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Japans 391


undefined, object
copy deck
rokotsuni ieba (露骨に言えば)
to be plain/frank with you, to put it plainly
robō no hito (路傍の人)
a stranger
rokudaitoshi (六大都市)
the six biggest cities
ro o kogu (絽をこぐ)
to pull an oar, to work at the oar
rōhīru (ロー・ヒール)
low-heeled shoes
riyū ga nai (理由がない)
There is no reason for, We have no reason to do
rokuboku (肋木)
Swedish bars, wall bars
riyū (理由)
a reason, a cause; an excuse, a pretext
Rōmaji (ローマ字)
the Latin alphabet
rotanchō (ロ短調)
B minor
ro (絽)
silk gauze
rokuonsaisei (録音再生)
a playback
rōkarusentetsudō (ローカル線[鉄道])
a local line
roku o hamu (禄を食む)
to receive a stipend/fief
rokuonki (録音機)
a recorder
robō ni (路傍に/で)
by the roadside
dairokujū (第六十)
the sixtieth
rokkaku (六角)
a hexagon
roketto (ロケット)
a rocket; a locket
romanha (浪漫派)
the romantic school; romanticism; a romanticist
rokkanshinkeitsū (肋間神経痛)
intercostal neuralgia
rokujū (六十)
riyū no nai (理由のない)
unreasonable, groundless
rokuro (轆轤)
a lathe, a potter's wheel
roei suru (露営する)
to camp out, to encamp, to bivouac
rokkotsu (肋骨)
a rib, a frame
to iu riyū de (という理由で)
for the reason that, by reason of, on account of, because of, on the ground of/that
rokumentai no (六面体の)
Rōmajin (ローマ人)
a Roman
rokumentai (六面体)
the hexahedron
rokusansei (六三制)
the 6-3 system (of education)
robotto (ロボット)
a robot, a figurehead
rokuga suru (録画する)
to record
rochirimen (絽縮緬)
crepe gauze
rojō de (路上で)
on the street, in the road
rojōseikatsusha (路上生活者)
homeless people
rōkarubanshinbun (ローカル版[新聞])
a local edition
Rōmasūji (ローマ数字)
the Roman numerals
rokata (路肩)
a shoulder [of a road]
rokumakuen (肋膜炎)
rokēshon ni iku (ロケーションに行く)
to go on location
rokudenashi (碌でなし)
a good-for-nothing, a scoundrel
riyō dekiru (利用できる)
to be available
rokettohō (ロケット砲)
a rocket gun, a rocket launcher
rokkaku no (六角の)
rokettodan (ロケット弾)
a rocket bomb, rocket ammunition
rodai (露台)
a balcony
roku demo nai (碌でもない)
useless, worthless
rokuon suru (録音する)
to record (on tape), to tape
rokurozaiku (轆轤細工)
rokuga (録画)
videotape recording, [テレビの] telerecording
ro (炉)
a fireplace, a furnace
rizumutaisō (リズム体操)
rhythmic gymnastics, rhythmic exercises
riyō suru (利用する)
to use, to make (good) use of, to utilize, [機会を] to take, to avail oneself of, to take advantage of, [人を] to make a cat's-paw of, to make the best/most of
riyō (理容)
haircutting, hairdressing
robottokōgaku (ロボット工学)
riyō dekinai (利用できない)
to be unavailable
rizumu (リズム)
a rhythm
roka suru (濾過する)
to filter
rokuni kangae mo shinaide (碌に考えもしないで)
without due consideration
roku (禄)
a fief, an allowance
roji (路地)
an alley, a lane
rokuna (碌な)
[no] good, [no] decentm [no restaurants] to speak of, [not] satisfactory
robī (ロビー)
a lobby, a lounge, a foyer
rizumukan (リズム感)
a sense of rhythm
rizume de (理詰で)
by reasoning
riyōkachi ga nai (利用価値がない)
to be of no utility value
rokumaku (肋膜)
the pleura
rokubungi (六分儀)
a sextant
roken suru (露見する)
to be discovered, to be detected, to be found out
rizume de toku (理詰で説く)
to reason [a person into doing]
rokuni mi mo shinaide (碌に見もしないで)
without looking at it well
rokushō (緑青)
green rust
rokubun no ichi (六分の一)
one sixth
roku (六)
Rōma no (ローマの)
tsukiroketto (月ロケット)
a moon rocket
rokugatsu (六月)
rokuni (碌に)
[not] well, [not] properly, [not] satisfactorily, [not] even, scarcely [any]
rizaya (利鞘)
a (profit) margin, [Infml.] scalp
rokotsuna (露骨な)
plain, blunt, indecent
rōkaru (ローカル)
local; provincial
roman (ロマン)
a novel
Rōmahōō (ローマ法王)
the Pope
roba (驢馬)
an ass, a donkey
rokēshonchū de aru (ロケーション中である)
to be on location
rokabirī (ロカビリー)
Rōma (ローマ)
rokēshon (ロケーション)
a location
riyōsha (利用者)
a user, a visitor
riyū ga aru (理由がある)
There is every reason for, We have every reason to do
dairoku no (第六の)
the sixth
rokurokubi (轆轤首)
a long-necked monster
rojisaibai no (露地栽培の)
grown out of doors
sandanshikiroketto (三段式ロケット)
a three-stage rocket
rizai (理財)
economy, finance
rohendanwa (炉辺談話)
a fireside chat
Rōmateikoku (ローマ帝国)
the Roman Empire
romanshugi (浪漫主義)
robata (炉端)
the fireside
riyōkachi ga aru (利用価値がある)
to be of utility value
rochōchō (ロ長調)
B major

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