financial terms
Financial terms used at Freddie Mac
undefined, object
copy deck
- eob
- Explanation Of Benefits
- frbrnc
- Forbearance
- anly
- Analyze
- extrm
- Extreme
- grc
- Grace
- start
- Start
- config
- Configuration
- atsttn
- Attestation
- chksm
- Checksum
- cyl
- Cylinder
- mmkt
- Money Market
- guarn
- Guarantee
- bldng
- Building
- ncmplt
- Incomplete
- ins
- Insurance
- initr
- Initiator
- negam
- Negative Amortization
- afdl
- Affordable
- ctlg
- Catalog
- rtr
- Router
- bulk
- Bulk
- warms
- Weighted Average Remaining Months To Start
- svcs
- Services
- dti
- Due To Investors
- gnt
- Giant
- nfas140
- Non_Fas140
- rnwl
- Renewal
- examtn
- Examination
- sery
- Serially
- ye
- Year End
- rej
- Reject
- shrtfl
- Shortfall
- needed
- Needed
- emltr
- Emulator
- msr
- Marketing With Servicing Retained
- dalltn
- Deallocation
- scrpt
- Script
- ttn
- Tuition
- ctrlg
- Controlling
- non
- Non
- lkbck
- Lookback
- olnacs
- On-Line New Account Control System
- dalltd
- Deallocated
- obtn
- Obtain
- cmr
- Camera
- rsbmsn
- Resubmission
- resecrd
- Resecuritized
- trfr
- Transferor
- govt
- Government
- pubshd
- Published
- lng
- Long
- icm
- Investments And Capital Markets
- detd
- Detailed
- rcvd
- Received
- cmpltn
- Completion
- dcrmnt
- Decrement
- lhi
- Loans Held For Investment
- mntry
- Monetary
- pstd
- Posted
- unvrsl
- Universal
- cmpx
- Complex
- ydg
- Yardage
- strng
- String
- avail
- Available
- lpo
- Loan Production Officers
- authy
- Authority
- enrgy
- Energy
- psa
- Public Securities Association
- job
- Job
- appl
- Application
- popltn
- Population
- drps
- Drapes
- certd
- Certified
- rcalcd
- Recalculated
- trkr
- Tracker
- adjd
- Adjusted
- shwngs
- Showings
- exchgbl
- Exchangeable
- bom
- Beginning Of Month
- actl
- Actual
- ip
- Interest And Principal
- cmpd
- Compound
- asctv
- Associative
- nov
- November
- rsbmt
- Resubmit
- lowt
- Lowest
- hud
- Department Of Housing And Urban Development
- inactvt
- Inactivate
- ratio
- Ratio
- aftrd
- Available For Trade
- mfee
- Management Fee
- cvl
- Civil
- taxs
- Taxes
- prty
- Party
- eva
- Economic Value Added
- part
- Participation
- lbrry
- Library
- flag
- Flag
- brkevn
- Breakeven
- asgn
- Assign
- entd
- Entered
- actn
- Action
- rspns
- Response
- unx
- Unix
- ae
- Account Executive
- contd
- Contracted
- doctn
- Documentation
- trnstn
- Transition
- pubty
- Publicity
- misc
- Miscellaneous
- cop
- Constant Option Adjusted Spread Price
- exhbt
- Exhibit
- chrgf
- Chargeoff
- intrcpt
- Intercept
- trl
- Trial
- nmnl
- Nominal
- lss
- Losses
- slot
- Slot
- prvnt
- Prevent
- hrbr
- Harbor
- fvc
- Financial Valuation Control
- intlz
- Initialize
- intrl
- Internal
- srndr
- Surrender
- cash
- Cash
- fico
- Fair, Isaac & Co
- ofrs
- Offers
- advc
- Advice
- dbntrs
- Debentures
- wabp
- Weighted Average Book Price
- refipurp
- Refinance Purpose
- audtr
- Auditor
- rstrctd
- Restructured
- clng
- Ceiling
- wtdrwl
- Withdrawal
- rvlvg
- Revolving
- cnfrmd
- Confirmed
- impct
- Impact
- emplr
- Employer
- accrl
- Accrual
- show
- Show
- trnsmgrfy
- Transmogrify
- frnt
- Front
- incld
- Included
- crct
- Circuit
- trnltd
- Translated
- rcnd
- Rescind
- llgf
- Loan Level Guarantor Fee
- ft
- Feet
- ast
- Asset
- asgnmt
- Assignment
- fldrs
- Folders
- qa
- Quality Assurance
- pmo
- Prior Month
- secy
- Secondary
- tsf
- Total Servicing Fees
- proc
- Procedure
- ui
- User Interface
- cnfm
- Conform
- fap
- Float Adjusted Price
- vntv
- Vantive
- pdstl
- Pedestal
- asmblty
- Assumability
- ndfihrp
- Non-Domestic Fixed Income High Range Point
- instmt
- Instrument
- of
- Of
- wlrsi
- Warehouse Lender Release Of Security Interest
- use
- Use
- deny
- Deny
- prced
- Priced
- nda
- Non Derivative Asset
- arr
- Arrear
- bss
- Basis
- asgne
- Assignee
- orign
- Origination
- dflt
- Default
- drctry
- Directory
- inftl
- Information Tool
- host
- Host
- hlth
- Health
- amrtzg
- Amortizing
- instc
- Instruct
- lvrg
- Leverage
- dtctd
- Detected
- rfrmtn
- Reaffirmation
- cndt
- Candidate
- asdb
- All Securities Data Base
- enmrtd
- Enumerated
- mtd
- Month To Date
- empld
- Employed
- ddlpi
- Due Date Of Last Paid Installment
- acctnt
- Accountant
- ll
- Loan Losses
- cbnt
- Cabinet
- cmmd
- Command
- subj
- Subject
- prcsr
- Processor
- fnc
- Fence
- net
- Net
- rnkg
- Ranking
- hldr
- Holder
- midas
- Midas
- rmvl
- Removal
- bkrpty
- Bankruptcy
- tfi
- Tax Free Income
- auto
- Automatic
- drvr
- Driver
- mi
- Mortgage Insurance
- twnhse
- Townhouse
- stblzd
- Stabilized
- unwgtd
- Unweighted
- uncertd
- Uncertified
- sox
- Sarbanes-Oxley
- expnsn
- Expansion
- alley
- Alley
- dnpmt
- Down Payment
- agnt
- Agent
- deftv
- Definitive
- slctd
- Selected
- 3rd
- Third
- ppmt
- Prepayment
- extra
- Extra
- pstv
- Positive
- cofi
- Cost Of Funds Index
- 32nd
- 32nd
- age
- Age
- svcr
- Servicer
- quotn
- Quotation
- scc
- Special Characteristic Code
- hstrcl
- Historical
- step
- Step
- pob
- Post Office Box
- wrpd
- Wrapped
- grmr
- Grammar
- sfkpg
- Safekeeping
- mins
- Minutes
- denom
- Denomination
- tisl
- Total Inspection Score Limit
- wasm
- Weighted Average Security Margin
- sbrdntd
- Subordinated
- subcat
- Subcategory
- intgr
- Integer
- rpch
- Repurchase
- intvw
- Interview
- svrty
- Severity
- 6mo
- Six Months
- dvrsfctn
- Diversification
- dsclsd
- Disclosed
- roe
- Return On Equity
- hsng
- Housing
- past
- Past
- hold
- Hold
- symb
- Symbol
- adv
- Advance
- mld
- Mailed
- prtnr
- Partner
- prdm
- Perdiem
- cny
- Current Net Yield
- rmdy
- Remedy
- intrm
- Interim
- terml
- Terminal
- wout
- Without
- abstrt
- Abstract
- mrgn
- Margin
- eow
- End Of Week
- nvol
- Non Voluntary
- bold
- Bold
- modr
- Modifier
- trdlndgty
- Tradeline Derogatory
- hght
- Height
- instln
- Installation
- crdntd
- Coordinated
- incdt
- Incident
- suite
- Suite
- cmptby
- Compatibility
- ety
- Entity
- vact
- Vacant
- intrn
- Intern
- cstk
- Common Stock
- sub
- Subsidiary
- fy
- Fiscal Year
- nfm
- Non Freddie Mac
- gscc
- Government Securities Clearing Corporation
- bs
- Base
- aprprtn
- Appropriation
- door
- Door
- gtr
- Gutter
- rbcp
- Robocop
- restr
- Restore
- stmt
- Statement
- blnd
- Blend
- oblgtrmtn
- Obligation Termination
- lrg
- Large
- dsgn
- Design
- brdcstr
- Broadcaster
- accr
- Accrue
- stats
- Statistics
- intrcptd
- Intercepted
- feb
- February
- trsh
- Trash
- sempl
- Self-Employed
- taxg
- Taxing
- dmnms
- Deminimus
- scrng
- Scoring
- dscrtn
- Discretion
- ma
- Master Agreement
- cnsltd
- Consolidated
- minm
- Minimum
- altrtn
- Alteration
- bond
- Bond
- scnd
- Scanned
- waof
- Weighted Average Original Form
- dcrs
- Data Change Request System
- dnc
- Delayed Note Certification
- unfulfld
- Unfulfilled
- iipp
- Initial Interest Payment Period
- tpf
- Third Party Foreclosure
- instlt
- Installment
- prod
- Produce
- 8th
- Eighths
- any
- Accounting Net Yield
- grp
- Group
- mdn
- Median
- boq
- Beginning Of Quarter
- crtd
- Credited
- char
- Character
- absnt
- Absent
- optmm
- Optimum
- actly
- Actually
- atl
- Approved Technology List
- lyr
- Layer
- uow
- Unit Of Work
- sgm
- Sigma
- prep
- Preparation
- pp
- Purchased Production
- instnl
- Institutional
- lvl
- Level
- lts
- Long Term Standby
- supr
- Supervisor
- bns
- Bonus
- dfndnt
- Defendant
- authz
- Authorize
- opid
- Operator Identification
- objtv
- Objective
- aft
- After
- combd
- Combined
- cmngl
- Commingle
- sun
- Sunday
- lo
- Low
- nri
- Net Rental Income
- crsyst
- Custodial Reconciliation System
- sbdvsn
- Subdivision
- nullbl
- Nullable
- rny
- Required Net Yield
- ncd
- New Customer Discount
- cptl
- Capitol
- dschrg
- Discharge
- yc
- Yield Curve
- footg
- Footing
- cmnts
- Comments
- acqd
- Acquired
- fuel
- Fuel
- mala
- Maximum Allowed Loan Amount
- convn
- Conventional
- sheet
- Sheet
- frz
- Freeze
- dlnq
- Delinquent
- perdc
- Periodic
- wrpr
- Wrapper
- whl
- Whole
- knwn
- Known
- slp
- Service Loan Product
- aka
- Also Known As
- accrg
- Accruing
- bdrm
- Bedroom
- hsngxpns
- Housing Expenses
- hdr
- Header
- omc
- Operations Management Committee
- dues
- Dues
- gd
- Guide
- cnty
- County
- projtn
- Projection
- insptn
- Inspection
- home
- Home
- contg
- Contracting
- div
- Division
- dwlg
- Dwelling
- exct
- Exact
- bkng
- Backing
- dnp
- Discount Note Portfolio
- prttyp
- Prototype
- advrmt
- Advertisment
- capzd
- Capitalized
- fundd
- Funded
- wbst
- Website
- est
- Estimate
- gim
- Gross Income Multiplier
- parm
- Parameter
- wrksttn
- Workstation
- scrd
- Scored
- gii
- Gross Interest Income
- tkr
- Ticker
- npl
- Non Performing Loans
- cnsldtn
- Consolidation
- mfi
- Median Family Income
- pvs
- Pricing Verification System
- care
- Care
- mrkd
- Marked
- dr
- Dollar Roll
- expltn
- Explanation
- trf
- Transfer
- sstg
- Securities Sales And Trading Group
- dirtn
- Direction
- len
- Length
- expln
- Explosion
- dirtnl
- Directional
- frb
- Federal Reserve Bank
- idfy
- Identify
- ni
- Net Interest
- sbmtd
- Submitted
- aplbl
- Applicable
- par
- Par
- authsig
- Authorized Signature
- elvtr
- Elevator
- ct
- Cash Transaction
- ntwrth
- Net Worth
- det
- Detail
- eprcg
- Epricing
- pool
- Pool
- efcl
- Electronic Reinstatement
- assn
- Association
- cob
- Cobol
- refd
- Referenced
- dvdnd
- Dividend
- wal
- Weighted Average Life
- trdd
- Traded
- mrln
- Merlin
- capl
- Capital
- cmnc
- Commence
- rly
- Relay
- gaap
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
- dtmntn
- Determination
- rctvtn
- Reactivation
- asctd
- Associated
- blw
- Below
- dep
- Dependent
- lmt
- Limit
- pgs
- Pages
- expns
- Expense
- incd
- Incorporated
- full
- Full
- ei
- Early Indicator
- wair
- Weighted Average Interest Rate
- mbp
- Message Backplane
- sup
- Superior
- rva
- Realized Value
- ci
- Configuration Item
- eeo
- Equal Employment Opportunity
- payf
- Payoff
- undrlyg
- Underlying
- fees
- Fees
- admnerv
- Administrative
- impnd
- Impound
- sbcyc
- Subcycle
- svrly
- Severely
- rgstd
- Registered
- prgrs
- Progress
- btn
- Button
- prtax
- Pretax
- nrec
- Non-Recoverable
- fin45
- Financial Interpretation Number 45
- tpm
- Tiered Payment Mortgage
- cntry
- Country
- fndtn
- Foundation
- svcd
- Serviced
- isug
- Issuing
- certtn
- Certification
- fth
- Faith
- prftbty
- Profitability
- crtl
- Curtail
- unaplyd
- Unapplied
- cln
- Clean
- hspncam
- Hispanic American
- enum
- Enumeration
- rsrvs
- Reserves
- rgrsn
- Regression
- qsi
- Qualified Stated Interest
- ntnwd
- Nationwide
- trgt
- Target
- aged
- Aged
- cmpxty
- Complexity
- mca
- Minimum Capital Adjustment
- rlf
- Relief
- rfr
- Refer
- ami
- Area Median Income
- ahi
- Affordable Housing Initiative
- rkeyd
- Rekeyed
- roa
- Return On Assets
- ker
- Kernel
- mktg
- Marketing
- bght
- Bought
- grth
- Growth
- creatd
- Created
- qty
- Quantity
- dtmn
- Determine
- clsr
- Closure
- 5th
- Fifth
- deadli
- Deadline
- idnpt
- Independent
- sfo
- Subserviced For Others
- suspns
- Suspense
- cnflct
- Conflict
- ccc
- Credit Card Category
- ccs
- Custodian Certification Schedule
- psale
- Presale
- ptch
- Patch
- oo
- Owner Occupied
- rstrtn
- Restriction
- init
- Initial
- chums
- Computerized Homes Underwriting Management System
- retrns
- Retransmission
- spndg
- Spending
- arng
- Arrange
- scn
- Scan
- modg
- Modifying
- inelig
- Ineligible
- sc
- Single Class
- spcly
- Specialty
- cmpttn
- Competition
- setlmt
- Settlement
- colln
- Collection
- sd
- Security Deal
- prbly
- Probability
- eaw
- Errors And Warnings
- furnshd
- Furnished
- corp
- Corporate
- suspnd
- Suspended
- dsmsl
- Dismissal
- re
- Real Estate
- tlrd
- Tailored
- giant
- Giant Security Certificate
- obsrvtns
- Observations
- unclctbl
