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Solar System Final- 1


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As we look out in space we also look back in time. Why is that?
Because of the finite speed of light. Starlight that reaches us now left distant stars long ago. We see the star when it was much younger than at present.
It is claimed that planets could not form before the first stars. Why is that?
Elements (other than Hydrogen, Helium, Lithium and Beryllium) needed to make the planets were not made in the ⬝Big Bang⬝. They could only form in the interior of stars. The stars had to age and explode to release the elements made in their interiors.
What is light?
All the other answers are right. (2) Light is an electromagnetic wave. (3) Light is a flow of particles or quanta called photons. (4) Light is a type of wave that can propagate through empty space. (5) Light is generated as charges accelerate.
What is a spectrum in science?
Newton showed that white light can be split up in its component colors which he called a spectrum. A diagram of intensity versus wavelength is also known as a spectrum.
Which of the following can be learned from analysis of starlight?
All the other answers are right. (2) The star’s temperature. (3) The star’s motion toward or away from the observer. (4) The composition of any cloud of gas that the light may have passed through. (5) The motion toward or away from the observer of any cloud of gas between the star and the observer.
In what way did Newton improve on Kepler’s first law?
He showed that planet orbits have the center of mass of the Sun + planet system in one focus, not the Sun.
One way to look at Newton’s laws is that they directly define several concepts used in science. Only one of the concepts listed below is NOT defined by Newton, which one?
What causes the band of light extending across the sky known as the Milkyway?
The stars in our own galaxy.
What fundamental conclusion do we draw from the existence of starlight with spectra that can be interpreted in a similar manner in all neighborhoods of the sky?
The same physics is going on everywhere and matter has similar properties every- where.
What is matter made of according to modern science?
Atoms that in turn are made of protons, neutrons, and electrons.
How do we primarily learn what distant stars are made of?
Through starlight.
Which of the following is an example of the minimalist principle \"Lex Parsimoniae\" being applied as part of the scientific method? The principle is also known as \"Occam’s razor\" and paraphrased as: \"All things being equal, the simplest solution
Copernicus’ heliocentric cosmology proposal and Kepler’s laws are examples of ”Lex Parsimoniae” being applied in science to argue that the Geocentric cosmology and mo- tion of planets following deferents and epicycles should be abandoned.
What invalidates Ptolemy’s demonstration that the Earth is in the center of the universe based on the observation that approximately half the number of stars are above the horizon and half are below the horizon at any time?
He assumed that the stars were all on the celestial sphere at some modest distance from the center of the universe.
Which cultures did know the Earth to be round or spherical? A) Mesopotamians around 1000 BC. B) Babylonians before 600 BC. C) Greeks 600 BC to 100 BC. D) Europeans 100 AD to 1500 AD.
Probably all of them. C and D for sure while A and B is likely.
Why did the geocentric Greek cosmology prevail at least until Copernicus’ work?
The geocentric system using deferents and epicycles upon epicycle more accurately predicted the position of the planets in the sky than the heliocentric system with circular orbits.
What is retrograde Planet motion?
The path of some planets projected on the background sky occasionally skips back- ward as the Earth orbits the sun.
Which of the observations listed below contradicts the geocentric cosmology and was used to throw it over
The phases of Venus
As Newton derived the laws of motion and the law of gravity he based his work primarily on what major work?
Kepler’s work summarized in his laws of planetary motion
Why was there such a great anticipation upon Cavendish’s experiment to determine the gravitational constant?
The Earth’s interior being hollow or not could be definitely settled.
The Earth’s density indicates that its interior is:
rich in iron.
The age of the universe is believed to be 14 or 15 billion years. What is this conclusion primarily based on?
The rate at which distant galaxies recede indicates that they were all in one point 14 or 15 billion years ago.
22. What argument do we have that a technical civilization may only last 10,000 years or less on a planet surface such as the Earth’s?
Records show the climate and other conditions are not stable over longer time peri- ods.
Most stars and galaxies look like faint white dots to most observers. Yet the nearest one, the Sun, is yellow. Do the distant stars also have colors?
Yes, hotter stars are blue and colder ones red. The starlight is too faint for the unaided human eye to see colors but you may see them through a powerful telescope.
Separate the major features of the solar system that could be explained based on Laplace’s nebula theory from those that could not. A) The formation of planets from the flattened nebula (also known as an accretion disk). B) All planets orbit nearly
A and D could not be explained based on Laplaces work, while B and C could.
Match the civilization to its major accomplishments. A) the world was portrayed as a flat or curved disk floating in the ocean. B) Generalizing and discussing general problems rather than individual problems as civilizations before them had. C) Their
Mesopotamians and Babylonian: A and B. Greeks: C and D.
A space capsule orbits the Earth. Why does the occupant not feel gravity?
Because according to Newton’s laws (and Kepler’s) the trajectory of a satellite (as long as it is still low mass compared to the planet) does not depend on the mass or any other property of the of the satellite. The astronaut and the capsule can both be considered satellites in the same orbit and therefore they move together.
Ernest Mach reformulated Newton’s laws and managed to show what?
Newton’s new concepts of force and mass are not needed to formulate his laws.
Which of the following is a good example of a concept that now is known to be incorrect but is still used because it is considered practical or useful. Write one more example legibly in the upper left corner of the test answer form (scantron) for an e
The celestial sphere
What fundamental assumption did Eratosthene make to enable measurement of the Earth’s size?
He assumed that sunlight arrives in parallel beams everywhere on Earth.

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