Ancient Greek Test Review
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- Illiad and Odyssey
- The epic poems written by homer. The Illiad is about the Trojan war as well as Achilles and the Trojan Hourse. The Odyssey is about Odysseaus the king of Ithaca on his way home from the Trojan War.
- Rise of Greek City States
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- Events of the Persian Wars
- The Persians outnumbered the Greeks but the Greeks won.
- Delian League
- An alliance between Athens and many other Greek city-states.
- Parthenon
- A temple built to honor Athena. Has giant statue of her in it made to honor her.
- Acropolis
- A very important site in Athens that has many great temples and buildings.
- Golden Age of Athens
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- Agora
- The center for commerce in Greek city-sates.
- Pelopponesian Wars
- A war between the Delian League and the Peloponnesian League that ended with the Greeks getting defeated.
- Macedonia and Alexander the Great
- Alexander the Great was an amazing ruler. He won many battles even though is army was largly outnumbered. He always carried around a copy of the Illiad with him.
- Lasting Contributions of the Greeks
- The Greeks made many great accomplishments in academics, architecture, the arts, and government.
- Homer
- Wrote the two epic poems The Illiad and The Odyssey.
- Socrates
- Believed in absolute truth, and taught using the Socratic method.
- Plato
- Founded the academy in Athens (Socrates taught Plato), wrote the republic (popular political theory that said if you have to have educated citizens to have a functioning democracy).
- Aristotle
- Learned at Plato's academy, and taught Alexander the Great.
- Philip II
- The Macedonian King who killed Alexander the Great.
- Themistocles
- The Athenian Navel General that lead the Navy at the battle of Salamis.
- Pericles
- The leader in Athens during the Golden Age. He rebuilds Athens after the Persian Wars.
- Hippocrates
- Involved in Medical Discoveries. Created the Hippocratic Oath that says if you have medical knowledge that you should use it to help others.
- Darius
- Persian emporer.
- Xerxes
- Persian emporer after Darius.
- Darius III
- Persian Emporer that is defeates by Alexander the Great.
- Archimedes
- The inventer of the simple machine. Created the principle of buoyancy (buoyancy = float).
- Euclid
- The father of Geometry
- Herodotus
- The father of History. The first true Historian. He wrote about the Persian Wars.
- Thucydides
- The second true historian. He wrote an acount of the Peloponisian Wars.
- Sophocles
- An author who wrote tragedies. His most famous work was Edipus Rex.
- Phidias
- He was a famous sculptor He sculpted many of the things in the Parthenon.
- Pythagoras
- Made the Pythagarum theory.
- Democracy
- A form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of citizens.
- Oligarchy
- A form of government in which a small group holds power.
- Monarchy
- A form of government in which power is in the hands of a single person.
- Tyranny
- A form of government in which the ruling power is in the hands of an individual who has seized control, often by illegal means.
- Socratic Method
- A method of teaching by asking questions to encourage students to make their own discoveries and decisions.
- Phalanx
- A greek military formation.
- Hellinistic Culture
- The blending of Greek and Persian cultures.