undefined, object
copy deck
- stampaichean
- stamps
- A bheil oifis a' phuist faisg air làimh?
- Is there a post office near at hand?
- dràibhear (m)
- a driver
- Faodaidh tu coiseachd ann.
- You can walk there.
- sios
- down
- tionndaidh
- turn
- an dàrna sràid
- the second street
- gu do làimh cheàrr
- to your left
- Cum romhad air an t-sràid sin agus thig thu gu eaglais.
- Carry on down that street and you will come to a church.
- Eòghan
- Ewen
- Tha oifis a' phuist direach mu choinneimh na h-eaglais.
- The post office is directly opposite the church.
- S e airgead a tha dhith ormsa.
- It's money I need.
- Càit' a bheil am banca as fhaisge?
- Where's the nearest bank?
- ha banca ri taobh an taigh-òsda air an t-Sràid Aird.
- There is a bank beside the hotel on the High Street.
- Cum ort air an rathad seo.
- Carry on this road.
- a' chiad shràid
- the first street
- Thèid thu seachad air garaids.
- You will pass a garage.
- stòr
- (a) store
- air an làimh cheart
- on the right
- Tha sin gu math soillier.
- That is quite clear.
- Tha a' chliann airson a dhol a chluich.
- The children want to go to play.
- A bheil pàirc faisg oirnn?
- Is there a park near us?
- Chan eil e ach mu leth-mhile bho seo.
- It's only half a mile from here.
- Ciamar a tha thu a' faighinn thuige?
- How do you get there?
- Gabhaibh direach suas an rathad sin.
- Go straight up the road.
- bùth a' bhùidseir
- the butcher's shop
- bùth an fhuinseadair
- the baker's shop
- bùth nam pàipearan
- the newsagent's shop
- stèisan nan trèanaichean
- the railway station
- Chi sibh geata mòr na pàirce
- You will see the big gate of the park. (or the big park gate)
- direach air ur beulaibh
- directly in front of you
- air taobh thail an rathaid
- on the other side of the road
- Ceud taing airson do chuideachaidh.
- Thanks very much / a lot for your help.
- Uisdean
- Hugh
- taisbeanadh anns an talla
- in the exhibition hall
- fad às an-seo
- far away from here
- pìos air falbh
- a bit away, a little distance away
- ann am fichead mionaid
- in twenty minutes
- an treas sàid
- the third street
- an uairsin
- then
- mu mheadhan na sràide sin
- about the middle of that street
- Cò ris a tha e coltach ?
- What does it look like?
- 'S e togalach mòr, geal a th' ann.
- It's a big, white building.
- ionad-slàinte
- health center
- air gach taobh dheth
- on each side of it