Somali Midterm Primer
undefined, object
copy deck
- inan
- boy
- dibi
- ox
- ka
- from, away from, out of, and about or concerning
- ku
- in into on at
- la
- with together
- u
- to towards for on behalf of
- sheeg
- tell
- Isagu u sheeg
- tell it to him
- Isaga ka sheeg
- Tell about him
- Isaga ku sheeg
- Call him (a name)
- Qori ka samee
- Make it of wood
- Guriga ku samee
- Do it at home
- Isaga la samee
- Do it with him
- macalimiin
- teachers
- cun
- eat
- qor
- write
- kari
- cook
- hurdaa
- sleeping learning
- socodaa
- walking
- seex
- sleep
- bar
- teach
- barasho
- learning
- iib
- buy
- ciyaar
- to play
- haa
- yes
- maya
- no
jawaab -
to answer - Iiga jawaab suaashayda
- answer my question
- Ma fahantay?
- Do you understand?
- Haa waan fahmay
- Yes, I understand
- Ma fahanteen? (pl.)
- Do you understand?
- seexo/sayho
- sleep
- fadhiiso
- sit down
- isii
- give it
- hoo/ ho
- take
- kaa lay
- come here
- keen
- bring
- labo buug keen
- bring two books
- aabo isii
- father give it to me
- aabo hoo
- father take it
- hooyo
- mother
- adeer
- uncle
- eedo
- aunti
- abti
- uncle
- Ma kula hadli karaa?
- Can I talk to you
- Waad ila hadli kartaa
- yess you can talk to me
- Aabahaa waa macalin
- your father is a teacher
- aabaheen
- Our father
- aabahood
- their
- aabaheed
- her
- aabahiis
- his
- abtigay waa askari
- My father is a soldier
- Abtigaa
- Your father
- Abtigeed
- her uncle
- aabahay
- my father
- hooyaday
- my mother
- adeerkay
- my uncle
- abtigay
- my uncle
- awoowgay
- my grandfather
- ayayday
- my grandmother
- walaashay
- my sister
- walaalkay
- my brother
- eber
- zero
- subaxnimo
- in the morning
- duhirnimo
- aftnernoon before 2
- galabnimo
- in the afternoon after2
- habeennimo
- in the evening
- nus
- 1/2
- nuskiilo
- 1/2 kilo
- barkii
- half bar
- rubuc
- 1/4
- 30 minutes
- sodon daqiiqo
- waa meeqa saac
- What time is it
- shalay
- yesterday
- Bari
- tomorrow
- baridambena
- the day after tomorrow
- saacaduna
- the time is
- shalay waxay ahayd maalin ad ufiican
- yesterday was a good day
- Shalay gurigaan joogay
I was at home yesterday
- sabti
- saturday
- axad
- sunday
- Isniin
- Monday
- Talaado
- Tuesday
- Arbaco
- Wednesday
- Khamiis
- Thursday
- jimce
- Friday
- labo bari
- in two days
- labo bari kadib
- 2 days after
- labo bari kahor
- 2 days before
- bari kaa ley
- come tomorrow
- Maanta dayn malaha. Bari haa
- No loan today, Tomorrow yes
- Sanad
- year
- sanadku
- the year
- bil
- month
- hal bil
- one month
- bishunu
- the month
- bilood
- months
- labo bilood
- 2 months
- wiig
- week
- hal wiig
- one week
- sano
- years old
- labatan sano
- 20 years old
- shan iyo barka
- half
- balaan
- appointment
- balaan baan rabaa
- I want an appointment
- balaan ma rabtaa
- do you want an appointment
- Imow
- Come
- Berri imow
- come tomorrow
- xafiiska imov berri
- Come ot the office tomorrow
- Imow berri dambe
- come to me tomorrow
- berri toban sac subaxnimo ma iman kartaa
- Can you come tomorrow at 10 am
- Waan iman karaa
- I can come
- Wac
- to call
- Isoo wac
- call me