english vocab
undefined, object
copy deck
- stipend
- reward
- unwittingly
- unintentionally
- exalt
- elate
- hypoglycimia
- abnormally low amount of sugar in the blood
- monotonous
- repeating; no change
- humiliate
- mortify
- nonegenarian
- person 90-99 years old
- pathogenic
- causing disease
- jetsom
- goods cast overboard to lighten a ship in distress
- withdraw
- take back
- malleable
- adaptable
- microvold
- millionth of a volt
- hypersensitive
- extremley sensitive
- sarcastic
- language intended to hurt someones feelings
- axiom
- self evident
- cardiology
- study dealing with the actions of the heart
- port
- end of the ship
- juxtapose
- put close together
- anesthetic
- substance used to produce anesthesia
- arbitrary
- take sides
- biology
- study of living things
- wager
- bet
- rational
- able to think clearly
- involuntary
- automatic
- detriment
- destroy
- residue
- whats left over after something is used
- exaggerate
- extend the truth
- deragatory
- belittling
- emaculate
- tidy, clean
- dimorphous
- occuring under two distinct forms
- adolescent
- growing from childhood to adulthood
- misogyny
- gatred of women
- banter
- joking
- euphomism
- subsitite a good expression for a bad one
- apathy
- dislike
- cogitate
- research
- asymptomatic
- showing no symptoms of a disease
- sinophile
- supporter of the Chinese
- macrocosm
- great world
- obsolete
- out of use
- hyperbola
- exaggeration of statement
- generosity
- giving; caring
- modest
- humiliation
- apogee
- highest point
- absemious
- abstinent
- ameliorate
- to make better
- ornithology
- study of birds
- infanitle
- of or like an infant or infancy
- claustraphobia
- dislike of closed in spaces
- defunct
- dead
- lionize
- treat as higly important
- plausable
- valid
- subvert
- take over
- heterology
- dissimilar in structure
- abrupt
- suddenly
- abhorrent
- abominable
- ironic
- someone says soemthing and the opposite happens
- toxic
- poisonus
- misogamy
- hatred of marriage
- monegram
- 2 letters intertwined to represent a name
- hyperacidity
- excessive acid
- noisom
- offensive to smell
- microbicide
- agent that destroys microbes
- orthadox
- generally accepted
- microwave
- little electromagnetic wave
- expertise
- having special skills
- insomniac
- person suffering from insomnia
- amorphous
- having no definate form
- virus
- corruptive force
- cinematography
- the making of motion pictures
- regimen
- set of rules
- polythiems
- believe there is more than one god
- occident
- west
- unsavory
- unpleasant to taste or smell
- biopsy
- examination of a tissue of a living body
- slaternly
- sloppy, untidy
- incense
- substance yielding a pleasant odor when it is burned
- hypochondriac
- one who is morbidly anxious about personal health or suffering form an imaginary illness
- rank
- extreme
- Anglophile
- supporter of the english
- microsecond
- millionth of a second
- homochromatic
- of the same color
- confine
- imprision
- fusty
- musty
- parahelion
- farthest point away from the sun
- hypodermic
- injected under the skin
- meteorology
- science dealing with the atmosphere and the weather
- aroma
- pleasant odor
- abyss
- bottomless depth
- tome
- scholarly book
- managerie
- collection of wild animals
- nepitism
- favoritism to relatives by those in power
- decrepit
- weakened by old age
- hoary
- ancient
- eulogize
- praise
- eulogize
- speaking to someone with praise
- endosmosis
- osmosis inside
- plaudit
- applause
- torsion
- act of twisting
- sibling
- on of two or more children in a family
- purge
- purify
- doldrums
- windless part of the sea
- travesty
- mockery
- score
- group of 20
- xenophobia
- aversion to foreigeners
- geology
- study of the history of the earth
- zany
- mildly insane
- hydrophobia
- dread of water
- euphoria
- great happiness
- ignormus
- stupid, ignorant person
- biocide
- substance that kills different organisms
- symmetrical
- balanced in arrangement
- antidote
- remidy for a poison or evil
- astute
- not easily decieved
- monomorphic
- having one form
- nadir
- lowest point
- parastyle
- the space so enclosed
- hypothyroid
- abnormal low activeness of the thyroid
- aquit
- not guilty
- primeval
- primitive
- baffle
- to fill with confusion
- regicide
- killing of a king
- sororicide
- killing of ones sister
- acclaim
- welcome with approval
- veteran
- ex-member from the armed forces
- paracardium
- membraneous sac surrounding the heart
- scent
- perfume
- posthumous
- occuring after death
- pristine
- uncorrupted
- herbiverous
- feeding on plants
- alacrity
- readiness
- propinquity
- unclean
- fungicide
- substance that kills fungus
- dysentary
- speech impairment due to brain injury
- matriarch
- highly respected old woman
- fecetious
- in the habit of joking
- patriarch
- highly respeced old man
- survive
