undefined, object
copy deck
- earmark
- v. ~ sb/sth (for sth/sb) assign or set aside sb/sth (to or for a special purpose)
- earn
- v. get (money) by working
- earthly
- adj. of this world; not spiritual
- earthy
- adj. of or like earth or soil
- ebb
- v. ~ (of the tide) go out; recede ;
- ebullient
- adj. full of energy and excitement; exuberant ;
- eccentric
- adj. unusual; peculiar; not conventional or normal
- eccentricity
- n. quality of being eccentric; strangeness of behaviour, etc
- ecclesiastic
- n. clergyman
- eclectic
- adj. (of people, beliefs, etc) not restricted to one source of ideas, etc, but choosing from or using a wide range
- eclipse
- n. blocking of the light of the sun or of the moon (when the earth's shadow falls on it)
- ecliptic
- (Astronomy) a the great circle on the celestial sphere representing the apparent annual path of the sun relative to the stars.
- economy
- n. avoidance of waste (of money, strength, time, resources, etc)
- ecosystem
- n. ecological unit consisting of a group of plants and living creatures interacting with each other and with their surroundings
- ecstasy
- n. great joy or happiness
- eddy
- n. circular or spiral movement of water, air, fog, dust, etc
- edict
- n. order or proclamation issued by an authority
- edifice
- n. large or imposing building
- edify
- v. (fml or joc ) improve the mind or character of (sb)
- eerie
- adj. causing a feeling of mystery and fear
- efface
- v. rub or wipe (sth) out; cause to fade
- effective
- adj. having an effect; producing the intended result
- effectual
- adj. (not used of people) producing the intended result
- effectuate
- to cause to happen; effect; accomplish
- effeminate
- adj. (of a man or his behaviour) like a woman; unmanly
- effervescence
- (n.) liveliness; spirit; enthusiasm; bubbliness
- effete
- adj. weak, having lost power
- efficacy
- n. state or quality of being efficacious
- effigy
- n. carved figure or model representing a person or animal
- effluvium
- noxious smell
- effrontery
- n. boldness or rudeness without shame; impertinence
- effulgent
- radiant splendor:BRILLIANCE
- effusion
- n. pouring out, esp of liquid
- effusive
- adj. showing (too much) feeling; too emotional
- ego
- n. individual's perception or experience of himself, esp in relation to other people or to the outside world; part of the mind that can think, feel and act
- egoism
- n. state of mind in which one is always thinking about oneself and what is best for oneself
- egotism
- n. practice of talking too often or too much about oneself; selfishness ;
- egotistical
- [ egotist: ] a conceited boastful person
- egregious
- adj. (usu of sb/sth bad ) exceptional; outstanding
- egress
- n. (right of) going out
- ejaculation
- n. sudden discharge or ejection of fluid, esp semen, from the body
- elaborate
- adj. very detailed and complicated; carefully prepared and finished
- elaboration
- addition of details; intricacy
- elastic
- adj. returning to its normal or previous size or shape after being pulled or pressed
- elated
- adj. ~ in high spirits; very happy or proud
- elegy
- n. poem or song expressing sorrow, esp for the dead; lament ;
- elevation
- n. elevating or being elevated
- elicit
- v. ~ sth (fml ) draw (facts, a response, etc) from sb, sometimes with difficulty
- elixir
- n. imaginary substance with which medieval scientists hoped to change metals into gold or make people live for ever
- ellipsis
- n. (grammar) (instance of) leaving out a word or words from (the grammatical structure of) a sentence when the meaning can be understood without it/them
- elliptical
- adj. containing ellipsis
- elope
- v. ~ run away with a lover, esp to get married
- eloquence
- n. expressive language, esp to impress or persuade an audience
- elucidate
- v. make (sth) clear; explain
- elusive
- adj. tending to escape or disappear; difficult to capture
- elysian
- adj. the Elysian fields
- Elysium
- n. (in Greek myths) home of the blessed after death
- emaciated
- adj. made thin and weak
- emanate
- v. ~ from sth/sb come or flow from sth/sb
- emancipate
- v. ~ sb set sb free, esp from political, legal or social restrictions
- emasculate
- v. remove the sexual organs of (a male animal); castrate ;
- embargo
- n. (on sth) official order that forbids sth, esp trade, the movement of ships, etc
- embark
- v. ~ (cause sb/sth to) go or be taken on board a ship or an aircraft
- embed
- to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix
- embellish
- v. ~ sth make sth beautiful by adding ornaments, etc
- embezzlement
- n. embezzling
- embitter
- v. fill with bitter feelings
- emblazon
- v. decorate with heraldic or other devices
- embody