- Uncollectable
- gradd
- Graduated
- bg
- Below Grade
- da
- Data Administration
- ocs
- Offering Circular Supplement
- likely
- Likely
- cntnt
- Content
- cntns
- Continuous
- emrgncy
- Emergency
- hndlg
- Handling
- syb
- Sybase
- thm
- Theme
- ind
- Indicator
- prfrnc
- Preference
- ftch
- Fetch
- orntd
- Oriented
- aldn
- Aladdin
- subsc
- Subscript
- gas
- Gas
- nrcrg
- Nonrecurring
- lpi
- Last Paid Installment
- crmdwn
- Cramdown
- dlvy
- Delivery
- extr
- Extract
- prdcsr
- Predecessor
- trnd
- Trend
- aln
- Alien
- optmztn
- Optimization
- finl
- Financial
- lgc
- Logic
- altmnt
- Allotment
- inc
- Incorporate
- mdr
- Metadata Repository
- rec
- Record
- mny
- Money
- lyrd
- Layered
- ea
- Expanded Audit
- mime
- Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
- pptn
- Proportion
- updtbl
- Updatable
- rplctr
- Replicator
- crtcly
- Criticality
- svcrs
- Servicers
- rya
- Recognition Of Yield Adjustment
- clause
- Clause
- jr
- Junior
- cfd
- Cash Flow Definition
- coop
- Cooperate
- unn
- Union
- dsplys
- Displays
- rdnmntn
- Redenomination
- scrbr
- Scrubber
- mltry
- Military
- dfcncy
- Deficiency
- hserep
- House Of Representatives
- cval
- Characteristic Value
- hrchy
- Hierarchy
- ptntl
- Potential
- trdr
- Trader
- difrntl
- Differential
- media
- Media
- oncl
- Oncall
- totd
- Totaled
- mh
- Manufactured Housing
- rmtce
- Remittance
- stories
- Stories
- ases
- Assess
- mdlbl
- Modelable
- drv
- Drive
- sent
- Sent
- asmptn
- Assumption
- dwntm
- Downtime
- erng
- Earning
- fcstg
- Forecasting
- expbl
- Exportable
- cncld
- Cancelled
- pra
- Periodic Rate Adjustment
- cat
- Category
- mntr
- Monitor
- lot
- Lot
- cd
- Code
- anlyst
- Analyst
- ltst
- Latest
- sq
- Square
- passd
- Passed
- cc
- Central City
- mltcls
- Multiclass
- lp
- Loan Prospector
- vlm
- Valorem
- bdrm2
- Bedroom 2
- atnd
- Attend
- bkout
- Backout
- cnsltg
- Consulting
- fti
- Funds Transfer Instruction
- alzhmr
- Alzheimer's
- pcntct
- Primary Contact
- hil
- Home Improvement Loan
- abrvtn
- Abbreviation
- fasb
- Financial Accounting Standards Board
- rcrs
- Recourse
- chrg
- Charge
- seasnd
- Seasoned
- ret
- Return
- unam
- Unamortized
- unmtch
- Unmatch
- geocode
- Geographical Code
- writ
- Writ
- cmpnstn
- Compensation
- kduratn
- Key Duration
- ppi
- Protected Personal Information
- 3
- Three
- fas
- Financial Analysis System
- prsrvtn
- Preservation
- intvwd
- Interviewed
- hrg
- Hearing
- intrcpn
- Inter-Coupon
- sbsyst
- Subsystem
- formd
- Formed
- reinsd
- Reinstated
- vrfcn
- Verification
- rprsnttn
- Representation
- msd
- Missed
- rm
- Room
- cmprhnsv
- Comprehensive
- mznn
- Mezzanine
- rereo
- Report Electronic Real Estate Owned
- oblig
- Obligation
- chkpt
- Checkpoint
- qtrl
- Quarterly
- sgntry
- Signatory
- hoa
- Home Owner's Association
- rtnl
- Rationale
- poc
- Point Of Contact
- free
- Free
- plnd
- Planned
- rdy
- Ready
- ldgr
- Ledger
- qtrs
- Quarters
- crntly
- Currently
- hndl
- Handle
- lost
- Lost
- bskball
- Basketball
- bkval
- Backvalue
- text
- Text
- omsn
- Omission
- reqd
- Required
- snd
- Send
- rvnue
- Revenue
- rpr
- Repair
- sptc
- Septic
- trtry
- Territory
- unernd
- Unearned
- rvwr
- Reviewer
- dolr
- Dollar
- clr
- Clear
- rprbly
- Repairability
- facts
- Facts
- ge
- Greater Than Or Equal To
- isud
- Issued
- trk
- Track
- prvdr
- Provider
- mrtgee
- Mortgagee
- mlp
- Multilender Pool
- agrgtn
- Aggregation
- prems
- Premiums
- spsrd
- Sponsored
- intnd
- Intended
- upwrd
- Upward
- fl
- First Lien
- indvl
- Individual
- 25bp
- 25 Basis Points
- nrcfee
- Non Refundable Commitment Fee
- watb
- Weighted Average Term To Balloon
- meth
- Method
- dscrt
- Discrete
- cnt
- Count
- ptp
- Promise To Pay
- fp
- Fireplace
- opt
- Optional
- fscl
- Fiscal
- cslty
- Casualty
- rtrmt
- Retirement
- deemd
- Deemed
- cppr
- Conditional Prepayment Rate
- ssi
- Sale Of Securities Held For Investment
- nl
- Note Level
- rsttmnt
- Restatement
- dcy
- Decay
- flxl
- Flexible
- aereo
- Audit Electronic Real Estate Owned
- to
- To
- cntrl
- Central
- sts
- Status
- transp
- Transportation
- lcq
- Low Credit Quality
- whlsl
- Wholesale
- edtr
- Editor
- prort
- Prorate
- stock
- Stock
- actv
- Active
- sns
- Servicing Not Sold
- apprsl
- Appraisal
- wshr
- Washer
- hdgg
- Hedging
- commsn
- Commission
- nns
- Net Normal Servicing
- ai
- Accrued Interest
- ignr
- Ignore
- smsa
- Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
- lhmn
- Lehman
- hmda
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act
- addg
- Adding
- otr
- On The Run
- fha
- Federal Housing Administration
- cgssl
- Congressional
- cmprd
- Compared
- ap
- Accounts Payable
- adjr
- Adjustor
- sprsed
- Supersede
- origr
- Originator
- chc
- Choice
- adb
- Average Daily Balance
- spec
- Specification
- trn
- Train
- splt
- Split
- Electronic Mail
- prvdd
- Provided
- iop
- Indicator Of Performance
- trng
- Training
- eps
- Earnings Per Share
- spy
- Supply
- fmlr
- Familiar
- brmdn
- Bermudian
- advd
- Advanced
- expndt
- Expenditure
- ldr
- Leader
- infile
- Infile
- frml
- Formula
- sgnf
- Signoff
- pdincapl
- Paid-In Captial
- convbly
- Convertibility
- colr
- Color
- waip
- Weighted Average Issue Price
- taken
- Taken
- asstnt
- Assistant
- accmltn
- Accumulation
- auct
- Auction
- qlfr
- Qualifier
- dsktp
- Desktop
- rmdtd
- Remediated
- rldwn
- Rolldown
- cncssn
- Concession
- defct
- Deficit
- missg
- Missing
- quick
- Quick
- dnspt
- Downspout
- atty
- Attorney
- coordt
- Coordinate
- trbl
- Tribal
- bpp
- Baseline Pricing Product
- 2
- Two
- pro
- Principal Only
- spsr
- Sponsor
- ppc
- Periodic Payment Cap
- rev
- Repurchase Economic Value
- advsr
- Advisor
- valutn
- Valuation
- mtrx
- Matrix
- instr
- Instructor
- mdls
- Models
- lh
- Lease Hold
- rem
- Remain
- jrsdcn
- Jurisdiction
- bfm
- Blackrock Financial Management
- msa
- Metropolitian Statistical Area
- nvnl
- Nonvanilla
- wrny
- Warranty
- fte
- Full-Time Equivalent
- erlst
- Earliest
- asts
- Assets
- acs
- Access
- ultmt
- Ultimate
- sgstn
- Suggestion
- map
- Map
- mssn
- Mission
- npld
- Non Pooled
- prff
- Pair Off
- coopn
- Cooperation
- intgrtd
- Integrated
- remic
- Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
- days
- Days
- boy
- Beginning Of Year
- lse
- Lease
- prjtd
- Projected
- updtd
- Updated
- lcl
- Local
- scrtzd
- Securitized
- attd
- Attitude
- execn
- Execution
- egrs
- Egress
- pplsft
- Peoplesoft
- memo
- Memorandum
- comp
- Compute
- wrhs
- Warehouse
- dctnry
- Dictionary
- funds
- Funds
- scrlbr
- Scrollbar
- offerd
- Offered
- cnfrm
- Confirm
- dnmntr
- Denominator
- prnt
- Parent
- carryg
- Carrying
- std
- Standard
- meas
- Measure
- shck
- Shock
- prr
- Prior
- shrt
- Short
- trnctd
- Truncated
- ofc
- Off Shore Center
- nnsf
- Net Normal Servicing Fee
- piti
- Principal Interest Taxes Insurance
- li
- Line
- dly
- Delay
- fin
- Finance
- cntntn
- Continuation
- eoq
- End Of Quarter
- bkrpt
- Bankrupt
- prcsg
- Processing
- ppty
- Property
- spnt
- Spent
- lct
- Loan Component Type
- prdct
- Predicate
- insrd
- Insured
- cmpld
- Compiled
- yrs
- Years
- no
- No
- sgn
- Sign
- sndbx
- Sandbox
- nint
- Non Interest
- mntn
- Maintain
- ocpnt
- Occupant
- rntl
- Rental
- schmz
- Schmooze
- le
- Loan Exception
- uncomt
- Uncommitted
- warm
- Weighted Average Remaining Maturity
- findgs
- Findings
- ctrbtr
- Contributor
- dc
- Designated Counsel
- mtdt
- Metadata
- edctnl
- Educational
- invmt
- Involvement
- data
- Data
- invst
- Invest
- lots
- Lots
- dshwsr
- Dishwasher
- oi
- Original Issue
- gt
- Greater Than
- wamta
- Weighted Average Months To Adjust
- cmnly
- Commonly
- jstfcn
- Justification
- absnce
- Absence
- wall
- Wall
- fundg
- Funding
- fwd
- Forward
- brth
- Birth
- mbrs
- Members
- lq
- Lesser Quality
- prntl
- Parental
- fmv
- Fair Market Value
- infltn
- Inflation
- rstd
- Restricted
- clmn
- Column
- abrvtd
- Abbreviated
- empls
- Employees
- form6
- Form6
- exptn
- Expiration
- wamm
- Weighted Average Mortgage Margin
- expct
- Expect
- symbc
- Symbolic
- indntr
- Indenture
- cmte
- Committee
- arnd
- Around
- pybck
- Payback
- dta
- Desktop Acquisition Request
- ltf
- Loans To Facilitate
- statc
- Static
- crv
- Curve
- ar
- Accounts Receivable
- rvw
- Review
- abs
- Asset Backed Security
- derv
- Derive
- snpsht
- Snapshot
- dislvd
- Dissolved
- stchstc
- Stochastic
- debrmt
- Debarment
- rtrv
- Retrieve
- rng
- Range
- exclsn
- Exclusion
- bef
- Before
- hdng
- Heading
- dedl
- Deductible
- flly
- Fully
- invn
- Inventory
- jdgmt
- Judgement
- prprtry
- Proprietary
- trnsmtd
- Transmitted
- simpl
- Simple
- intl
- International
- mtrpltn
- Metropolitan
- m4s
- Midanet For Servicing
- pldg
- Pledge
- yen
- Yen
- rcgntn
- Recognition
- tmlnss
- Timeliness
- dcsb
- Data Collection Service Bureau
- certr
- Certifier
- gndr
- Gender
- etrd
- Electronic Trade
- intro
- Introduction
- mbscc
- Mortgage Backed Securities Clearing Corporation
- exclsnry
- Exclusionary
- decplc
- Decimal Places
- pac
- Problem Action Code
- findg
- Finding
- stby
- Stability
- fcld
- Foreclosed
- mnpc
- Midanet For The Pc
- warb
- Weighted Average Remaining Balance
- prodd
- Produced
- encryptd
- Encrypted
- risk
- Risk
- optn
- Option
- ncmp
- Noncompliant
- seprt
- Separate
- drftd
- Drafted
- adndm
- Addendum
- dlyd
- Delayed
- unpst
- Unpost
- prospcts
- Prospectus
- frft
- Forfeit
- incntv
- Incentive
- eqvlnt
- Equivalent
- xpost
- Ex Post
- lt
- Less Than
- lnstat
- Loan Status
- cnsdtn
- Consideration
- gi
- Gross Income
- dob
- Date Of Birth
- cum
- Cumulative
- dmn
- Domain
- offc
- Office
- succsr
- Successor
- erly
- Early
- ffs
- Fee For Service
- strk
- Strike
- rprdn
- Reproduction
- sll
- Sell
- st
- State
- mns
- Minus
- agrgtr
- Aggregator
- ocsn
- Occassion
- unit
- Unit
- exclsv
- Exclusive
- admn
- Administration
- sba
- Small Business Administration
- struc
- Structure
- nse
- Noise
- hsehold
- Household
- gcf
- Guarantor Cash Flow
- ntfcn
- Notification
- scnd
- Second
- sarc
- Super Accelerated Remittance Cycle
- hse
- House
- rgltd
- Regulated
- flwp
- Follow Up
- drgty
- Derogatory
- custdl
- Custodial
- msg
- Message
- lhs
- Loans Held For Sale
- srce
- Source
- risky
- Risky
- vrfr
- Verifier
- strngth
- Strength
- dnld
- Download
- out
- Out
- corr
- Correct
- ownd
- Owned
- rptd
- Reported
- lstd
- Listed
- cvtrmn
- Coverage Termination
- pswrd
- Password
- crmnl
- Criminal
- oas
- Option Adjusted Spread
- srl
- Serial
- acrcy
- Accuracy
- dil
- Deed In Lieu
- max
- Maximum
- sbldgr
- Subledger
- poold
- Pooled
- eao
- Errors And Ommisions
- degree
- Degree
- svc
- Service
- ytd
- Year To Date
- fire
- Fire
- prntfst
- Parent Financial Statement
- rte
- Route
- difrnt
- Different
- shrs
- Shares
- sgstd
- Suggested
- fld
- Field
- cnfrmtn
- Confirmation
- sat
- Saturday
- intg
- Integrity
- asgnee
- Asignee
- appntd
- Appointed
- exrcs
- Exercise
- jsp
- Java Server Page
- hry
- Hourly
- imprd
- Impaired
- schedg
- Scheduling
- mbrp
- Membership
- uw
- Underwriting
- tlgrpc
- Telegraphic
- ntrt
- Note Rate
- rgstrr
- Registrar
- combtn
- Combination
- eql
- Equal
- hoepa
- Home Ownership Equity Protection Act
- sbrdntn
- Subordination
- lft
- Left
- rpt
- Report
- row
- Row
- aba
- American Bankers Association
- mol
- Monthly
- carvt
- Carveout
- rd
- Read
- varce
- Variance
- clss
- Classes
- dfct
- Defect
- hrs
- Hours
- envir
- Environment
- nos
- Notification Of Settlement
- prfundg
- Prefunding
- drctv
- Directive
- and
- And
- niq
- Noninvestment Quality
- lgsltv
- Legislative
- vldtn
- Validation
- crtlmt
- Curtailment
- crtrn
- Criterion
- bd
- Buy Down
- dri
- Diversified Resolution Inc.
