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AP psychology


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Stanley Milgram
obedience studies - shocking
Carol Gilligan
Developmental Psycholgoy (Challenged the university of Kohlbergs moral development theory)
John Watson
Father of behaviorism, baby albert experiment - classically conditioned fear
Robert Rescorla
developed the contingency model of classical conditioning
Sigmund Freud
Personality and States of Conciousness (oral, anal, phallic, and adult genital) (Psychoanalytic therapy) (Theory of dreaming)
Harry Harlow
Developmental Psychology (experimented with infant monkeys and attatchment)
William James
Published the Pricniples of Psychology, psychology's first textbook, functionalism
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic psychologist, Hierarcy of needs, self actualization
Jean Piaget
stage theory of cognitive development (sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operations, and formal operations)
Elizabeth Loftus
Demonstrated the problems with eyewitness testimony and constructive memory
Solomon Asch
Social Psychology (Conformity experiment-people incorrectly reported lengths of lines) (Impression formation study - professor was warm or cold
Mary Ainsworth
Developmental Psychology (placed human infants into a "Strange situation" in order to examine attatchment to parents
Lawrence Kohlberg
stage theory of moral development (preconventional, conventional, and postconventional)
Carl Rogers
Humanistic psychologist - person (client) - centered therapy and unconditional positive regard (SELF THEORY OF PERSONALITY)
Albert Bandura
Learning and Personality (Social-learning theory [modeling]) (reciprocal determinism [triadic reciprocality]) (self-efficacy)
BF Skinner
Reinforcement, operant conditioning, invented skinner box
Alfred Binet
Testing and Individual Differences, Developemental Psychology and creatoer of the first intelligence test
Erik Erikson
Developmental Psychology (Neo-Freudian) (8 stages)
stanley schachter
two factor theory of emotion
HUBEL and Wiesel
Sensation and Perception (discovered feature detectors)
Wilhelm Wundt
set up the first psychological lab in an apartment near the university at germany, theory of structuralism

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