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CLP Mid term cont


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he was a viennese neurologist
Sigmund Freud
Freud was a (1)neurologists
he could be considered the first psychiatrist
Freud could be considred the first (1)
Freud become very interested in (1)
mental anguish or conflict expressed as physical illness such as paralysis or unwatned tic
he become very interested in mental anguish or conflict expressed as a physical illness such as paralysis or unwanted tic
What did Freud kind of theory did Freud attempt to develop?
a unifying theory of human behavior and emotion
he tryed to develop a unifying theory of human behavior and emotion and modeled his theory on the work being done on thermodynamics in his day
What did Freud theorize about conflicts?
that unresolved unconscious conflicts possibly arising from early childhood trauma, becomes manifest in the adult pateint through maladaptive, "fixated" defenses against painful memory of the trauma
he theorized that unresolved unconscious conflicts possibly trauma becomes maifested in the adult pateint through maladapative, "fixated" defenese against painful memory of the trauma
Who is Anna Freud?
she made one of the more enduring contributions through her elucidation of mechianisms of ego defense
she made one of the more enduring contributions through her elucidation of mechianisms of ego defense
Anna freud
this an area her father frequently allued to but did not as clearly and catergorically define
Anna freud
much of the history of this is marred by bitter fighting btwn the master and his former pupils such as Jung and Alder who both broke away from frued w his emphasis on ifantile sexuaility
Describe the history pf pscyhoanylsis
much of the history is marredby bitter fighting btwn the master and his former pupils such as Jung and Alder who both broke away from frued w his emphasis on ifantile sexuaility
Who are (2)people that broke away from Freud?
Jung and Alder
these two people broke away from freud w his emphasis on infantitle sexuaility
Jung and Alder
Who where Jung and Alder?
where 2 of Freud's pupils who broke away from him bc of his emphasis on infatitle sexuaility
Who was Karen Horney?
started warring camps of neofreudains that batteled w the orthodox defenders of psychoanalysts founder
this person started warring camps of neofreudains that battled w the orthodox defenders of pscyhoanalysts founder
Karen Horney
What was freud critized for?
turning any counterarguments and homminin
he has been critzed for turning any counterarguments and homminin
T or F
it is very clear that freud intended his theories to be viewed as a foundiation to be built upon the fortress to be defended
Was it clear that Freud intended his theories to be viewed as a foundiation to be built upon the fortress to be defended?
What is the Topographic theory/
is Freud's first attempt to divide the mind into strutural regions separated by functions
this was Freud's first attempt to divide the mind into structural regions separated by function
topographic theroy
According to Freud, what are the structural regions of the brain? (3)
(1)unconscious (2)the preconscious (3)the conscious
this has three structural regions: unconscious, the preconscious, and the conscious
the brain
What is the unconscious?
is the resository repressed ideas and affects and where emotions come from
this is the resository repressed ideas and affects and where emotions come from
What are (3)states in which the ideas bubble up into the consciousness?
(1)when you are asleep through your dreams (2)in jokes (3)when overwhelemed
this is thought to bubble up in three states: when you asleep and dream, in jokes, and/or when you are overwhelemed
the consciousness
In the land of the unconscious the (1)rules
the primary process
in this structural region, the primary process rules
What is the primary process?
is a type of mental activity that knows no logical constriants or boundaries, concepts of time, and permits contradictions
is a type of mental activity that knows no logical constriants or boundaries concepts of time and perimts contradictions
primary process
When can you see the primary process at work?
when you observe children in a candy store and see thier complete inability to delay gratification
a example of this is when you observe children in a candy and see thier complete inability to delay gratification
primary process
this is also where instincts and unfulfilled wishes are stored
Where are our instincts and unfulfilled wishes are stored?
What does the unconscious store?
our unfulfilled wishes and instincts
What is the preconsnscious?
is the link btwn conscious and the unconscious process acting as a screen, filter or censor
this is the link btwn our conscious and the unconscious acting as a screen, filter, or censor
usally our represed emotions are unaccesible by this
The consciousness may make an effort to exclude our (1)in the unsconscious via regression
repressed ideas and emotions
the (1)may make an effort to exclude our repressed ideas and emotions in the unconscious via regression
the consciousnessmay make an effort to exclude our repressed ideas and emotions in the unconscious via (1)
What process dominates the preconscious?
the secondary process
in this strucutural brain region, the secondary process rules
What process rules the the preconscious?