- duratn
- Duration
- sgmtn
- Segmentation
- loa
- Leave Of Absence
- intrdctry
- Introductory
- tht
- Theta
- wic
- Washington Investment Committee
- flotr
- Floater
- tpc
- Third Party Custodian
- irm
- Institutional Risk Management
- symptm
- Symptom
- side
- Side
- deactvtn
- Deactivation
- endg
- Ending
- arrg
- Arrearage
- prnths
- Parenthesis
- own
- Own
- hve
- Home Value Estimator
- prttn
- Partition
- dwngrd
- Downgrade
- shp
- Shape
- cmdt
- Commodity
- styl
- Style
- aprnc
- Appearance
- atndee
- Attendees
- orglface
- Original Face
- egi
- Effective Gross Income
- polld
- Polled
- prin
- Principal
- cls
- Class
- sink
- Sink
- empl
- Employee
- ovrdb
- Overrideability
- lstnr
- Listener
- whr
- Where
- ntc
- Notice
- vet
- Veteran
- rsrch
- Research
- notp
- Non Originiating Third Party
- dplymnt
- Deployment
- incldg
- Including
- wthldg
- Withholding
- chkg
- Checking
- item
- Item
- smm
- Single Month Mortality
- retnge
- Retainage
- ntcns
- Netcensus
- svd
- Saved
- seed
- Seed
- purp
- Purpose
- shl
- Shell
- ctrbtn
- Contribution
- hbtblty
- Habitability
- vltn
- Violation
- prfctd
- Perfected
- etd
- Euro Time Deposit
- rqstr
- Requestor
- sumrtn
- Summarization
- 15da
- 15 Days
- suppg
- Supporting
- faj
- First Adjustment
- or
- Or
- lkup
- Lookup
- vrbl
- Verbal
- negbl
- Negotiable
- fra
- First Rate Adjustment
- sndg
- Sending
- sbscr
- Subscriber
- mrk
- Mark
- load
- Load
- byr
- Buyer
- proj
- Project
- boi
- Band Of Investment
- absrptn
- Absorption
- mcf
- Mortgage Cash Flow Obligation
- ie
- Institutional Eligibility
- lan
- Local Area Network
- cntct
- Contact
- trgr
- Trigger
- lpp
- Loan Payment Processing
- clck
- Clock
- sched
- Schedule
- sbrdnt
- Subordinate
- payr
- Payor
- reit
- Real Estate Investment Trust
- spcl
- Special
- cen
- Census
- resdnc
- Residence
- fm
- Freddie Mac
- ext
- Extend
- nts
- Negotiated Transactions
- rcndd
- Rescinded
- lscap
- Loss Cap
- conwnd
- Conversion Window
- stttry
- Statutory
- remg
- Remaining
- pre
- Previous
- oad
- Option Adjusted Duration
- ncmptv
- Non-Competitive
- ldd
- Loaded
- sfp
- Single Family Profitability
- frng
- Fringe
- taip
- Tax Adjusted Issue Price
- modbl
- Modifiable
- tds
- Transactional Data Store
- dstngshd
- Distinguished
- fixd
- Fixed
- permly
- Permanently
- brs
- Business Rule Spreadsheet
- gnma
- Government National Mortgage Association
- paye
- Payee
- englsh
- English
- entr
- Entire
- smc
- Secondary Market Coverage
- factr
- Factor
- intrvl
- Interval
- condo
- Condominium
- rgstry
- Registry
- deem
- Deem
- prvt
- Private
- incrd
- Incurred
- intex
- Intex Solutions, Inc.
- chklt
- Checklist
- taxl
- Taxable
- 7
- Seven
- tdy
- Today
- rdistr
- Redistributor
- swptn
- Swaption
- crime
- Crime
- sbmt
- Submit
- crprt
- Carport
- estt
- Estate
- rqst
- Request
- otpt
- Output
- qtile
- Quartile
- grid
- Grid
- fips
- Federal Information Processing Standards
- sntr
- Senator
- note
- Note
- mrs
- Mortgage Related Securities
- maint
- Maintenance
- bony
- Bank Of New York
- rtng
- Rating
- locom
- Lower Of Cost Or Market
- plc
- Police
- idx
- Index
- uwtn
- Underwritten
- fifo
- First In First Out
- tape
- Tape
- extd
- Extended
- ctch
- Catch
- fllr
- Filler
- itv
- Indebtedness To Value
- awtng
- Awaiting
- payadj
- Payment Adjusting
- nexmpt
- Non Exempt
- co
- Company
- ba
- Bank Account
- cea
- Collateral Enhancement Agreement
- eop
- End Of Period
- rtadj
- Rate Adjustment
- addr
- Address
- sbprdct
- Subproduct
- same
- Same
- strs
- Stress
- cusip
- Committee For Uniform Security Identification Process
- orgtn
- Organization
- dervn
- Derivation
- incl
- Include
- afs
- Available For Sale
- auctr
- Auctioneer
- intvwr
- Interviewer
- paydn
- Paydown
- brkdn
- Breakdown
- flow
- Flow
- cbi
- Credit Bureau Information
- ir
- Interest Rate
- crtcl
- Critical
- rbtbl
- Rebatable
- dplyd
- Deployed
- until
- Until
- info
- Information
- anmly
- Anomaly
- trth
- Truth
- swimg
- Swimming
- pwr
- Power
- gm
- Gamma
- ioe
- In-House Origination Employees
- slttn
- Salutation
- gold
- Gold
- loc
- Location
- mtb
- Mortgage Treasury Basis
- ppmtprtcnstruc
- Prepayment Protection Structure
- vltl
- Volatile
- gbp
- Green Book Package
- utlztn
- Utilization
- ingrs
- Ingress
- intct
- Intact
- naflt
- Nonaffiliate
- jun
- June
- conduit
- Conduit
- alt
- Alternate
- chnl
- Channel
- iarmpr
- Interval Adjustable Rate Mortgage Payment Rest
- pfk
- Program Function Key
- spcfc
- Specific
- prc
- Problem Resolution Code
- dlvr
- Deliver
- bp
- Basis Point
- parc
- Payoff Accelerated Remittance Cycle
- efnyld
- Effective Net Yield
- ajdctn
- Ajudication
- ssin
- Session
- reinst
- Reinstatement
- trdwb
- Tradeweb
- bnchmk
- Benchmark
- uwair
- Underwriter Additional Information Required
- suppld
- Supplied
- mbs
- Mortgage Backed Security
- ovd
- Overdue
- wndw
- Window
- prcrmt
- Procurement
- ncknme
- Nickname
- rr
- Replacement Reserve
- exctv
- Executive
- fair_val
- Fair Value
- sbval
- Subvalue
- gdln
- Guideline
- whlslr
- Wholesaler
- clstr
- Cluster
- fedex
- Federal Express
- substs
- Substatus
- cnfdl
- Confidential
- rcgnzd
- Recognized
- multplctv
- Multiplicative
- smltn
- Simulation
- icrmt
- Increment
- nrml
- Normal
- depstd
- Deposited
- spd
- Speed
- comptn
- Computation
- ann
- Annual
- pcr
- Participation Certificate Residual
- wage
- Wage
- rate
- Rate
- late
- Late
- ppd
- Prepaid
- operl
- Operational
- pstl
- Postal
- scrcrd
- Scorecard
- apprl
- Approval
- mc
- Master Commitment
- exmpt
- Exempt
- nim
- Net Interest Margin
- ol
- Offline
- ada
- Account Deposit Amount
- unkn
- Unknown
- deal
- Deal
- vrnt
- Variant
- bndry
- Boundary
- port
- Port
- substn
- Substitution
- lmi
- Low Moderate Income
- ddc
- Due Diligence Contractor
- mty
- Maturity
- eductn
- Education
- cbcl
- Cubicle
- lbm
- Loss Billing Method
- mgrtn
- Migration
- cmplnt
- Complaint
- advsry
- Advisory
- concl
- Council
- rltd
- Related
- rdns
- Readiness
- prmtn
- Promotion
- table
- Table
- cltrlztn
- Collateralization
- atmpt
- Attempt
- thu
- Thursday
- afctd
- Affected
- sal
- Salary
- ndfrrd
- Nondeferred
- sprd
- Spread
- usa
- United States Of America
- intrnsc
- Intrinsic
- only
- Only
- tchncl
- Technical
- plins
- Pool Insurance
- rvsn
- Revision
- list
- List
- mo
- Month
- bndr
- Binder
- rp
- Retained Portfolio
- othrls
- Other Losses
- measmt
- Measurement
- strip
- Strip
- prem
- Premium
- enttnmt
- Entertainment
- cohrt
- Cohort
- etl
- Extract Transform And Load
- rndd
- Rounded
- prxy
- Proxy
- brf
- Brief
- wntrzd
- Winterized
- bid
- Bid
- lqdtn
- Liquidation
- fsle
- Foreclosure Sale
- req
- Requirement
- bidr
- Bidder
- spclst
- Specialist
- 7th
- Seventh
- cmpltd
- Completed
- noo
- Non-Owner Occupied
- mtrc
- Metric
- startd
- Started
- tail
- Tail
- ovrd
- Override
- desgd
- Designated
- stgy
- Strategy
- frntr
- Furniture
- wntrztn
- Winterization
- rlbk
- Rollback
- offcr
- Officer
- profsn
- Profession
- upgrd
- Upgrade
- invld
- Invalid
- uschd
- Unscheduled
- lgt
- Logout
- rmv
- Remove
- licns
- License
- nani
- No Appraisal No Inspection
- pgm
- Program
- corptn
- Corporation
- envlp
- Envelop
- uwr
- Underwriter
- vlntry
- Voluntary
- rcrnl
- Recreational
- gnrtr
- Generator
- cs
- Cash Settlement
- asgnd
- Assigned
- aols
- Average Original Loan Size
- roll_fwd
- Rollforward
- lihtc
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit
- abndnd
- Abandoned
- convbl
- Convertible
- rcrtmt
- Recruitment
- itl
- Intracompany Trade Linking
- 6th
- Sixth
- added
- Added
- matl
- Material
- alw
- Allow
- pmt
- Position Management Tracker
- sm
- Second Mortgage
- accmltd
- Accumulated
- ftf
- Fixed To Float
- rltv
- Relative
- tmi
- Total Monthly Income
- wgtg
- Weighting
- imdt
- Immediate
- owe
- Owe
- frsid
- Federal Reserve System Indentification Number
- clnt
- Client
- mdy
- Moody
- spid
- Sybase Process Identifier
- ovrnght
- Overnight
- rcst
- Recast
- rmvd
- Removed
- invc
- Invoice
- ph
- Telephone
- vctr
- Vector
- swtch
- Switch
- good
- Good
- sngl
- Single
- dcf
- Discounted Cash Flow
- eom
- End Of Month
- rcvrd
- Recovered
- clrcs
- Clearcase
- maxexpctd
- Maximum Expected
- invstt
- Investment
- cntst
- Contest
- tmstmp
- Timestamp
- take
- Take
- estb
- Establish
- def
- Define
- phase
- Phase
- npayf
- Nonpayoff
- maf
- Minimum Assessment Feedback
- idd
- Identified
- user
- User
- naflts
- Nonaffiliates
- per
- Period
- lien
- Lien
- currface
- Current Face
- disatr
- Disaster
- login
- Login
- dba
- Data Base Administration
- rsmbl
- Resemble
- allt
- Allocate
- rpchd
- Repurchased
- ml
- rept
- Repeat
- indrt
- Indirect
- oprnd
- Operand
- grad
- Graduate
- advncg
- Advancing
- ecm
- Enterprise Change Management
- billd
- Billed
- inact
- Inactive
- scur
- Secure
- rgltr
- Regulator
- swapd
- Swapped
- unpd
- Unpaid
- gn
- Gain
- cnstrnt
- Constraint
- del
- Delete
- cmpl
- Comparable
- brd
- Board
- pt
- Point
- rgnl
- Regional
- obor
- Owner Of Beneficiary Ownership Rights
- ctb
- Close The Books
- compr
- Computer
- clpse
- Collapse
- dupl
- Duplicate
- lpnet
- Loan Prospector On The Net
- eod
- End Of Day
- sgnr
- Signer
- wac
- Weighted Average Coupon
- obtnd
- Obtained
- sgmtr
- Segmentor
- gen
- Generation
- 30da
- 30 Days
- quote
- Quote
- ctr
- Counter
- suppmt
- Supplemental
- bfrctn
- Bifurcation
- nyld
- Net Yield
- clctbl
- Collectable
- ibt
- Income Before Tax
- na
- Not Applicable
- rltr
- Realtor
- 10
- Ten
- dvlpr
- Developer
- mnry
- Minority
- slc
- Student Loan Category
- dynmc
- Dynamic
- initg
- Initiating
- rvsd
- Revised
- origg
- Originating
- is
- Income Statement
- buy
- Buy
- nvtd
- Novated
- fmt
- Format
- lgn
- Logon
- sltn
- Solution
- cse
- Cause
- persl
- Personal
- prrfndd
- Prerefunded
- cpblty
- Capability
- cap
- Cap
- lps
- Loan Performance System
- ratn
- Ration
- sac
- Stand Alone Commitment
- atst
- Attest
- dclnd
- Declined
- enfrcmt
