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social studies


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were aginst immigration-wrote laws to limit immigration-immigrants brought poverty,disease, and crime
in eastern europe,an organized attack on a jewish community
taking on all aspects of new culture
the new collusses
the old rep war,new rep peace-impriosened lightning,the torch-twin cities,brooklyn and manhattan-pomp-things assoiated with kings and queens-wretched refuse,poor trash-you,the countries,europe
Steps to become a naturilized citizen
1.Apply for a green card-permanent resident card-can work but cant vote2.Green Card-5 years if single-3 years if married to a citizen3.While with green card-fill in application for naturalization-10pgs4.Called to take the test-middle school level-american history5.If you pass-called to federal court to take oath of alligence
colossuc of rhodes
statue of sun god helios-one seven wonders of the ancient world
permanent resident
someone who lives and works in the U.S. legally
new immigration(after 1885)
Asia;chinese,japan,korea,india, and philipiness
designed by
frederic bartholdi
illegal immigrant
Coming to a country and not following the naturilization laws
process to beome a citien
Reverend Josiah Strong
worst threat to immigrants is that are in liquor business,religion and culture,poor,criminals,heathens
Chinese exclusion act
1882 law that barred chinese laboreers from entering the U.S.
The Johnson-Reed Act-immigration restriction act of 1924
The number of new immigrantsfrom each foreign nation shall be limited to a total of 2% of the number of people from that nation who lived in the united states in the year 1890( number of immigrants*.02)
holding on to old traditions while adapting to new culture
from 1866-1915 how many immigrants arrived into america
25 million immigrants
on a ship,the cramped quarters for passengers paying the lowest fairs
The statue of liberty
dedicated 1886-1892 ellis island is opened to recieve immigrants
illegal immigrant smuggler
old immigration(up to 1885)
northern and western europe,irish,germans,and scandanavians-1845-1851 irish immigrate to escape potato famine
pull factors that caused immigrants to come to U.S.
family,friends,freedom of religion,adventure,job oppertunities,dream,quality of life,freedom of speech,democracy
entering a country
naturilized citizen
person from another country who has followed the lagal process to become a citizen
New immigration(after 1885)
southern and eastern europe:italian poles,greeks,russians,and hungarians
push factors that caused people to imigrate to U.S.
lack of housing, unemployment,poverty,crime, bondage,escape from punichment,religion,racial persecution,intolerence
green card
document needed to become a citizen
how does illegal immigration hurt immigrants
lose money-coyotes take advantage,abandoned,sexually harass,charge large amounts of money-low paying jobs,no rights-drivers license-violence-could get deported-health care-prejudice
leaving a country
legal immigrant
to be a natraulized citizen with visa
oath of alligenece
oath taken when coming into the U.S. stating that you pledge your loyalty to the U.S.

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