What is the secondary process?
is thinking that recognizes the reaility principle
this is thinking that recoginzes the realilty principle
secondary principle
What is the reaility principle?
states that there are constraints that logic must be followed, that contradictory truths cannot coexist
this states that there are constriants that logic must be followed, that contraicotry truths cannot coexist
reality principle
What does the secondary process attempt to do?
regulate or delay discharge of instictive energy and to prevent unpleasantness
this attempts to regulate or discharge of instinctive energy and to prevent unpleasantness
secondary process
What is the conscious?
is the instrument of attention
this is the instrument of attention
only a minority of mental energy ocuress here
most of the mental energy occurs here
Where is the most of the mental energy used?
Where is the minority of mental energy used?
we are immediately aware of our (1)and (2)
conscious and preconscious
T or F
the rest of the mind is beyond our awareness but can percolate up to consciousness for example through dreams or jokes
What are (3) provinces that the mind has?
(1)id (2)ego (3)superego
this has three regions: id, ego, and superego
the brain
What is the id?
this is the locus of primitive drives
this is the locus the primitive drives
this is what streers you toward a car on the showeroom you know you cant afford
this is what drives your eyes towards that person across the room even if your there with your signficant other
this operates under the pleasure principle
The id operates under the (1)
pleasure principle
What is the pleasure principle?
means that there is no regard for realilty
this is means that there is no regard for realilty
pleasure reaility
this is when you have a wild fantasy or dream
pure id
What is the ego?
balances the drives of the id against the reality of the world
this balances the drives of the id against the reaility of the world
this is more organized than the id
Which is more organized the ego, or the id/
this attempts to avoid displeasure and pain
What attempts avoid displeasure and pain?
the ego attempts to (1)
avoid displeasure and pain
Patients w (1)are said to have good "ego strength"
good controol of thier impules and the ability to tolerate diffuclt emotional challenges
Patients w good control of thier impulses and the ability to tolerate diffuclt emotional challenges are said to have (1)
good "ego strength"
this is where the real action is
the ego
this is critically involved in self presvation of the organism through memory, awareness of stimuli, and making changes i nthe external environment to gain advantage
The ego is critically involved in (1)
self preservervation of the organism through memory, awareness of stimuli, and making changes in the external eviornment to gain advantage
this can delay or discharge various impulses of the id and leading to relase or tension
the ego can delay or discharge (1)
various impulses leading to the release or tension
What is the superego?
is the locus of internalized moral values, prohibitions, and ideals of persons
this is the locus of internalized moral values, prohibitions, and ideals of persons
this is what compels men to climb men to climb out of foxholes under fire to pull a wounded comrade back to safety
this what probally drove you to attend medical school or become a physician
this is the repositroy of your ego ideal, your idealized self, the and self you ideally want to be
the superego is the repostirory of your (1) or the (2)
(1)repository of your ego ideal (2)the self of you ideally want to be
The superego is where your (1) lives and is responsiple for (2)
(1)consceince (2)guilt
is where your conscience lives and is responsible for the experience of guilt
What is the Opedipus complex based on?
the greek tragedy Oedipus Rex
this is based on the greek tragedy Oedipus Rex
Opedipus complex
What is Opedius Rex?
is a story of a boy banished as an infant by his father, the king, comes back and murders (unware of his idenity) at crossraods then marries his mother (still unaware until too late of her identiy
is a story of a boy banished as an infant by his father, the king, comes back and murders (unware of his idenity) at crossraods then marries his mother (still unaware until too late of her identiy
Opedius Rex
What is the Opedius complex?
states that 3-5 year old boys go through a crisis in which they seek to seduce thier mothers while fearing retaliatory castration by thier father (2)succesful resolution of this conflict involves acceptance that the mother is unattainble and belongs to the father but that one day might be found who will subsutie for the relinquished mother
states that 3-5 year old boys go through a crisis in which they seek to seduce thier mothers while fearing retaliatory castration by thier father. Furthermore, succesful resolution of this conflict involves acceptance that the mother is unattai
Opedius complex
this is one of the most controversial and widely criticized aspects of psychodynamic theory
Opedidus complex
The opedius complex is one of the most (1)and widely (2)
(1)controversial (2)critzed aspects of pscychodynamic theory
What are some issuses that females find w the femal version of the Opedius complex?