- Enforcement
- fax
- Fax
- eoc
- End Of Cycle
- hstrc
- Historic
- aprprtns
- Appropriations
- rbt
- Rebate
- tob
- Terms Of Business
- erthqk
- Earthquake
- fdbk
- Feedback
- grdlt
- Gridlet
- secrpoolprodt
- Security Pool Product
- kwd
- Keyword
- lyt
- Layout
- clsc
- Classic
- rdmd
- Redeemed
- cycl
- Cycle
- tots
- Totals
- tbill
- Treasury Bill
- gfm
- Guaranteed Final Maturity
- rcrn
- Recreation
- sfd
- Sinking Fund
- cntnc
- Continuance
- coord
- Coordinator
- gp
- General Partner
- fnl
- Final
- rcvshp
- Receivership
- cfee
- Commitment Fee
- lang
- Language
- genl
- General
- cpcty
- Capacity
- sort
- Sort
- insfcnt
- Insufficient
- oci
- Other Comprehensive Income
- cstg
- Costing
- stdze
- Standardize
- oawal
- Option Adjusted Weighted Average Life
- sgmt
- Segment
- eff
- Effective
- incr
- Increase
- lmtd
- Limited
- void
- Void
- race
- Race
- dlr
- Dealer
- retntn
- Retention
- cmpnt
- Component
- edtbl
- Editable
- wrng
- Warning
- srch
- Search
- tennis
- Tennis
- mdlr
- Modeler
- cust
- Customer
- curb
- Curb
- syn
- Synonym
- dclng
- Declining
- prspctv
- Prospective
- prfrd
- Preferred
- elig
- Eligible
- ms
- Miss
- scrbl
- Scorable
- wkl
- Weekly
- arm
- Adjustable Rate Mortgage
- grnbk
- Greenbook
- major
- Major
- alwd
- Allowed
- asesmt
- Assessment
- shrf
- Sheriff
- etrf
- Electronic Transfer
- zng
- Zoning
- defcap
- Default Capitalization
- min
- Minute
- spng
- Springing
- pva
- Percent Value Added
- grd
- Grade
- orphn
- Orphan
- incrct
- Incorrect
- mutl
- Mutual
- mpp
- Minority Participation Percentage
- wvd
- Waived
- brkn
- Broken
- io
- Interest Only
- ida
- Initial Deposit Amount
- spl
- Spill
- rslts
- Results
- custdy
- Custody
- gr
- Gross
- nmrtr
- Numerator
- bop
- Beginning Of Period
- lcrdt
- Line Of Credit
- url
- Uniform Resource Locator
- rscsn
- Rescission
- qc
- Quality Control
- blmbrg
- Bloomberg
- gpi
- Gross Potential Income
- collat
- Collateral
- encmbrnc
- Encumbrance
- notnl
- Notional
- prtcn
- Protection
- adree
- Addressee
- fed
- Federal
- eval
- Evaluation
- inhrt
- Inherit
- rsltn
- Resolution
- riptfl
- Retained Investment Portfolio
- cncrt
- Concurrent
- pd
- Paid
- blnk
- Blank
- rsrv
- Reserve
- gem
- Growing Equity Mortgage
- leg
- Leg
- ficc
- Fixed Income Clearing Corporation
- rlzbl
- Realizable
- rehblttn
- Rehabilitation
- oltv
- Original Loan To Value
- lia
- Loan In Acceleration
- cr
- Credit
- real
- Real
- cbrd
- Corporate Bond Rating Distribution
- usg
- Usage
- insrt
- Insert
- 3ps
- Third Party Sale
- ntfr
- Notifier
- utly
- Utility
- crr
- Creditor
- crit
- Criteria
- mchn
- Machine
- lai
- Loan Administration Income
- rule
- Rule
- invt
- Invite
- from
- From
- wgtd
- Weighted
- wmn
- Woman
- svngs
- Savings
- bsln
- Baseline
- intrnp
- Internship
- adfee
- Additional Fee
- flex
- Flex
- down
- Down
- wasf
- Weighted Average Servicing Fee
- nxt
- Next
- rszbl
- Resizable
- chgd
- Changed
- intgrtn
- Integration
- calcd
- Calculated
- persnl
- Personnel
- urgcy
- Urgency
- ctf
- Cutoff
- atrbtbl
- Attributable
- authtn
- Authorization
- brkrd
- Brokered
- hltd
- Halted
- escltn
- Escalation
- lnkg
- Linkage
- irgtn
- Irrigation
- scl
- Scale
- trfe
- Transferee
- rdftn
- Redefinition
- minexpctd
- Minimum Expected
- asgmntyp
- Assignment Type
- bkgrnd
- Background
- wrkflw
- Workflow
- shft
- Shift
- hrmlss
- Harmless
- functnl
- Functional
- soreo
- Savings Over Real Estate Owned
- mnfrm
- Mainframe
- prtctd
- Protected
- abcp
- Asset Backed Commercial Paper
- cnct
- Connect
- hybrd
- Hybrid
- qkchg
- Quick Change
- strgc
- Strategic
- rge
- Risk Grade Evaluation
- nbr
- Number
- upldd
- Uploaded
- lndscp
- Landscape
- wrnt
- Warrant
- y2k
- Year 2000
- dd
- Debt & Derivative
- tnncy
- Tenancy
- commit
- Commitment
- apply
- Apply
- dcr
- Debt Coverage Ratio
- mnfctrd
- Manufactured
- certfbl
- Certifiable
- lock
- Lock
- depsts
- Deposits
- acrtn
- Accretion
- notes
- Notes
- jpmrgn
- J P Morgan
- not
- Not
- tertry
- Tertiary
- cmprsn
- Compression
- itrmdt
- Intermediate
- tis
- Total Inspection Score
- usld
- Unsold
- cborr
- Co-Borrower
- dce
- Distributed Computing Environment
- rpswrnts
- Representations And Warrants
- dir
- Direct
- hdg
- Hedge
- srus
- Serious
- half
- Half
- rpstry
- Repository
- alot
- Allot
- orl
- Oral
- trgtd
- Targeted
- sr
- Senior
- epn
- Electronic Pool Notification
- tue
- Tuesday
- ssr
- Seller/servicer
- stff
- Staff
- caivrs
- Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System
- pndd
- Pended
- srusl
- Seriously
- tm
- Time
- calc
- Calculate
- mdt
- Mediate
- extnly
- Externally
- lgbl
- Legible
- rcvg
- Receiving
- escrws
- Escrows
- legsln
- Legislation
- slrf
- Seller Family
- advct
- Advocate
- extnl
- External
- unamtn
- Unamortization
- gradtn
- Graduation
- brkr
- Broker
- dclntn
- Declination
- sme
- Subject Matter Expert
- aetrf
- Audit Electronic Transfer
- 2nd
- Second
- cntgcy
- Contingency
- difrg
- Differing
- dtfl
- Datafile
- sas
- Sold And Servicing
- ibei
- Income Before Extraordinary Item
- scp
- Scope
- amndmt
- Amendment
- intnet
- Internet
- bdrm1
- Bedroom 1
- insrr
- Insurer
- sz
- Size
- prs
- Pooling Regulation Settlement
- ipc
- Initial Period Cap
- frc
- Force
- mktblty
- Marketability
- liqd
- Liquid
- rroll
- Reroll
- jobstp
- Jobstep
- prvlng
- Prevailing
- brnd
- Brand
- cnvnce
- Convenience
- dspt
- Dispute
- dbt
- Debt
- flood
- Flood
- suppd
- Supported
- brgh
- Burrough
- adj
- Adjust
- wst
- Waste
- lendg
- Lending
- pass
- Pass
- outstg
- Outstanding
- unsbrdntd
- Unsubordinated
- vdct
- Verdict
- stdnt
- Student
- shrg
- Sharing
- hdnc
- Hedonic
- teb
- Tax Exempt Bond
- hrdshp
- Hardship
- aprctn
- Appreciation
- blt
- Built
- lngtd
- Longitude
- brdd
- Boarded
- child
- Child
- rntm
- Runtime
- fsi
- Financial Statement Indicator
- topic
- Topic
- decade
- Decade
- ga
- General And Administrative
- offst
- Offset
- feebl
- Feeable
- file
- File
- sunst
- Sunset
- inefctvns
- Ineffectiveness
- saa
- Spread Account Agreement
- gfd
- Good Faith Deposit
- modtn
- Modification
- dsf
- Delivery Sequence File
- insln
- Insulation
- adjl
- Adjustable
- rcrtr
- Recruiter
- accrd
- Accrued
- rdf
- Redefine
- aq
- Acceptable Quality
- trnsmn
- Transmission
- vs
- Versus
- recd
- Recorded
- bus
- Business
- beg
- Begin
- cnfrmr
- Confirmer
- strmln
- Streamline
- stdzd
- Standardized
- dlvrblty
- Deliverability
- forgn
- Foreign
- alnc
- Alliance
- guar
- Guarantor
- undsclsd
- Undisclosed
- suspn
- Suspension
- sf
- Single Family
- 8th
- Eighth
- ftr
- Feature
- tbw
- Thompson Bank Watch
- mre
- Managed Reporting Environment
- decr
- Decrease
- ra
- Risk Adjusted
- termtn
- Termination
- wtdrwn
- Withdrawn
- mstr
- Master
- pi
- Principal And Interest
- 75da
- 75 Days
- disbd
- Disbursed
- anty
- Annuity
- dlys
- Delays
- chg
- Change
- nppa
- Non-Taxable Purchase Price Adjustment
- boilrs
- Boilers
- tb
- Tax Basis
- wamtam
- Weighted Average Months To Amortization
- outsrce
- Outsource
- mix
- Mix
- tnt
- Tenant
- vartn
- Variation
- mod
- Modify
- apl
- Appeal
- bnfcry
- Beneficiary
- dlvrd
- Delivered
- insptd
- Inspected
- nk
- Natural Key
- cnctvty
- Connectivity
- rcalctn
- Recalculation
- rdfs
- Redefines
- cncltn
- Cancellation
- ssfp
- Subservicing Fees Paid
- cmplnc
- Compliance
- dscrpc
- Discrepancy
- vdl
- Volatility Duration Loss
- alrm
- Alarm
- sah
- Special Affordable Housing
- retd
- Returned
- synthtc
- Synthetic
- enhmt
- Enhancement
- prodtstruc
- Product Structure
- rfrd
- Referred
- ssng
- Seasoning
- tploc
- Third Party Letter Of Credit
- tot
- Total
- srs
- Series
- bos
- Bill Of Sale
- clm
- Claim
- yrly
- Yearly
- on
- On
- sbmkt
- Submarket
- grcry
- Grocery
- corrd
- Corrected
- mkdisc
- Market Discount
- lgcl
- Logical
- rmt
- Remit
- esy
- Essay
- disp
- Dispose
- ktcn
- Kitchen
- freq
- Frequency
- fred
- Freddie Mac Resecuritization Electronic Database
- clbrtn
- Calibration
- sla
- Service Level Agreement
- comntd
- Commented
- case
- Case
- fhlb
- Federal Home Loan Bank
- billbl
- Billable
- cpu
- Central Processing Unit
- ofcl
- Official
- exrcsd
- Exercised
- gldbl
- Goldbill
- w
- With
- cfcnt
- Coefficient
- cntn
- Continue
- trnch
- Tranche
- hi
- High
- wany
- Weighted Average Net Yield
- hor
- Holder Of Record
- stkhlr
- Stockholder
- fcl
- Foreclosure
- flr
- Floor
- dsblty
- Disability
- unstld
- Unsettled
- dsgntn
- Designation
- seasn
- Season
- implctn
- Implication
- closd
- Closed
- bdgt
- Budget
- rsrc
- Resource
- prmsry
- Promissory
- asap
- As Soon As Possible
- oprtg
- Operating
- crc
- Credit Reporting Center
- llnclg
- Life Of Loan Ceiling
- isunc
- Issuance
- instn
- Instruction
- reins
- Reinstate
- cal
- Calendar
- prtg
- Printing
- ssn
- Social Security Number
- recls
- Reclassification
- mntrg
- Monitoring
- flvr
- Failover
- intnt
- Intent
- pptnl
- Proportional
- aplc
- Anti-Predatory Lending Compliance
- sectrst
- Second Trust
- sctch
- Scratch
- calctn
- Calculation
- cvr
- Cover
- fr
- Fixed Rate
- cmptd
- Computed
- pchg
- Purchasing
- sdwk
- Sidewalk
- ag
- Above Grade
- multy
- Multiply
- cmpctr
- Compactor
- man
- Manual
- cmprtr
- Comparator
- prch
- Porch
- gcx
- Gold Cash Extra
- acrt
- Accurate
- dtd
- Document Type Definition
- noi
- Net Operating Income
- wanm
- Weighted Average Net Margin
- bpo
- Broker Price Opinion
- rsltng
- Resulting
- zip
- Zone Improvement Program
- abnrml
- Abnormal
- rthls
- Ruthless
- naccrg
- Non Accruing
- rfrl
- Referral
- cnvntn
- Convention
- br
- Branch
- resrtn
- Restoration
- reloc
- Relocation
- made
- Made
- byps
- Bypass
- premschd
- Premium Schedule
- oct
- October
- steps
- Steps
- mtm
- Mark To Market
- aplnc
- Appliance
- depst
- Deposit
- skrtg
- Skirting
- unlmtd
- Unlimited
- rnt
- Rent
- fotr
- Footer
- rslr
- Reseller
- lbr
- Labor
- cnclsn
- Conclusion
- prlmy
- Preliminary
- spce
- Space
- sttd
- Stated
- tndr
- Tender
- emltn
