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Astronomical Islamic Achievements
Determined the positions of stars, the movement of planets and time.
Mathematical Islamic Achievements
Arabic numbers (1-9), the concept of 0, the invention of algebra and their work in geometry led to the development of trigonometry
Islamic Achievements:
Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography, Chemistry, Medicine, Art, Architecture, Literature, Philosophy, History, House of Wisdom
Roles of Women in Islam
Ownership of property, the womens lives revolved around the family, made contributions to arts & poetry and could be rulers
Shiite Muslims
Believe that only descendants of Muhammad can interpret the Koran & can be caliph
Geographical Islamic Achievements
Muslim geographers made outlines of Asia, Europe & North America. They also produced maps of the Eastern hemisphere.
Medical Islamic Achievements
The Canon of Medicine, a book that summarized all the medical knowledge of that time. It described the function of organs and offered diagnosis and treatments for many diseases
Chemical Islamic Achievements
Developed alchemy (making things into gold) and methods along with equipments still being used today
Roles of Men in Islam
Could be in politics, could take public baths, played chess, practiced gymnastics, could enter mosque schools at the age of 7
Sunni Muslims
Believe Islamic religious authority changes hands as the caliph changes
Islamic Achievements in Art
Muslim scholars discouraged artists from making images or pictures of living creatures, instead they used calligraphy
Islamic Achievements in Architecture
Islamic achievements in Literature
Were mostly poems that were passed down from each generation to the next
Philosophical Islamic achievements
Believed that religious truths could be analyzed & defended with logic. They tried to reconcile the Quran with Greek Philosophy
Historical Islamic achievements
Traced their origins through historical events and were interested in writing history
The House of Wisdom
Research center that specialized in translating Greek to Arabic .
Elegant art of handwriting
accounts in which events are arranged in the order which they occurred
Arabic Numerals
Counting numbers, (0-9)
Muslim home of worship
Pilgrimage to Makkah that every muslim is expected to make atleast once
Muslim prayer leader (like a priest)
Supreme leader, successor of Muhammad
5 Pillars of Islam
Fasting, Faith, Pilgrimage, Alms, Prayer
Was visited by the angel Gabriel to preach Islam. Preaches: One true god Equality to all those who believe was driven out of Mecca and ran to MedinA
Umayyad Dynasty
Moved capital to Damascus Non-Arab muslims, jews & Christians are welcomed and tolerated
Abbasid Dynasty
Made all muslims equal Height during 800-900 AD Arabic was spoken everywhere Arabic numerals were invented during this dynasty

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