- able to stay alive
- endoparasite
- parasite that lives inside the animal/organism
- pungent
- sharp taste or smell
- therapeutic
- curative
- apiary
- place where bees are kept
- longevity
- long life
- archaiac
- old-fashioned
- effrontery
- shameless boldness
- psychopatic
- insane
- imputation
- accusation
- carousel
- drinking party
- harlequin
- baffoon
- inebriated
- intoxicated
- render
- hand over
- peristalisis
- wave like contractions of the walls in the intestine
- disrupt
- cause disorder
- homogeneous
- of the same kind
- detonation
- explode with suddenness and violence
- senile
- showing of old age
- misandry
- hatred of men
- despise
- to look down on with disgust
- sweltering
- oppresive heat
- folly
- lack of importance
- climactic
- in order of increasing force
- paramount
- important
- geodetic
- pertaining to geodesy
- acme
- highest point
- convalesce
- recuperate
- prodigious
- extraordinary in size
- fester
- form pus
- slander
- columny
- consign
- hand over completley
- exogenous
- produced from without
- bias
- taking side before evidence
- contiguous
- touching
- declivity
- downward slope
- overweeing
- thinking too higly of ones self
- menial
- low
- abiogenesis
- spontaneous generation
- invincible
- unable to be defeated
- indogemy
- marriage inside the tribe or social group
- scuffle
- disagreement
- hamper
- to interfere
- dyslexia
- impairment of the ability to read
- earthy
- down to earth
- zenith
- peak
- amoral
- no moral
- parrot
- repeat mechanically
- anoxia
- without oxygen
- necrology
- obituary
- apporximate
- nearly correct
- chasm
- wide gap
- superannuated
- very old
- marine
- seaman
- micofilm
- short film
- sober
- not drunk
- philogyny
- love of women
- fallacious
- deceptive
- badger
- annoy
- autobiography
- story of aperson life told by that person
- fraction
- piece or segment of the whole thing
- philharmonic
- pertaining to something musical such as an opera or orchestra
- satire
- making fun of human life
- heteroclite
- person or thing deviating from the common rule
- vivisectino
- operation on a living animal for scientific investigation
- periphrastic
- in an around about way
- insecticide
- substance that kills insects
- retort
- quick to reply or answer
- rancid
- having and unpleasant odor b ecasue of being stale or spoiled
- constrict
- restrict
- phlebotomy
- opening of a vein to diminish the blood supply
- petrology
- sceintific study of the recent past due to records in rock
- kith and kin
- friends and relatives
- vertex
- apex
- podiatrist
- chiropodist
- caricature
- exaggerating defects
- sociology
- study of the evolution, development, and functioning of human society
- juvenile
- immature
- hypertension
- high blood pressure
- eugenics
- science dealing with the impovements of genetics
- biography
- story of a persons life written by someone else
- morbid
- gruesome
- noncarcinogenic
- not producing or tend to produce cancer
- geneology
- pedigree
- rupture
- hostility
- maternal
- of or like a mother
- metamorphosis
- change in form
- squalor
- person habitually untidy
- theology
- study of religion and religious beliefs
- sophistry
- clever but decieving reasoning
- bibliophile
- lover of books
- fragile
- delicate
- impede
- interfere or stop the process of
- ethnology
- science dealing with religion, culture
- parody
- humerous immutation
- malign
- speak evil of
- agoraphobia
- dislike of open spaces
- pathetic
- arousing pity
- boa constrictor
- constricts its prey
- pestalential
- morally harmful
- polygamy
- marriage of more than one mate at the same time
- benign
- not dangerous
- flippant
- treat seroious matters lightly
- viral
- caused by a virus
- apendectomy
- division
- volition
- will
- fraternal
- of or like a brother
- crone
- withered old woman
- carrion
- decaying flesh of a carcass
- brine
- bottom part of the ship
- gentility
- good manners
- stigma
- mark of disgrace
- replenish
- bring back condition of being full
- monochromatic
- of one color
- anthropology
- study of culture of humankind
- anarchy
- form of organization where there is a few rulers
- progenitor
- forefather
- dysfunction
- abnormal functioning
- unguent
- ointment
- dysptrophy
- muscle sidorder
- ravine
- gorge made by running water
- abject
- wretched
- fragrant
- sweet-scented
- dilema
- choosing between two options
- lesion
- injury
- podium
- elevated platform
- monomania
- thinking too much of one subject
- peripheral
- merely icidental
- lauditory
- exaggerate praise
- precipitous
- hasty
- homonym
- sound the same but different in meaning and spelling
- filial
- of or like a son or daughter
- hypothetical
- giving reason before any evidence or proof
- misanthropy
- hater of humanity
- philatlist
- stamp collector
- olfactory
- pertaining to sense of smell