- Emulation
- clbrtr
- Calibrator
- abslt
- Absolute
- axlry
- Auxiliary
- form
- Form
- phrs
- Phrase
- yd
- Yard
- adqcy
- Adequacy
- invstr
- Investor
- ovr
- Over
- desgr
- Designator
- apprsr
- Appraiser
- ndc
- National Data Corporation
- wap
- Weighted Average Pool
- enh
- Enhance
- livng
- Living
- pools
- Pools
- onln
- Online
- wrkg
- Working
- gdwll
- Goodwill
- yoy
- Year Over Year
- antcptd
- Anticipated
- exchg
- Exchange
- prft
- Profit
- extngshd
- Extinguished
- acct
- Account
- prdtrmnd
- Predetermined
- end
- End
- csltv
- Credit Score Loan To Value
- atstr
- Attestor
- rvk
- Revoke
- mdlg
- Modeling
- captzn
- Capitalization
- finstmt
- Financial Statement
- nie
- Not Interest Earning
- trct
- Tract
- qr
- Quality Rating
- ocptn
- Occupation
- atrb
- Attribute
- hsptl
- Hospital
- lnlvl
- Loan Level
- altv
- Alternative
- cntr
- Center
- frmwrk
- Framework
- afrcnam
- African American
- pyp
- Payup
- nlocom
- Non Lower Of Cost Or Market
- asnpfcam
- Asian Pacific American
- flflmt
- Fulfillment
- twnshp
- Township
- term
- Term
- 177
- Form 177
- otcme
- Outcome
- los
- Loan Origination System
- spp
- Servicer Performance Profile
- opend
- Opened
- rbp
- Risk Based Pricing
- hq
- Headquarters
- null
- Null
- applt
- Applicant
- busact
- Business Action
- lead
- Lead
- shrd
- Shared
- grnd
- Ground
- vst
- Visit
- macr
- Modifiable And Combinable Remic
- trnsprt
- Transport
- otbnd
- Outbound
- wrhsg
- Warehousing
- lnd
- Land
- team
- Team
- adhoc
- Adhoc
- prvlg
- Privilege
- exctr
- Executor
- cmsa
- Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area
- encdg
- Encoding
- sevr
- Severe
- transm
- Transmit
- rcnvnc
- Reconveyance
- eligy
- Eligibility
- ncplnc
- Non Compliance
- antcpt
- Anticipate
- os
- Operating System
- rcpt
- Receipt
- cmrcl
- Commercial
- mpo
- Mandatory Purchase Obligation
- cac
- Comprehensive Appraisal Comment
- plan
- Plan
- alwbl
- Allowable
- xref
- Cross Reference
- trfd
- Transferred
- excel
- Excel
- rfrig
- Refrigerator
- efct
- Effect
- liabs
- Liabilities
- lmp
- Low Moderate Production
- rslvd
- Resolved
- irs
- Internal Revenue Service
- thrtcl
- Theoretical
- sgnd
- Signed
- trtmnt
- Treatment
- dsadvntgs
- Disadvantages
- citatn
- Citation
- offcs
- Offices
- zip5
- Zone Improvement Program (1st 5 Pos)
- grand
- Grand
- lvrm
- Livingroom
- eldrly
- Elderly
- btrm
- Bathroom
- nav
- Net Asset Value
- 6
- Six
- edllr
- Euro Dollar
- crncy
- Currency
- ltgn
- Litigation
- nic
- Not In Compliance
- ern
- Earn
- cmnglbl
- Comingleability
- asgnbl
- Assignable
- conf
- Conference
- rtcap
- Rate Cap
- slowst
- Slowest
- gpm
- Graduated Payment Mortgage
- cntgt
- Contingent
- mnpltn
- Manipulation
- slope
- Slope
- srgt
- Surrogate
- plcy
- Policy
- opp
- Other Party Paid
- stip
- Stipulation
- epd
- Early Payment Default
- instnttn
- Instantiation
- rvrsl
- Reversal
- dirr
- Director
- lckd
- Locked
- trans
- Transaction
- optnty
- Opportunity
- lrc
- Loan Rate Cap
- cncrnc
- Concurrence
- prsttn
- Presentation
- carry
- Carry
- 1st
- First
- nrby
- Nearby
- cstm
- Custom
- yr
- Year
- prsnc
- Presence
- perf
- Performance
- sprsn
- Suppression
- accptd
- Accepted
- sprsd
- Suppressed
- srchrg
- Surcharge
- excldd
- Excluded
- kmgmt
- Key Management
- coll
- Collect
- nmntry
- Nonmonetary
- erisa
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act
- wagm
- Weighted Average Gross Margin
- undr
- Under
- rptbl
- Reportable
- onsite
- Onsite
- custzn
- Customization
- audd
- Audited
- join
- Join
- imp
- Import
- mv
- Move
- cvrg
- Coverage
- rstrt
- Restart
- mcd
- Minor Civil Division
- otsd
- Outside
- wr
- Written
- mtgtd
- Mitigated
- tba
- To Be Announced
- demgr
- Demographic
- disbmt
- Disbursement
- dlnqs
- Delinquencies
- lpd
- Loan Past Due
- bch
- Batch
- seq
- Sequence
- ownr
- Owner
- reo
- Real Estate Owned
- ss
- Servicing Spread
- bill
- Bill
- blncd
- Balanced
- slct
- Select
- mktbl
- Marketable
- mrb
- Mortgage Revenue Bond
- hdgs
- Hedges
- opps
- Offline Pricing And Price Selection
- nonabv
- None Of The Above
- skld
- Skilled
- bank
- Bank
- undiscd
- Undiscounted
- ilt
- Income Loss Before Taxes
- alrt
- Alert
- adjmt
- Adjustment
- inits
- Initials
- ho
- Home Office
- occr
- Occurrence
- anlzd
- Annualized
- sbgoal
- Subgoal
- afrdblty
- Affordability
- qstn
- Question
- ru
- Run Unit
- sld
- Sold
- pnlty
- Penalty
- digt
- Digit
- rsdntl
- Residential
- amtn
- Amortization
- initv
- Initiative
- stsfctry
- Satisfactory
- cmbt
- Combat
- dmnd
- Demand
- put
- Put
- certt
- Certificate
- pstg
- Posting
- cntprt
- Counterpart
- vchr
- Voucher
- atchd
- Attached
- rtry
- Retry
- dec
- December
- cnctr
- Connector
- roll
- Roll
- rcncld
- Reconciled
- excss
- Excess
- cp
- Credit Policy
- llnflr
- Life Of Loan Floor
- terms
- Terms
- sffr
- Single Family Fixed Rate
- schm
- Schema
- reconc
- Reconciliation
- cmnty
- Community
- atstd
- Attested
- rep
- Representative
- refun
- Refundable
- chldsup
- Child Support
- alotd
- Alloted
- slow
- Slow
- grntr
- Grantor
- fund
- Fund
- scs
- Success
- alwc
- Allowance
- inpt
- Input
- arg
- Argument
- hst
- History
- lpcyn
- Level Pay Constant Yield Method
- reuters
- Reuters
- dvsr
- Divisor
- dw
- Datawarehouse
- mtrlty
- Materiality
- annv
- Anniversary
- rsdncy
- Residency
- rdm
- Redeem
- dtct
- Detect
- vlcty
- Velocity
- floodd
- Flooded
- rlvr
- Rollover
- qlfd
- Qualified
- dfc
- Default/foreclosure
- srvvl
- Survival
- cntnr
- Container
- rndg
- Rounding
- rmndr
- Reminder
- clrng
- Clearing
- sfee
- Servicing Fee
- sgng
- Signing
- storge
- Storage
- dmstc
- Domestic
- obslt
- Obsolete
- legl
- Legal
- tax
- Tax
- strght
- Straight
- eqty
- Equity
- dclrtn
- Declaration
- hrvst
- Harvest
- sbsqnt
- Subsequent
- off
- Off
- repl
- Replace
- custdn
- Custodian
- mis
- Management Information System
- unauthzd
- Unauthorized
- ovrhd
- Overhead
- mtr
- Mature
- impld
- Implied
- gic
- Guaranteed Income Contract
- hrd
- Hired
- inbnd
- Inbound
- rmrk
- Remark
- firrea
- Financial Institution Reform Recovery Enforcement Act
- suit
- Suit
- otti
- Other Than Temporary Impairment
- tcb
- Texas Commerce Bank
- permsn
- Permission
- taxtn
- Taxation
- cnsty
- Consistency
- mos
- Months
- mrg
- Merge
- enhr
- Enhancer
- chap
- California Housing Authority Plan
- rsetmt
- Resettlement
- patrn
- Pattern
- zip4
- Zone Improvement Program (last 4 Pos)
- eqlbrm
- Equilibrium
- supplr
- Supplier
- legu
- League
- flotg
- Floating
- bcktzd
- Bucketized
- mln
- Mellon
- cmplry
- Complimentary
- prfrmg
- Performing
- bwkl
- Biweekly
- deriv
- Derivative
- lwr
- Lower
- cnvctn
- Conviction
- smpld
- Sampled
- comb
- Combine
- eqpmnt
- Equipment
- prodr
- Producer
- evnt
- Event
- chptr
- Chapter
- cnslt
- Consultant
- precsn
- Precision
- ovs
- Over Seas
- smltd
- Simulated
- rylty
- Royalty
- sw
- Software
- err
- Error
- rlzd
- Realized
- ls
- Loss
- arc
- Accelerated Remittance Cycle
- view
- View
- subdy
- Subsidy
- btmp
- Bitmap
- rnd
- Round
- mngd
- Managed
- rmot
- Remote
- clsfd
- Classified
- pswdexpn
- Password Expiration
- title
- Title
- rdistd
- Redistricted
- plmbg
- Plumbing
- qlfyg
- Qualifying
- rmds
- Remedies
- lgcy
- Legacy
- rdmptn
- Redemption
- excldg
- Excluding
- lscns
- Liscense
- sql
- Structured Query Language
- impd
- Imported
- seql
- Sequential
- loln
- Life Of Loan
- authzr
- Authorizer
- smnr
- Seminar
- roll_fwd
- Roll Forward
- prvw
- Preview
- irr
- Internal Rate Of Return
- mf
- Multi Family
- rtrvd
- Retrieved
- tchnlgy
- Technology
- tab
- Tab
- rptg
- Reporting
- prbl
- Probable
- advrtsng
- Advertising
- cyprs
- Cyprus
- dists
- Distress
- cnsl
- Counsel
- flpg
- Flippage
- wrthy
- Worthy
- flpy
- Floppy
- book
- Book
- fcst
- Forecast
- arbtrtn
- Arbitration
- aian
- American Indian Alaskan Native
- gms
- Guaranteed Mortgate Security
- upr
- Upper
- advrs
- Adverse
- cltrlzd
- Collateralized
- startg
- Starting
- intrda
- Intraday
- sigma
- Loan Prospector Forecast Standard Deviation
- addfee
- Add On Fee
- rndm
- Random
- mwob
- Minority And Women Owned Business
- poolg
- Pooling
- fail
- Fail
- sep
- September
- termd
- Terminated
- cntprty
- Counterparty
- rthlsns
- Ruthlessness
- rstv
- Restrictive
- wrsi
- Weighted Repeat Sales Index
- rordr
- Reorder
- szr
- Seizure
- attn
- Attention
- deftn
- Definition
- rtrd
- Retired
- glbl
- Global
- drft
- Draft
- ptbl
- Putable
- due
- Due
- anlyss
- Analysis
- cshout
- Cash Out
- coins
- Coinsurance
- grntd
- Granted
- sp
- Standard And Poor
- daily
- Daily
- acomp
- Accomplish
- wrkd
- Worked
- errs
- Errors
- sbprm
- Subprime
- ntfy
- Notify
- fild
- Filed
- rvrs
- Reverse
- mcrfm
- Microfilm
- wabra
- Weighted Average Break-Even Risk Adjustment
- csa
- Combined Statistical Area
- 6lpi
- 6 Lines Per Inch
- ragl
- Repurchase Accounting Gain-Loss
- stors
- Stores
- plcmnt
- Placement
- dcmpstn
- Decomposition
- tebs
- Tax Exempt Bond Security
- 5
- Five
- addtn
- Addition
- euc
- End User Computing
- clge
- College
- pipln
- Pipeline
- asesr
- Assessor
- drctly
- Directly
- lftm
- Lifetime
- vcncy
- Vacancy
- dfrrd
- Deferred
- fallout
- Fallout
- reprocsd
- Reprocessed
- prd
- Paired
- appr
- Approve
- var
- Variable
- ctrlr
- Controller
- fmly
- Family
- td
- Turn Down
- prtnrp
- Partnership
- gnrt
- Generate
- qdrnt
- Quadrant
- tdeals
- Structured Pass-Through Certificate Deals
- engeff
- Energy Efficient
- rgt
- Right
- unpch
- Unpurchased
- prmtr
- Premature
- rfsl
- Refusal
- pa
- Prior Approval
- heloc
- Home Equity Line Of Credit
- qrm
- Quality Rating Model
- cont
- Contract
- skl
- Skill
- slr
- Seller
- mtn
- Medium Term Note
- loan
- Loan
- acctg
- Accounting
- area
- Area
- cnfdnc
- Confidence
- best
- Best
- sndct
- Syndicate
- enty
- Entry
- bcn
- Beacon
- 60da
- 60 Days
- wapt
- Weighted Average Pass Through
- svr
- Server
- cstmzd
- Customized
- disttn
- Distribution
- taxblty
- Taxablity
- scrbd
