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The process by which we recall experiences, info, and skills is known as _____
The _______, which has no photoreceptors, is the point at which the optic nerves leaves the eye.
blind spot
Perspective and texture gradients are example of ____ cues
A response that is automatic, or not learned, is called a ______.
unconditioned response
During a typical 8 hours of sleep, most people go through _____ sleep cycles.
Along with history, anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology, psychology is on of the _____
social science
______ memories are recalled better when the mood in which they were originally encoded is recreated.
state- dependent
The basic blocks of heredity are ______
______ is the method of teaching complex behaviors by breaking them down into manageable parts.
A _____ reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is removed.
______ is the process by which we interpret sensory stimulation; ____ is the process of receiving sensory info.
perception; sensation
Working memory is another name for ____ memory
B.F. Skinner's concept of _____ showed that an animal is more likely to repeat an action if rewarded for it.
The type of learning that occurs when a person observes and imitates others is called _____
observation learning.
Disturbing memories may be pushed out of the conscious mind in the process of ____;
_____ founded psychoanalysis.
The ________ transmits messages between the brain and the muscles and glands.
nervous system
Need for achievement and salaries are thought to have a _____ since as one goes up, so does the other.
positive correlation
A ____ reinforcer is learned and becomes effective by being paired wit such reinforcer as food and shelter.s
The ______ is the spectrum of light bent into a circle.
color wheel
Pressure, temperature, and pain are examples of ____ senses.
Hormones that affect the body's metabolism are secreted by the ____ gland.
_____ is the process in which info in short-term memory is lost when new info appears.
____ psychologists typically treat people with adjustment problems, rather than those with serious disorders.
____ is the memory process that translates info into a dorm in which it can be stored.
In an experiment, _____ is the factor that varies when the independent variable is changed.
dependent variable
_____ memory is a type of sensory register that holds visual memories.
A ____ experiment uses both control and experimental groups.
Light is made up of ______ energy.
Info stored as a ____ code is stored according to its meaning.
_____ reinforcement occurs when a behavior is reinforced every time it occurs.
Movies, which are a series of still picture, are perceived as moving images because of the perceptual rule of ____
stroboscopic motion
A therapist may hypnotize a patient and offer a _____ to help the patient quit a habit such as smoking or overeating
posthypnotic suggestion
In the 1800s psychologists established _____ for the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes.
psychological labs
Nicotine causes a person's heart rate to increase by causing the release of the hormone____.
The APA generally requires that people in a study provide ______ after being give a general overview of the research and the choice whether or not to participate.
informed consent
Since it is usually impossible to interview every member of a population that is being studied, pyschologists scientifically select a ____ of the population.
After taking certain drugs for a while, a person shows signs of ___ when the body craves the drug just to feel normal.
_____ are drugs that slow the activity of the nervous system.
The school of _____ was concerned with studying how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment.
In a _______, neither the researchers nor the participants know who is receiving the treatment.
double blind study
A person who cannot perceive some colors is partially _______
color blind
_______ are similar to, but more severe than nightmares.
night terrors
The first step in the PQ4R method involves _____ the subject matter in a textbook.
the autonomic nervous system is divided into the ______ and ______ nervous systems.
symatic; parasymatic
The cognitive perspective focuses on ___ processes to explain human behavior
The EEG measure the brain's ______ activity.
On a ______ schedule, reinforcements are provided only after a certain number of correct responses have been made.
fixed ratio
Difficulty falling asleep is called___
_____ are drugs that speed up the activity of the nervous system.
_____ studies evaluate people who are related to try to determine the roles of heredity and environment.
_____ psychologists help prepare achievement tests, while _____ psychologists administer these tests.
education, school
A CAT scan uses ____ beams to create a three-dimensional view of the brain.
_____ observation has the drawback that it cannot duplicate real-life conditions
The monocular cue of ____parallax explains why someone in a moving vehicle sees nearby objects pass by quickly.
The four different kinds of brain-wave patterns are:
alpha, beta, delta, theta
____ and ____ psychologists offer suggestions on how to improve working conditions.
industrial; organization
the _____ method takes much less time than the longitudinal method, but can accomplish many of the same objectives.
cross sectional
____ memories are examples of episodic memories that are recalled in great detail
_____ is the memory process that allows people to locate stored into and return it to conscious though
The loudness of a sound depends on the _____ of the sound waves.
The standard of ____ established by the APA limits the type of research that psychologists may conduct.
The testes and ovaries produce the hormones ___,____, and _____.
testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone
The method of ____ organizes items into familiar units so that they can be remembered more easily.
____________ enables researcher to study the behavior of people and animals in their everyday settings.
Natural observation
A ____ reinforcer increases the frequency of the behavior it follows when it is applied.
The first item in a series is more easily remembered because of the ____ effect.
primacy effect
Members of the ______ in an experiment are the ones who receive the treatment.
experimental group
the ___ perspective argues that people can learn by experience and by observing others.
Something that produces a response us called a ____.
The two part of the nervous system re the _____ nervous system and the _______nervous system.
Peripheral; Central
The function of the ____ is to carry messages away from the neuron's cell body.
Freud believed that dreams reflected our ___ wishes and urges.
The form of learning that keeps knowledge hidden until it is needed is called ______
latent learning
Clinical psychologists _____ prescribe medication to a client; but psychiatrists ___
cannot; can
Psychological _____ explain and predict what governs behavior and mental processes.
People who participate in a ____ are selected by chance from a certain population to take part in a survey.
random sample
During the middle ages, most Europeans believed that psychological problems were caused by ____
possession of demons
Ideas that a person is not aware of, but which can be recalled, are on the ____level.
Stress and health are thought to have a ______ since stress goes up as health deteriorates.
negative correlation
The ______ of a color is its complementary color.
____ memory consists of general knowledge.
Reinforcements are applied with a set amount of time between them on a _____ schedule.
fixed interval
_____ amnesia is the loss of memories of events that occurred before that age of three.
Overdoses of crack and other forms of cocaine can be fatal because of the strain they place on the _____
The Greek philosopher _____ wrote Peri Psyches, one of the first books.
We recognize that an object has only one shape-no matter what angle it is viewed from - because of ____.
shape constancy
Retinal disparity is an example of a _____ cue.
The "4R's" of the PQ4R method are:
read, recite, reflect, review
The ________ , which is located in the forebrain, is involved in learning and memory.
limbic system
A sound's pitch depends on its
frequency of sound waves.
The ______ is the part of the hindbrain that helps control such vital functions as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing.
The method of ______ involved exposing a person to a harmless stimulus until he or she is no longer afraid of it.
A stimulus that becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus to produce a condition response is a ______.
conditioned stimulus
Each hemisphere of cerebral cortex is divided in ____ lobes.
Consciousness is considered a psychological _____ because we cannot see, touch or measure it directly.
______ can slant the results of a survey because people who volunteer to participte in reasearch studies often differ from people who do not.
volunteer bias
The memory process by which we maintain encoded info over a period of time is called ______.
The ______ gland secretes growth hormones and hormones that stimulate labor in pregnant womend
for the findings of a study to be confirmed, the study must be ____ to produce the same results as before.
Most normal human cells contain ______ chromosomes that are organized into ______ pairs
46; 23
The two kinds of photoreceptors are ______ and _____.
cons; rods
During _____, some people narrow their consciousness by focusing on a peaceful, repetitive pattern.
Research that has no immediate application is known as ______
basic research
Nonsmokers are at risk of getting lung cancer or breathing problems when exposed to _____
secondhand smoke

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