undefined, object
copy deck
- sgillinn
- pence
- milliean
- one million
- sùgh-orainds
- orange juice
- airson
- for
- fliuch
- wet
- seilcheag
- snail
- ubhal
- apple
- 's toil leam...
- I like...
- gaothach
- windy
- ort
- on you
- caòra
- sheep
- Tha mi ag iarraidh...
- I want...
- sailead
- salad
- dè tha thu a' dèanamh?
- what are you doing?
- nurs
- nurse
- cho
- as
- innte
- in her
- chan eil agam ach...
- I only have...
- an toil leat...?
- do you like...?
- cairteal as dèidh
- quarter after
- 'S fheàrr leam...
- I prefer...
- cadal
- sleepy
- donn
- brown
- bainne
- milk
- bòtannan
- boots
- còmhla ri
- along with
- seanair
- grandfather
- Dè an uair a tha e?
- What time is it?
- banca
- bank
- sin
- this
- ionad-slàinte
- health center
- freagairt
- answer
- aon/dearbh
- same/one
- leatha
- with her
- buidhe
- yellow
- brot
- soup
- cadal
- sleeping
- annaibh
- in you (pl)
- o chionn fhada
- long ago
- daolog
- beetle
- uinneag
- window
- tuathanach
- farmer
- agaibh
- at you (pl)
- ad
- hat
- màrmalaid
- marmalade
- latha saor
- holiday
- ugh
- egg
- dè an t-ainm a th'ort?
- what's your name?
- a-raoir
- last night
- ball-coise
- football
- buntàta
- potato
- oirre
- on her
- bèicear
- baker
- inneal DVD
- DVD player
- coiseachd
- walking
- piuthar
- sister
- oileanach
- student
- a + lenition
- his
- am bheil fhios agad?
- do you know?
- seo
- that
- mise cuideachd
- me too
- eaglais
- church
- obair-bhuidhne
- group work
- ceud
- one hundred
- fad na tìde
- all the time
- mil
- honey
- aice
- at her
- draibheadh
- driving
- rinn
- past tense of "to do" (irr.)
- grianach
- sunny
- uaine
- green
- fìon
- wine
- oidhche math
- good evening
- feòladair
- butcher
- mo + lenition
- my
- h-uile latha
- every day
- pinnt leann
- pint of beer
- dol don taigh-dhealbh
- going to the movies
- Dòmhnall
- Donald
- biadh
- food
- annam
- in me
- cairteal gu
- quarter of
- cofaidh
- coffee
- tapadh leat
- thank you
- seachdad
- seventy
- Disatharna
- Saturday
- brèagha
- beautiful
- càl
- cabbage
- bidh mi...
- I will...
- aig
- at
- foileag
- seagull
- tha gaol agam ort
- I love you
- eilean
- island
- ochdad
- eighty
- a' faireachdainn
- feels
- dùthaich
- country
- Seonag
- Joan
- aran
- bread
- ceathiad
- forty
- teanas
- tennis
- bha mi...
- I was...
- dol do na bùithtean
- going to the shops
- sneachd
- snow
- Iain
- John
- dà dheug
- twelve
- sgoil
- school
- Cailean
- Colin
- pìos cèic
- piece of cake
- suil
- eye
- ospadal
- hospital
- post
- postman
- rus
- rice
- taigh
- house
- spìosrach
- spicy
- fad an latha
- all day
- òg
- young
- peitean
- vest
- obair-chàraid
- pair work
- air
- on him
- brògan
- shoes
- oirnn
- on us
- ann
- in
- deagh
- good
- 's e ... a th'orm
- My name is...
- bàn
- blond
- saighdear
- soldier
- telebhisean
- television
- tha mi...
- I am...
- gunna
- gun
- oilthigh
- university
- ialtag
- bat
- Ghearmailt
- Germany
- feòrag
- squirrel
- noachad
- ninety
- biast-dhubh
- otter (black beast)
- faisg aig
- near to
- danns
- dance
- fichead
- twenty
- piotsa
- pizza
- caogad
- fifty
- dè eile?
- what else?
- oirbh
- on you (pl)
- fiodh
- wood
- silidh
- jam
- glè
- very
- doras
- door
- salann
- salt
- aig àm sam bith
- at any time
- a-màireach
- tomorrow
- annad
- in you
- tiorant
- dry
- dearg
- red
- lèine
- shirt
- stoicainnean
- socks
- gobhair
- goat
- annta
- in them
- Anndra
- Andrew
- cha toil leam...
- I don't like...
- dè a' phrìs a tha e?
- how much does it cost?