- Scrubbed
- actvty
- Activity
- sls
- Sales
- dsc
- Debt Service Coverage
- invrs
- Inverse
- trnctng
- Truncating
- dbntr
- Debenture
- abtmt
- Abatement
- psbl
- Possible
- esgnt
- Electronic Signature
- grn
- Green
- acptnc
- Acceptance
- lm
- Loss Mitigation
- pactv
- Proactive
- exp
- Export
- sync
- Synchronize
- prpard
- Prepared
- pma
- Primary Market Area
- prvsly
- Previously
- elec
- Electric
- exprn
- Experience
- rcmdtn
- Recommendation
- jvntr
- Joint Venture
- shftg
- Shifting
- necma
- New England Combined Metropolitian Area
- fsr
- Fund Status Report
- tltv
- Total Loan To Value
- sspnd
- Suspend
- heat
- Heat
- fixd15
- 15 Year Fixed Rate
- bnkcrd
- Bankcard
- cable
- Cable
- apprd
- Approved
- catzn
- Categorization
- la
- Loan Activity
- paymt
- Payment
- atrbtn
- Attribution
- gnls
- Gainloss
- pda
- Prior Day
- eof
- End Of File
- dsgnrad
- Designer Added
- evltd
- Evaluated
- bfrct
- Bifurcate
- rltn
- Relation
- cmpst
- Composite
- sndctd
- Syndicated
- distd
- Distributed
- ufvrbl
- Unfavorable
- displ
- Disposal
- eltv
- Estimated Loan To Value
- minml
- Minimal
- cmpstg
- Compensating
- recg
- Recording
- tftv
- Total Financed To Value
- me
- Month End
- create
- Create
- task
- Task
- plus
- Plus
- pe
- Project Enterprise
- wrth
- Worth
- low_mdrt
- Low Moderate
- tzne
- Time Zone
- prcds
- Proceeds
- tobmgr
- Terms Of Business Manager
- lpcp
- Loan Prospector Credit Policy
- mntnd
- Maintained
- inch
- Inch
- billg
- Billing
- sbtype
- Subtype
- hrzn
- Horizon
- rlp
- Rollup
- fm
- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
- wire
- Wire
- dtchd
- Detached
- cncntn
- Concentration
- acrg
- Acreage
- suff
- Sufficient
- srvy
- Survey
- socl
- Social
- nperfg
- Nonperforming
- ltv
- Loan To Value
- exec
- Execute
- rtln
- Rate Line
- jms
- Java Message Server
- cof
- Cost Of Funds
- hldbck
- Holdback
- inds
- Industry
- odi
- Opening Doors Initiative
- distr
- Distributor
- bhvr
- Behavior
- mte
- Mortgage Tax Exempt
- auth
- Author
- pltfrm
- Platform
- prce
- Price
- prim
- Primary
- lndlrd
- Landlord
- tmg
- Timing
- dtc
- Depository Trust Company
- origd
- Originated
- nhsng
- Non-Housing
- mvmnt
- Movement
- ackd
- Acknowledged
- scen
- Scenario
- wrt
- Write
- gfee
- Guarantor Fee
- cmpsg
- Composing
- nrsdnt
- Nonresident
- secrg
- Securing
- trdg
- Trading
- foc
- Focus
- hnd
- Hand
- prtd
- Printed
- sgnfnt
- Significant
- alimy
- Alimony
- prge
- Purge
- refnd
- Refund
- cmprsn
- Comparison
- rgstr
- Register
- rlvd
- Relieved
- wa
- Weighted Average
- refin
- Refinance
- wed
- Wednesday
- imptd
- Imputed
- pnsn
- Pension
- retrf
- Report Electronic Transfer
- aprtnd
- Apportioned
- shpg
- Shipping
- insptr
- Inspector
- clsfn
- Classification
- condl
- Conditional
- econ
- Economic
- cshn
- Cushion
- waf
- Weighted Average Factor
- srcg
- Sourcing
- iplnt
- Iplanet
- opnn
- Opinion
- svrgn
- Sovereign
- chrtbl
- Charitable
- yest
- Yesterday
- prged
- Purged
- trsy
- Treasury
- exhstd
- Exhausted
- dmg
- Damage
- dpctn
- Depreciation
- paa
- Price Adjusted Amount
- updt
- Update
- chk
- Check
- si
- Source Institution
- dsply
- Display
- prttm
- Part Time
- rnf
- Runoff
- gldwrks
- Goldworks
- jmb
- Jumbo
- edtd
- Edited
- eli
- Economic Loss Of Interest
- plt
- Pilot
- dq
- Data Quality
- dscnct
- Disconnect
- tlbr
- Toolbar
- grdg
- Grading
- qlfctn
- Qualification
- ernst
- Earnest
- watch
- Watch
- exstg
- Existing
- stmp
- Stamp
- faild
- Failed
- fact
- Fact
- bldr
- Builder
- jul
- July
- ne
- Not Equal
- rejd
- Rejected
- cand
- Canned
- sprnklr
- Sprinkler
- mltval
- Multivalue
- sndr
- Sender
- retn
- Retain
- reposd
- Repossessed
- wrkspc
- Workspace
- vactn
- Vacation
- cra
- Collateral Risk Assessment
- subst
- Substitute
- cvrd
- Covered
- oid
- Original Issue Discount
- exctbl
- Executable
- prrt
- Prorata
- asgnr
- Assignor
- patio
- Patio
- fdic
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- brng
- Bearing
- rmktg
- Remarketing
- fhava
- Fha Va Mortgage
- cmplyg
- Complying
- ot
- Overtime
- publtn
- Publication
- enhd
- Enhanced
- incept
- Inception
- ok
- Ok
- ctrld
- Controlled
- obslsnc
- Obsolescence
- errns
- Erroneous
- rsum
- Resume
- btwn
- Between
- dcml
- Decimal
- cnfmg
- Conforming
- scntct
- Secondary Contact
- cnsctv
- Consecutive
- hrng
- Hiring
- fv
- Future Value
- 4th
- Fourth
- cqc
- Credit Quality Category
- prncpl
- Principle
- ppa
- Prepay
- enttlmnt
- Entitlement
- sufx
- Suffix
- ptn
- Petition
- iad
- Institutional Audit
- dsclr
- Disclosure
- rrun
- Rerun
- fndtns
- Foundations
- csp
- Contingent Sales Proceeds
- lvr
- Lever
- strt
- Street
- wam
- Weighted Average Maturity
- link
- Link
- stat
- Statistic
- clmbl
- Claimable
- bybck
- Buyback
- open
- Open
- cf
- Cash Flow
- profs
- Profiles
- rural
- Rural
- cntrctl
- Contractual
- hpa
- House Price Appreciation
- rtc
- Resolution Trust Corporation
- irc
- Initial Reset Cap
- prvd
- Provide
- adqt
- Adequate
- wbmthd
- Webmethod
- emlbx
- Electronic Mailbox
- fda
- Full Deposit Amount
- blnkt
- Blanket
- prcl
- Parcel
- prtcpnt
- Participant
- setup
- Setup
- photo
- Photograph
- dvsblty
- Divisibility
- mb
- Municipal Bond
- trnltn
- Translation
- cmpttr
- Competitor
- fltm
- Full Time
- snstvty
- Sensitivity
- stop
- Stop
- psthr
- Pass Through
- trstee
- Trustee
- rtl
- Retail
- accptl
- Acceptable
- qb
- Quarterly Benefits
- async
- Asynchronous
- set
- Set
- rnvstmnt
- Reinvestment
- unsolctd
- Unsolicited
- invldt
- Invalidate
- 8
- Eight
- for
- For
- srvvg
- Surviving
- lendr
- Lender
- place
- Place
- fclty
- Facility
- mrkp
- Markup
- zero
- Zero
- shftd
- Shifted
- wamtr
- Weighted Average Months To Reset
- ptfl
- Portfolio
- elmntn
- Elimination
- trmt
- Termite
- clthg
- Clothing
- cntgs
- Contiguous
- rstrctg
- Restructuring
- iip
- Initial Interest Payment
- extrctn
- Extraction
- rpchconv
- Repurchase At Conversion
- city
- City
- fltr
- Filter
- sgst
- Suggest
- nvgtn
- Navigation
- dsmsd
- Dismissed
- prmpt
- Prompt
- trrst
- Terrorist
- dls
- Desktop/lan Services
- goblig
- Guarantor Obligation
- multr
- Multiplier
- splmt
- Supplement
- path
- Path
- bsmt
- Basement
- ppch
- Pre Purchase
- admner
- Administer
- role
- Role
- curr
- Current
- vlrsk
- Value At Risk
- feed
- Feed
- rntrl
- Rentroll
- wrst
- Worst
- uncnvrtd
- Unconverted
- redsgntn
- Redesignation
- amndd
- Amended
- utlts
- Utilities
- edm
- External Data Mart
- vnl
- Vanilla
- ws
- Work Stream
- stckr
- Sticker
- ntvam
- Native American
- prodty
- Productivity
- encmbrd
- Encumbered
- 1
- One
- callput
- Callput
- intrcmpny
- Intercompany
- snc
- Since
- qual
- Quality
- stld
- Settled
- hfs
- Held For Sale
- sgnt
- Signature
- casa
- Collateral Assessment System Analysis
- vldtd
- Validated
- drm
- Dealer Relationship Management
- fvrbl
- Favorable
- mtrd
- Matured
- invstts
- Investments
- nrcrs
- Nonrecourse
- imprmt
- Improvement
- authzd
- Authorized
- prerqst
- Prerequisite
- rcmndd
- Recommended
- ooi
- Other Origination Income
- fing
- Financing
- borg
- Borrowing
- emlt
- Emulate
- bu
- Buy Up
- taintd
- Tainted
- paint
- Paint
- ocpncy
- Occupancy
- sect
- Section
- wro
- Written Off
- ngl
- Net Gain Loss
- expctn
- Expectation
- sale
- Sale
- invldtd
- Invalidated
- brkout
- Breakout
- adjg
- Adjusting
- actvtn
- Activation
- bynd
- Beyond
- depsty
- Depository
- face
- Face
- pia
- Property Inspection Alternative
- ofheo
- Office Of Federal Housing And Enterprise Oversight
- icon
- Icon
- prpsd
- Proposed
- rbcr
- Risk Based Capital Requirement
- dedctd
- Dedicated
- illiqd
- Illiquid
- form4
- Form4
- scrb
- Scrub
- menu
- Menu
- dlnqy
- Delinquency
- tlrnc
- Tolerance
- dth
- Death
- replmt
- Replacement
- debit
- Debit
- mktplc
- Marketplace
- rvrsn
- Reversion
- cmprsd
- Compressed
- secr
- Security
- trnrnd
- Turnaround
- grge
- Garage
- autmbl
- Automobile
- ans
- Answer
- egl
- Eagle
- rptv
- Repetitive
- audg
- Auditing
- carptng
- Carpeting
- wp
- Workout Prospector
- minlolnsvgfloor
- Minimum Life Of Loan Servicing Floor
- mncplt
- Municipality
- int
- Interest
- prfx
- Prefix
- advntgs
- Advantages
- slbl
- Saleable
- unrltd
- Unrelated
- gdg
- Generation Data Group
- walt
- Weighted Average Loan Term
- trkg
- Tracking
- wntr
- Winter
- ethncty
- Ethnicity
- dispd
- Disposed
- mndts
- Mandates
- anlg
- Analog
- rejtn
- Rejection
- rgn
- Region
- bsc
- Basic
- asnindam
- Asian Indian American
- orgtnl
- Organizational
- serb
- Standards Exception Review Board
- amd
- Amortized
- sdl
- Spread Duration Loss
- dpltd
- Depleted
- lwst
- Lawsuit
- rlng
- Rolling
- clsg
- Closing
- rows
- Rows
- ein
- Employer Identification Number
- hr
- Hour
- foot
- Foot
- ltr
- Letter
- mndtry
- Mandatory
- rcpnt
- Recipient
- estd
- Estimated
- rank
- Rank
- rf
- Roof
- tdr
- Troubled Debt Restructuring
- tngbl
- Tangible
- agncy
- Agency
- mid
- Middle
- rvlv
- Revolve
- prf
- Periodic Rate Floor
- rtnlz
- Rationalize
- flng
- Filing
- indem
- Indemnification
- amt
- Amount
- mvr
- Mover
- cert
- Certify
- unvrs
- Universe
- edt
- Edit
- pblsh
- Publish
- setl
- Settle
- waany
- Weighted Average Accounting Net Yield
- urar
- Uniform Residential Appraisal Report
- sbmtr
- Submitter
- tmplt
- Template
- seasnl
- Seasonal
- wii
- Warehousing Interest Income
- doccustdn
- Document Custodian
- dus
- Delegated Underwriting And Servicing
- used
- Used
- elpsd
- Elapsed
- shr
- Share
- disptn
- Disposition
- tpo
- Third Party Originator
- mrtrm
- Moratorium
- hrct
- Haircut
- maritl
- Marital
- drwn
- Drawn
- mbl
- Mobile
- chlng
- Challenge
- rsgntn
- Resignation
- supn
- Supervision
- geolgl
- Geological
- jrnl
- Journal
- atmpts
- Attempts
- bemi
- Back End Mortgage Insurance
- srfc
- Surface
- blckrck
- Blackrock
- ctrl
- Control
- stp
- Short Term Payables
- efctvns
- Effectiveness
- mnr
- Minor
- owacm
- Original Weighted Average Component Margin
- vc
- Voice
- se
- Source Engine