Why for example should a girl suffer from penis envy and why shouldnt a man suffer breast envy?
How has the Opedius complex been critized?
it has been observed that a number of cultures had no recoginzable had no recoginzable Opedial complex
What was Freud's goal in formualting his theories?
to create a univerisal laws of thermodynamics and physics that where being developed and popualrized during his lifetime on what drives people to do things they do
What are personaility disorders?
represents a collection of maladaptive defenses
this represents a collection of maladaptive defenses
personaility disorders
this is a view created by Freud that is shared by many researchers in the field regardless of theoretical oreintion
that personality disorders represnt a collectiion of maladaptive defenses
What are (3) things that can shed some light on what were otherwise incomprehenisble, bizarre behvaiors, and offered guidance in intervention
(1)denial (2)rationalization (3)acting out
Who was Kohut?
stressed the importance of attempting to understand and empathize w the patient's inner world
this person stressed the importance of attempting to understand and empathize w the patient's inner world
MWhat is much of the research done on pscyhodynamic pscyhotherapy like?
is naturalistic and suffers from a lack of randomization and control groups
much of the research on this field is naturalistic and suffers from a lack of randomization and control group
pscyhodynamic psychotherapy
T or F
empthy does reclude the therapist from confronting the patient when the patient is engaging in destructive or counter therapeutic behavior
What is the objective of any psychodyniamically oreiented pscychotherapy?
is to make unconsicous conscious , allowing previously repressed conflicts, wishes, fantasies, and drives to be dealt w and in some way masters
the major objective of this is to make unconsicous conscious , allowing previously repressed conflicts, wishes, fantasies, and drives to be dealt w and in some way masters
psychodyniamically oreiented pscychotherapy
What is the underlyin assumption of psychodyniamically oreiented pscychotherapy?
is that the insight will lead to some meaningful
the underling assumption of this is that the insight will lead to some meaningful
psychodyniamically oreiented pscychotherapy
a example of this is that a person who becomes aware of how much angry men remind him of his father andl leave him paralized w fear may become more functional than in the presnsce of men
the underlyin assumption of psychodyniamically oreiented pscychotherapy
What is pain disorder?
when a patient's predominant complaint is of physical pain that is not intentionally produced or faked
this is when a patient's predominant complaint is of physical pain that is not intnetionall produced or faked
pain disorder
pain disorder assoicated w a general medical condition
What are the diagnostic criteria for pain disorder? (5)
(1)pain in one or more anatomical sites is the predominant focus of the clincal presentation and is of sufficient severity to warrent clinical attention (2)the pain caueses impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas (3)pscyholgical factors are jugded to have an imporant role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintence of the pain (4)the symptom or deficit is not intentionally produced or feigned (5)the pain is not better accounted for by a mood, anxiety, or psychotic disorder and does not meet the criteria for dyspareunia
What are the different types of pain disorder? (3)
(1)pain disorder associated w psychological factors (2)pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition (3)pain disorder assocaited w a general medical condition
What is the pain disorder assocaiated w psychological factors?
are psycholgical factors judged to have the major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation or mainence of the pain
in this type of a pain disorder, the psychological factors are judged to have the major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation or maintenance of the pain
pain disorder associated w pscyhological factors
What is acute pain disorder associated w pscyhological factors?
duration of less than 6 months
this is when the pain disorder associated w pscyhological factors last for 6 months or longer
chronic pain disorder associated w pscyhological factors
What is pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition ?
is when both pscholgical factors and a general medical condition are judged to have important roles in the onset, severity, esacerbation, or maintence of the pain
this is when both pscholgical factors and a general medical condition are judged to have important roles in the onset, severity, esacerbation, or maintence of the pain
pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition
pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition
What is pain disorder assocaited w general medication condition?
is when a general medical condition has a major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation or maintenance of the pain
this is when a general medical condition has a major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation or maintenance of the pain
pain disorder assocaited w general medication condition
What is acute pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition?
is when the duration lasted for less than 6 months
what is chronic pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition?
when the pain disorder lasts for 6 months or more
this is when the pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition lasts for less than 6 months
acute pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition
this is when the pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition
lasts for more than 6 months
pain disorder assocaited w both pscyhological and a general medical condition

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