychology
a statistical technique that involves combining and analyzing the results of many research studies on a specific topic in order to identify overall trends
to repeat or duplicate a scientific study in order to increase confidence in the validity of the original findings
a set of assumtions, attitudes, and procedures that guide researchers
scientific method
a tentative statement about the relationship between 2 or more variables
the precise description of how the variables in a study will be manipulated or measured
operational definition
used to demonstrate cause and effect relationships by manipulating a factor to change the second factor
experimental method
a mathmatical method used to summarize data and draw conclusions based on data
multiple short fibers that extend from the neurons cell body and recieve information from other neurons or from sensory receptor cells
processes nutrients and provides energy for the neuron to function; contains the cells nucleus
cell body
the long, fluid-filled tube that carries a neurons messages to other body areas
a white, fatty covering wrapped around the axons of some neurons that increases their communication speed
myelin sheath
the tiny space between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite of an adjoing neuron
synaptic gap
chemical messengers manufactured by the neuron
a highly specialized cell that communicates information in electrical and chemical form
a neurotransmitter that usually communicates an inhiboitory message
neurotransmitters that regulate pain perception
small gaps that seperate segmenta of the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of many neurons
a nerotransmitter that is involved in sleepiness and emotional status including depression
the part of a neuron that contains the nucleus
cell body
involves the degeneration of patches of the myelin sheath
multiple scleriosis disease
a chemical messenger manufactured in the synaptic vescicles of a neuron
a neural condition in which the axons interior is more negativily charged
the brain structure that regulates the release of hormone by pituitary glands
stimulates skeletical growth during childhood
growth hormone
system that indicate all the nerves lying outside the central nervous system
periperal nerves
this help us hear, taste, smell, feel, and see by using
sensory receptors
the process by which a form of physical energy is converted into a coded neural signal that can be processed by the nervouse
states that the size of the just noticeable difference will vary depending on the relation to the strength of the original stimulus
Weber's law
sensory receptor cells become less responsive to a constant stimulus
sensory adaption
biological rhytms are biological and psychological processes that sysnatically vary over a 24-hour period
circidian rhythms
a cluster of neurons in the hypothalumus that governs the timing of cirdian rhtyms
superciastnatic nucleus
a hormone manufactures by the pineal glands which produces sleepiness
created by the absence of environmental time cures like sunlight and docks
free running conditions

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