- cmbs
- Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities
- fclttn
- Facilitation
- dev
- Deviation
- escrw
- Escrow
- stay
- Stay
- retnd
- Retained
- usps
- United States Postal Service
- aernst
- Audit Electronic Reinstatement
- pst
- Post
- nck
- Nick
- pchd
- Purchased
- ihp
- In-House Production
- sbtot
- Subtotal
- bldngs
- Buildings
- scsfl
- Successful
- qtd
- Quarter To Date
- mac
- Modifiable And Combinable
- paybls
- Payables
- intrr
- Interior
- sttn
- Station
- fnlzd
- Finalized
- trnsfrmtn
- Transformation
- ordr
- Order
- mosct
- Month Of Sale Ceiling Test
- dsi
- Dealer Services
- shrtg
- Shortage
- finig
- Finishing
- fast
- Fast
- mdl
- Model
- dgtl
- Digital
- mbadjmt
- Marginal Basis Adjustment
- unifn
- Unification
- icc
- Information Systems And Services Change Calendar
- estbd
- Established
- logd
- Logged
- tbond
- Treasury Bond
- dcsn
- Decision
- resdnt
- Resident
- mgmt
- Management
- haz
- Hazard
- cnsldt
- Consolidate
- jdcl
- Judicial
- indmnty
- Indemnity
- rsnbl
- Reasonable
- sex
- Sex
- sbtrctn
- Subtraction
- pc
- Participation Certificate
- blln
- Balloon
- gvup
- Give Up
- cort
- Court
- mpi
- Mortgage Pool Insurance
- acqtn
- Acquisition
- bnft
- Benefit
- mcrwv
- Microwave Oven
- secrd
- Secured
- dlp
- Detail Loan Product
- psl
- Portfolio Sub Ledger
- spcfd
- Specified
- veh
- Vehicle
- dbrs
- Debris
- delmtr
- Delimeter
- idntty
- Identity
- exprd
- Expired
- deltd
- Deleted
- 9
- Nine
- rgstrn
- Registration
- wi
- Wire Instruction
- agg
- Aggregate
- bnfts
- Benefits
- envrnmntl
- Environmental
- ropend
- Reopened
- corrn
- Correction
- agrmt
- Agreement
- rdcd
- Reduced
- admntr
- Administrator
- asml
- Assumable
- cnsttn
- Construction
- expld
- Exploded
- gc
- Gold Cash
- crdr
- Corridor
- dept
- Department
- walc
- Weighted Average Lifetime Ceiling
- llr
- Loan Level Reporting
- clctd
- Collected
- call
- Call
- prsdnt
- President
- instnttd
- Instantiated
- in
- In
- mlstn
- Milestone
- aefcl
- Audit Electronic Foreclosure
- atomtd
- Automated
- pckp
- Pickup
- totlot
- Tot Lot
- prcd
- Proceed
- thrd
- Thread
- prst
- Present
- sl
- Second Look
- dfrrl
- Deferral
- hdgd
- Hedged
- pdng
- Pending
- vend
- Vendor
- frctn
- Fraction
- rslv
- Resolve
- asesd
- Assessed
- smrz
- Summarize
- fax
- Facsimile
- awrd
- Award
- apr
- April
- icrmtl
- Incremental
- syst
- System
- cmbnbl
- Combinable
- wgt
- Weight
- dmy
- Dummy
- cshlk
- Cashlike
- 116
- Form 116
- mar
- March
- isu
- Issue
- ftl
- Fatal
- nhld
- Nonheld
- imprmnt
- Impairment
- ereo
- Electronic Real Estate Owned
- prt
- vld
- Valid
- abv
- Above
- ownp
- Ownership
- prvsn
- Provision
- cmps
- Compose
- lit
- Literature
- indctn
- Indication
- crspdt
- Correspondent
- ggrphy
- Geography
- execm
- Execution Method
- facs
- Financial Accounting Control System
- excpt
- Exception
- flngs
- Filings
- ntnl
- National
- srp
- Servicing Released Premium
- refcl
- Report Electronic Foreclosure
- termt
- Terminate
- cbe
- Core Business Earnings
- bckt
- Bucket
- letob
- Loan Effective Term Of Business
- postn
- Position
- intcm
- Intercom
- prob
- Problem
- unemplmt
- Unemployment
- gnrc
- Generic
- payg
- Paying
- accpt
- Accept
- atlas
- Asset Tracking Liability Administration System
- tckt
- Ticket
- 12
- Twelve
- hrsc
- Human Resources
- desc
- Description
- ops
- Operations
- pay
- Pay
- optml
- Optimal
- cmptv
- Competitive
- upfrnt
- Upfront
- dedd
- Deducted
- shdw
- Shadow
- owns
- Owns
- cnfdlty
- Confidentiality
- func
- Function
- clnp
- Cleanup
- deltn
- Deletion
- sbmtng
- Submitting
- tsr
- Teaser
- mdm
- Modem
- rmi
- Reduced Mortgage Insurance
- tndrd
- Tendered
- apprsd
- Appraised
- blck
- Block
- extrr
- Exterior
- fix
- Fix
- uniq
- Unique
- orig
- Origin
- image
- Image
- trst
- Trust
- ofr
- Offer
- tltry
- Toiletry
- va
- Veterans Administration
- tmln
- Time Line
- wls
- Web Logic Server
- wl
- Watchlist
- wtr
- Water
- prdmnnt
- Predominant
- spp
- Security Product Pool
- core
- Core
- mm
- Money Manager
- fnma
- Federal National Mortgage Association
- taxd
- Taxed
- dscrb
- Describe
- coa
- Chart Of Accounts
- blndd
- Blended
- sym
- Standard Yield Maintenance
- trnovr
- Turnover
- wdth
- Width
- pldgd
- Pledged
- rslt
- Result
- pollg
- Polling
- nhd
- No Hedge Designation
- hotli
- Hotline
- poolsl
- Pool Sale
- cmpr
- Compare
- prptl
- Perpetual
- trd
- Trade
- cbld
- Corporate Bond Liquidity Distribution
- bic
- Bond Issuance Cost
- pchr
- Purchaser
- solctd
- Solicited
- fldr
- Folder
- rsdl
- Residual
- copy
- Copy
- pldgr
- Pledgor
- cmo
- Collateralized Mortgage Obligation
- pqlfd
- Prequalified
- ssrgt
- Sale Of Servicing Rights
- swp
- Sweep
- footag
- Footage
- name
- Name
- ctznp
- Citizenship
- cl
- Credit Loss
- cpa
- Collateral Pledge Agreement
- respl
- Responsible
- fixd30
- 30 Year Fixed Rate
- mthdy
- Methodology
- pgr
- Pager
- drcf
- Directed Cash Flow
- anclry
- Ancillary
- rbcapl
- Risk Based Capital
- pmi
- Private Mortgage Insurance
- othr
- Other
- quo
- Quota
- po
- Purchase Order
- ongng
- Ongoing
- quant
- Quantitative
- trdprtnag
- Trading Partner Agreement
- day
- Day
- rpy
- Repay
- mismo
- Mortgage Information Standards Maintenance Organization
- pprcsr
- Preprocessor
- ejb
- Enterprise Java Bean
- 104
- Form 104
- gast
- Guarantor Asset
- mtrcs
- Metrics
- prdm
- Per Diem
- sct
- Security Cash Trade
- wvr
- Waiver
- fi
- Funding And Investments
- rcnt
- Recent
- ptd
- Paid To Date
- vals
- Values
- ent
- Enter
- np
- New Products
- cdcr
- Combined Debt Coverage Ratio
- di
- Debt Installment
- acv
- Archive
- hvng
- Having
- instns
- Instructions
- rtn
- Routine
- ele
- Element
- ocpd
- Occupied
- upb
- Unpaid Principal Balance
- intngbl
- Intangible
- ndfilrp
- Non-Domestic Fixed Income Low Range Point
- defd
- Defined
- qtr
- Quarter
- pgrph
- Paragraph
- rcycl
- Recycle
- dervd
- Derived
- frst
- First
- ce
- Credit Enhancement
- alpha
- Alpha
- prodt
- Product
- jbfr
- Job Fair
- esttn
- Estimation
- pctg
- Percentage
- ach
- Automated Clearing House
- taint
- Taint
- viewbl
- Viewable
- aus
- Automated Underwriting System
- obj
- Object
- mrtgr
- Mortgagor
- mbr
- Member
- cntstd
- Contested
- extngsh
- Extinguish
- cryfwd
- Carryforward
- appls
- Applications
- rfrsh
- Refresh
- cnslng
- Counseling
- fcstd
- Forecasted
- pm
- Project Manager
- expnd
- Expanded
- pec
- Project Enterprise Change Table
- procsd
- Processed
- tnote
- Treasury Note
- crq
- Collateral Risk Quadrant
- lbl
- Label
- nhbrhd
- Neighborhood
- afltn
- Affiliation
- lrtio
- Limit Ratio
- rghts
- Rights
- repo
- Repurchase Agreement
- secrs
- Securitys
- site
- Site
- eoy
- End Of Year
- estls
- Estimated Loss
- ltd
- Long-Term Disability
- termtg
- Terminating
- prepr
- Preparer
- rsn
- Reason
- insttn
- Institution
- brnt
- Burnout
- find
- Financed
- alias
- Alias
- fulfil
- Fulfill
- arrs
- Arrears
- dnd
- Denied
- bey
- Bond Equivalent Yield
- dbf
- Data Base File
- ts
- Transferred Servicing
- rspndt
- Respondent
- exprs
- Express
- rvkd
- Revoked
- bma
- Bond Market Association
- hldy
- Holiday
- origl
- Original
- flot
- Float
- rltnp
- Relationship
- strm
- Storm
- mng
- Manage
- qry
- Query
- cpr
- Continuous Prepayment Rate
- sqr
- Structure Risk Quadrant
- mkt
- Market
- ovn
- Oven
- exprsn
- Expression
- edc
- Expected Difference Check
- fcltt
- Facilitate
- rcvbls
- Receivables
- all
- All
- vldt
- Validate
- prxmty
- Proximity
- lttd
- Latitude
- subdzd
- Subsidized
- convd
- Converted
- cntxt
- Context
- crsd
- Crossed
- ppdev
- Production And Product Development
- flwr
- Follower
- discd
- Discounted
- found
- Found
- vrfy
- Verify
- firm
- Firm
- doc
- Document
- pers
- Person
- flt
- Flight
- rap
- Risk Adjusted Pricing
- lgnd
- Legend
- rcvrbl
- Recoverable
- rernst
- Report Electronic Reinstatement
- bnd
- Bound
- elecn
- Election
- excssg
- Excessing
- org
- Organize
- pub
- Public
- evng
- Evening
- itrtn
- Iteration
- rdfg
- Redefining
- ri
- Referential Integrity
- afgld
- Afforable Gold
- ffcl
- Final Foreclosure
- electy
- Electricity
- lab
- Laboratory
- aflt
- Affiliate
- bord
- Borrowed
- fa
- Functional Area
- bld
- Build
- rl
- Repurchased Loans
- cmpnts
- Components
- nocp
- Non-Occupant
- avg
- Average
- cncl
- Cancel
- sctr
- Sector
- intrdlr
- Interdealer
- dalght
- Daylight
- sbscn
- Subscription
- supe
- Supervise
- run
- Run
- fdr
- Forecast Data Repository
- engn
- Engine
- nreo
- Non-Real Estate Owned
- trup
- True Up
- fulfld
- Fulfilled
- suppls
- Supplies
- sfty
- Safety
- inctvtn
- Inactivation
- node
- Node
- netg
- Netting
- unfctrd
- Unfactored
- hw
- Hardware
- inclsn
- Inclusion
- goal
- Goal
- frm
- Frame
- invstn
- Investigation
- cmp
- Compliant
- asmd
- Assumed
- mrgr
- Merger
- unavail
- Unavailable
- procss
- Process
- efrt
- Effort
- qrs
- Quality Rating System
- xml
- Extensible Markup Language
- cms
- Conforming Market Share
- ftnote
- Footnote
- mgr
- Manager
- wrkot
- Workout
- evct
- Evict
- udf
- User Defined Field
- waolt
- Weighted Average Original Loan Term
- flwg
- Following
- prtys
- Parties
- vac
- Vacate
- rcvr
- Receiver
- oper
- Operation
- frstmidi
- First Middle Initial
- prio
- Priority
- pntrtn
- Penetration
- schl
- School
- bdrm3
- Bedroom 3
- nr
- Nonrefundable
- erl
- Early Rate Lock
- leap
- Leap
- cncrn
- Concern
- openg
- Opening
- old
- Old
- extn
- Extension
- mdul
- Module
- endd
- Ended
- appnt
- Appoint
- 4
- Four
- exps
- Exports
- crtr
- Creator
- cohrtg
- Cohorting
- vol
- Volume
- decortng
- Decorating
- intrfc
- Interface
- sle
- Single Loan Exception
- calld
- Called
- acrnym
- Acronym
- grm
- Gross Rent Multiplier
- disc
- Discount
- stpdwn
- Stepdown
- db
- Database
- log
- Log
- hrmfl
- Harmful
- tu
- Time Unit
- wo
- Write Off
- fut
- Future
- find
- Find
- aug
- August
- rbc
- Risk Based Costing
- rscrd
- Rescored
- rtg
- Routing
- need
- Need
- rlse
- Release
- safe