- agam
- at me
- le
- with
- fear
- man/husband
- dìnnear
- dinner
- leinn
- with us
- tofaidh
- toffee
- bò
- cow
- seachdain
- week
- coimpiutair
- computer
- bhean
- wife
- ceist
- question
- ar
- our
- leanabh
- child
- feadag
- whistle
- dubh
- black
- Daibhidh
- David
- fichead mionaid gu
- twenty minutes to
- thall thairis
- abroad
- siùcar
- sugar
- dotair
- doctor
- rùm agad dhut fhèin
- room to yourself
- eala
- swan
- tallaichean
- halls
- daoine
- people
- Diardaoin
- Thursday
- boiteag
- worm
- Teàrlach
- Charles
- cearc
- hen
- a' fuireach
- lives
- manaidsear
- manager
- Bu fheàrr leam
- I would prefer...
- cuideachd
- also
- ìm
- butter
- tost
- toast
- dreasa
- dress
- beag
- small
- càise
- cheese
- seinn
- to sing
- pitheid
- parrot
- bhiodh mi...
- I would.../I used to...
- uisge-beatha
- whiskey
- iasgair
- fisherman
- staighre
- stairs
- luch
- mouse
- liath
- grey-blue
- aca
- at them
- mac
- son
- aige
- at him
- geal
- white
- eadar-theangaich
- translate
- gàrradh
- garden
- pàipear-naidheachd
- newspaper
- trithead
- thirty
- coimhead
- watching t.v.
- ball-basgaid
- basketball
- briogais
- pants
- còcaireachd
- cooking
- dùthaich
- the country
- mòr
- big
- rùnaire
- secretary
- còmhla ris
- along with
- co mheud?
- how many?
- muc-mhara
- whale (sea-pig)
- a
- her
- ann
- in him
- fuil
- blood
- abhainn
- river
- croitear
- crofter
- tha fhios agam
- I know
- Diluain
- Monday
- seinnedair
- singer
- uachdar-reòite
- ice cream
- brochan
- soup/porridge
- còmhlan cèilidh
- dance band
- do + lenition
- your
- baile
- town
- bòrd
- table
- òg
- young
- rèidio
- radio
- litir
- letter
- miotagan
- gloves
- còta
- coat
- Latha Nollaig
- Christmas
- mòran
- many
- stoc
- scarf
- poileas
- police officer
- cluich
- playing
- leotha
- with them
- pathadh
- thirsty
- leugh
- read
- cuir!
- put!
- prògramair coimpiutair
- computer programmer
- tunnag
- duck
- droch
- bad
- nach eil...?
- isn't...?
- boireannaich
- women
- athair
- father
- air
- on
- bùth
- shop/store
- burgair
- burger
- coig mionaidean fichead as dèidh
- twentyfive after
- seanmhair
- grandmother
- an-dràsta
- just now
- annainn
- in us
- fiaclair
- dentist
- uisge
- water
- dè an obair a th' agad?
- what work do you have?
- Murchadh
- Murdo
- nathair
- snake
- piseag
- kitten
- againn
- at us
- tric
- often
- bracaist
- breakfast
- Diciadain
- Wednesday
- tidsear
- teacher
- piobar
- pepper
- orra
- on them
- Didòmhnaich/Latha na Sàbaid
- Sunday
- bràthair
- brother
- leibh
- with you (pl)
- ruadh
- red-haired
- nuair
- when
- sgiort
- skirt
- chan eil fhios agam
- I don't know
- pàirc
- park
- fiacail
- tooth
- Seònaid
- Jenny
- muc
- pig
- latha
- day
- dè an dath a th'air?
- what color is it?
- leth uair as dèidh
- half past
- seasgad
- sixty
- saor
- carpenter
- sgòthach
- cloudy
- leam
- with me
- gorm
- blue/green
- cù
- dog
- ur
- your (pl)
- Màiread
- Margaret
- Dihaoine
- Friday
- crùbag
- crab
- orm
- on me
- màthair
- mother
- dè tha ceàrr ort?
- what's wrong with you?
- acras
- hungry
- a-mach
- out
- snàmh
- swimming
- chaidh
- went
- Bu toil leam...
- I would like...
- not
- pound
- an/am
- their
- coimhearsnachd
- neighborhood
- dè an aois a tha...?
- how old is...?
- deoch
- drunk
- duilleag
- leaf
- mìle
- one thousand
- curran
- carrot
- craobh
- tree
- Màiri
- Mary
- dol don taigh-osta
- going to the pub
- leat
- with you
- sgian
- knife
- agad
- at you
- Seòras
- George
- leis
- with him
- Dimàirt
- Tuesday