- Safe
- coopv
- Cooperative
- difrnc
- Difference
- strsd
- Stressed
- unrlzd
- Unrealized
- prdctr
- Predictor
- etrd
- Etrade
- evdnc
- Evidence
- npv
- Net Present Value
- alltn
- Allocation
- svrd
- Served
- occpy
- Occupy
- rpymt
- Repayment
- oeta
- Operating Expenses, Taxes, And Accounting
- bcktz
- Bucketize
- amrcn
- American
- distct
- District
- motn
- Motion
- cmpdg
- Compounding
- stl
- Short-Term Liabilities
- gend
- Generated
- instnc
- Instance
- bsd
- Based
- tbt
- Trial By Trial
- pct
- Percent
- vntr
- Venture
- hbtbl
- Habitable
- olap
- On Line Analytical Processing
- lqdty
- Liquidity
- pts
- Points
- cstcutf
- Cost Cutoff
- wlr
- Whole Loan Remic
- prkng
- Parking
- scf
- Servicer Cash Flow
- prof
- Profile
- prmtrc
- Parametric
- enbld
- Enabled
- stg
- Stage
- type
- Type
- accn
- Acceleration
- bkup
- Backup
- spse
- Spouse
- stream
- Stream
- thrshld
- Threshold
- xpsr
- Exposure
- initn
- Initialization
- zn
- Zone
- lstg
- Listing
- card
- Cardinality
- dstnc
- Distance
- xante
- Ex Ante
- wab
- Weighted Average Balance
- schedd
- Scheduled
- mwng
- Mowing
- scrn
- Screen
- aiec
- All In Economic Cost
- hypthcl
- Hypothetical
- ordrd
- Ordered
- ancmnt
- Announcement
- oro
- Operational Risk Oversight
- htg
- Heating
- wrk
- Work
- prqlfctn
- Prequalification
- trnsfrm
- Transform
- jnt
- Joint
- prcdg
- Proceeding
- hghly
- Highly
- lckt
- Lockout
- self
- Self
- destn
- Destination
- enrlmt
- Enrollment
- waols
- Weighted Average Original Loan Size
- visa
- Visa
- trail
- Trail
- drctd
- Directed
- ded
- Deduct
- aprvr
- Approver
- nfee
- Non Owner Occupied Fee
- sndx
- Soundex
- unstrctrd
- Unstructured
- pricg
- Pricing
- fnsh
- Finish
- afr
- Applicable Federal Rate
- pyt
- Payout
- svcg
- Servicing
- que
- Queue
- wrtdwn
- Write Down
- lmih
- Low Moderate Income Housing
- lf
- Life
- optnlty
- Optionality
- creatn
- Creation
- rqstd
- Requested
- mngg
- Managing
- carr
- Carrier
- clrqust
- Clearquest
- ascndg
- Ascending
- mncpl
- Municipal
- ovrg
- Overage
- vndlsm
- Vandalism
- rsls
- Resale
- pcklst
- Picklist
- fdlty
- Fidelity
- fas140
- Financial Accounting Standard 140
- mdrt
- Moderate
- sic
- Standard Industry Code
- prtn
- Portion
- wrls
- Wireless
- erng
- Earnings
- ovrvw
- Overview
- pud
- Planned Urban Development
- negtn
- Negotiation
- conv
- Conversion
- wtrfl
- Waterfall
- failr
- Failure
- tst
- Test
- rst
- Restrict
- mult
- Multiple
- dckt
- Docket
- wk
- Week
- sntry
- Sentry
- pch
- Purchase
- drpf
- Dropoff
- smpl
- Sample
- new
- New
- dvlpmt
- Development
- cmi
- Customer Marketing Insight
- mtgtn
- Mitigation
- geogl
- Geographical
- law
- Law
- ntfd
- Notified
- gse
- Government Sponsored Enterprise
- dt
- Date
- chartc
- Characteristic
- apt
- Apartment
- chrtr
- Charter
- phy
- Physical
- up
- Up
- smt
- Summit
- undrsrvd
- Underserved
- add
- Add
- dryr
- Dryer
- mk
- Make
- sbacct
- Subaccount
- wthn
- Within
- idtn
- Identification
- srpls
- Surplus
- qty
- Quantity
- negotd
- Negotiated
- lndry
- Laundry
- ktd
- Key Treasury Duration
- dschd
- Discharged
- crspdc
- Correspondence
- spltr
- Splitter
- dpndnc
- Dependency
- presetmt
- Presettlement
- mtch
- Match
- eprcg
- Electronic Pricing
- statcl
- Statistical
- minlolnsvgcap
- Minimum Life Of Loan Servicing Cap
- grpg
- Grouping
- val
- Value
- extrdnry
- Extraordinary
- med
- Medium
- libor
- London Interbank Offer Rate
- rcvry
- Recovery
- ablty
- Ability
- fair
- Fair
- trim
- Trim
- dcln
- Decline
- glite
- Green Light
- calr
- Caller
- prpsl
- Proposal
- acq
- Acquire
- prmt
- Permit
- plntff
- Plaintiff
- wntrz
- Winterize
- snty
- Sanitary
- dstrctn
- Destruction
- cmn
- Common
- linkd
- Linked
- frgvn
- Forgiven
- je
- Journal Entry
- carm
- Convertible Arm
- catn
- Caution
- availy
- Availability
- alltd
- Allocated
- callbl
- Callable
- oac
- Option Adjusted Convexity
- mp
- Mortgage Purchasing
- cdf
- Common Data Format
- nrmlzd
- Normalized
- excd
- Exceed
- oc
- Offering Circular
- conj
- Conjunction
- paper
- Paper
- fee
- Fee
- tier
- Tier
- tmt
- Timeout
- lses
- Leases
- rngttn
- Renegotiation
- rchd
- Reached
- tos
- Transfer Of Servicing
- dedtn
- Deduction
- lst
- Last
- ads
- Annual Debt Service
- asst
- Assist
- yld
- Yield
- artcl
- Article
- expr
- Expire
- undvdd
- Undivided
- ph
- Phone
- modd
- Modified
- lld
- Loan Level Disclosure
- walf
- Weighted Average Lifetime Floor
- mgrtd
- Migrated
- uncondl
- Unconditional
- nartv
- Narrative
- brdcst
- Broadcast
- accd
- Accelerated
- pmms
- Primary Mortgage Market Survey
- bbi
- Bank To Bank Instruction
- inittd
- Initiated
- rcvbl
- Receivable
- hfi
- Held For Investment
- dstnct
- Distinct
- reimbs
- Reimbursement
- wdg
- Wedge
- submn
- Submission
- 90da
- 90 Days
- perfd
- Performed
- ld
- Late Delivery
- impltn
- Implementation
- elecl
- Electrical
- ope
- Other Personnel Expenses
- ctos
- Concurrent Tranfer Of Servicing
- memry
- Memory
- coloblg
- Collateral Obligation
- rplctd
- Replicated
- dprctd
- Deprecated
- inactvtd
- Inactivated
- applyd
- Applied
- ref
- Reference
- sbrbn
- Suburban
- flat
- Flat
- fnly
- Finally
- dci
- Data Communications Infrastructure
- 45da
- 45 Days
- prodtn
- Production
- supp
- Support
- expl
- Explode
- rdc
- Reduce
- aud
- Audit
- rvwd
- Reviewed
- acvd
- Archived
- jan
- January
- incm
- Income
- volser
- Volume Serial
- krd
- Key Rate Duration
- rprd
- Repaired
- usa
- United States
- prtcpt
- Participate
- algrm
- Algorithm
- sub
- Sub
- unused
- Unused
- intac
- Interaction
- crs
- Cross
- nii
- Net Interest Income
- dp
- Data Processing
- ernd
- Earned
- embdd
- Embedded
- 115
- Form 115
- cnvxty
- Convexity
- nrsdntl
- Nonresidential
- prsp
- Prospect
- mon
- Monday
- nqlfd
- Non Qualified
- dump
- Dump
- stor
- Store
- hld
- Held
- clos
- Close
- contr
- Contractor
- formtn
- Formation
- fan
- Fan
- cn
- Century
- pv
- Present Value
- aip
- All In Price
- neg
- Negative
- perm
- Permanent
- slctn
- Selection
- evctn
- Eviction
- swr
- Sewer
- cure
- Cure
- mnmnc
- Mnemonic
- rcv
- Receive
- md
- Mode
- dvd
- Divide
- smll
- Small
- vestd
- Vested
- mbast
- Mortgage Backed Asset
- reptg
- Repeating
- wacpnt
- Weighted Average Component
- cnst
- Constant
- rglty
- Regulatory
- spllg
- Spelling
- mrt
- Merit
- chldrn
- Children
- swap
- Swap
- stsfd
- Satisfied
- comm
- Communication
- opertr
- Operator
- cde
- Critical Data Element
- wmn
- Women
- unall
- Unallocated
- bcf
- Borrower Cash Flow
- borr
- Borrower
- cmnt
- Comment
- fri
- Friday
- pkg
- Package
- aprch
- Approach
- dlgtd
- Delegated
- lms
- Low Moderate Servicing
- premss
- Premises
- ack
- Acknowledge
- dscndg
- Descending
- by
- By
- inflw
- Inflow
- vrtl
- Virtual
- pic
- Problem Indication Code
- snstv
- Sensitive
- rset
- Reset
- nhsngxpns
- Non-Housing Expense
- isur
- Issuer
- offerg
- Offering
- strat
- Stratification
- geo
- Geographic
- brdr
- Border
- slmn
- Salomon
- ltl
- Long-Term Liabilities
- anlytcs
- Analytics
- deactv
- Deactivated
- cpn
- Coupon
- stwd
- Statewide
- pos
- Point Of Sale
- cwa
- Cash Window Accounting
- mrtg
- Mortgage
- ps
- Project Status
- amnty
- Amenity
- drty
- Dirty
- bankr
- Banker
- attch
- Attachment
- stgg
- Staging
- dist
- Distribute
- wrksht
- Worksheet
- mnfctr
- Manufacturer
- addtnl
- Additional
- emplmt
- Employment
- sumry
- Summary
- paybl
- Payable
- vltly
- Volatility
- body
- Body
- crltn
- Correlation
- emdr
- Enhanced Metadata Repository
- sda
- Sum Of Daily Accruals
- tpmi
- Tiered Portfolio Mortgage Insurance
- taf
- Temporary Adjustment Factor
- inefctv
- Ineffective
- cstd
- Costed
- dnl
- Denial
- vrfd
- Verified
- prtcl
- Protocol
- atc
- Attic
- sedol
- Stock Exchange Daily Official List
- extngshmt
- Extinguishment
- apld
- Appealed
- rhs
- Right Hand Side
- main
- Main
- mrgd
- Merged
- regltn
- Regulation
- wala
- Weighted Average Loan Age
- dcs
- Document Custodial Services
- ddlc
- Debt Derivative Liquidity Contingency
- vir
- Variable Interest Rate
- indtmnt
- Indeterminate
- pctil
- Percentile
- ntwk
- Network
- ftp
- File Transfer Protocol
- frd
- Fraud
- ovrl
- Overall
- edi
- Electronic Data Interchange
- ltno
- Latino
- dlt
- Deloitte
- efncy
- Efficiency
- drop
- Drop
- scr
- Score
- afxd
- Affixed
- bft
- Buffet
- actvtd
- Activated
- clrnc
- Clearance
- vrsn
- Version
- unifm
- Uniform
- prtl
- Partial
- mlg
- Mailing
- regl
- Regular
- slng
- Selling
- mapg
- Mapping
- inq
- Inquiry
- gago
- Guarantor Asset Gurantor Obligation
- dlgnc
- Diligence
- bur
- Bureau
- peak
- Peak
- bnry
- Binary
- upld
- Upload
- borgs
- Borrowings
- pr
- Payroll
- liab
- Liability
- lght
- Light
- tpa
- Third Party Affiliate
- clg
- Cooling
- nrs
- Nurse
- cpi
- Comsumer Price Index
- ghst
- Ghost
- rlsed
- Released
- id
- Identifier
- mct
- Monthly Ceiling Test
- tcklr
- Tickler
- sntx
- Syntax
- fltrbl
- Filterable
- thru
- Through
- sbtopic
- Subtopic
- rdctn
- Reduction
- begg
- Beginning
- ara
- Average Return On Assets
- gl
- General Ledger
- mltlndr
- Multilender
- 305
- Form 305
- cityasesr
- City Assessor
- clnng
- Cleaning
- stdy
- Steady
- scld
- Scaled
- temp
- Temporary
- prdctd
- Predicted
- sdr
- Software Distribution Request
- cmpstn
- Composition
- cbsa
- Core Based Statistical Area
- cps
- Centralized Pooling System
- indstrl
- Industrial
- dv01
- Dollar Value One
- gmc
- Guaranteed Mortgate Certificate
- hiltd
- Highlighted
- expctd
- Expected
- pg
- Page
- cond
- Condition
- acc
- Accelerate
- dlta
- Delta
- rscrtztn
- Resecuritization
- instl
- Install
- exmptn
- Exemption
- dpth
- Depth
- dsplybl
- Displayable
- scrtztn
- Securitization
- ecc
- Economic Capital Cost
- medcl
- Medical
- hldg
- Holding
- 9th
- Ninth
- respy
- Responsibility
- qlfy
- Qualify
- adjrnmt
- Adjournment
- asstce
- Assistance
- prtr
- Printer
- bal
- Balance
- cntyasesr
- County Assessor
- cst
- Cost
- nmrc
- Numeric
- strctd
- Structured
- cmplt
- Complete