- v. ~ sth (in sth) (fml ) express or give visible form to (ideas, feelings, etc)
- emboss
- raise in a relief
- embrace
- close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of affection:HUG
- embroider
- v. ~ A ~ B (with A) decorate (cloth) with needlework
- embroil
- throw into confusion; involve in strife; entangle
- embryonic
- adj. in an early stage of development
- emend
- v. remove errors from
- emendation
- n. action of emending
- emetic
- n, adj causing vomiting
- eminent
- adj. famous and distinguished
- emissary
- n. person sent to deliver a message or to conduct negotiations
- emollient
- n, adj that soothes and softens the skin
- emolument
- n. (fml or rhet ) profit made from being employed; fee or salary
- empathy
- n. ability to imagine and share another person's feelings, experience, etc
- empirical
- adj. based on observation or experiment, not on theory
- emulate
- v. ~ sb (fml ) try to do as well as or better than sb
- enact
- v. perform (a part, play, etc) on, or as if on, the stage of a theatre
- enamored
- (adj.) filled with love and desire
- encipher
- convert ordinary language into code
- encircle
- v. form a circle round; surround
- enclave
- n. small territory of one state surrounded by that of another
- encomiastic
- [ encomiast: ] en"comi'astic, en"comi'astical adjective
- encomium
- n. (fml ) very high praise in speech or writing
- encompass
- v. include or comprise sth
- encroachment
- n. ~ (fml ) action of encroaching
- encumber
- to impede or hamper the function or activity of:HINDER
- endear
- v. ~ sb/oneself to sb make sb/oneself loved or liked by sb
- endearment
- n. word or expression of affection
- endemic
- n, adj that is regularly found in a particular country or area, or among a particular group of people
- endorse
- v. write one's name on the back of
- endue
- v. ~ sb with sth provide or supply sb with a good quality, ability etc
- enduring
- adj. continuing in existence; lasting
- energize
- invigorate; make forceful and active
- enervate
- v. cause to lose strength or energy
- enfranchise
- v. give (sb) political rights, esp the right to vote at parliamentary elections
- engage
- v. ~ sb (fml ) arrange to employ sb; hire sb
- engaged
- adj. busy; occupied
- engaging
- adj. likely to attract or occupy the attention; charming
- engender
- v. be the cause of (a situation or condition)
- engross
- v. occupy all the time or attention of (sb)
- engulf
- v. (of the sea, flames, etc) surround (sth) or cause (sth) to disappear; envelop
- enhance
- v. increase make (sb/sth) look better
- enigma
- n. question, person, thing, circumstance, etc that is difficult to understand; mystery
- enigmatic
- adj. difficult to understand; mysterious
- enjoin
- v. ~ sth (fml or law ) impose (an action or prohibition) on sb; order
- enlist
- v. ~ (in/for sth); ~ (sb) (as sth) enter or cause (sb) to enter the armed forces
- enliven
- v. make more lively or cheerful
- enmity
- n. condition or feeling of being an enemy; hostility
- ennui
- n. weariness of mind caused by lack of anything interesting or exciting to do; feeling of boredom
- enormity
- n. great wickedness
- enrapture
- v. fill (sb) with great delight or joy
- ensconce
- v. ~ oneself/sb in sth establish or settle oneself in a safe, secret, comfortable, etc place
- ensue
- v. ~ happen afterwards or as a result; follow
- entail
- v. make necessary; involve
- enterprise
- n. project or undertaking, esp one that is difficult or needs courage
- enterprising
- adj. having or showing enterprise(2)
- enthrall
- capture; make slave
- entice
- v. ~ sb (from sth); ~ sb (into sth/doing sth) try to tempt or persuade sb, usu by offering sth pleasant or a reward
- entity
- n. thing with distinct and real existence
- entomology
- n. scientific study of insects
- entourage
- n. all those who accompany and attend an important person
- entrance
- n. ~ opening, gate, door, passage, etc by which one enters sth
- entreat
- v. ~ sb (fml ) ask sb (for sth) earnestly and feelingly; beg
- entree
- n. ~ (into sth) right or privilege of admission or entry
- entrepreneur
- n. person who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise, esp one involving financial risk
- enumerate
- v. name one by one; count
- enunciate
- v. say or pronounce clearly
- environ
- enclose; surround
- eon
- n. an indefinitely long period of time
- epaulet
- an ornamental cloth pad worn on the shoulder
- ephemeral
- adj. living, lasting, etc for a very short time
- epic
- n. long poem about the deeds of one or more great heroes, or a nation's past history
- epicure
- n. person who takes a special interest in and gets great pleasure from food and drink
- epicurean
- n, adj fond of pleasure and luxury
- epigram
- n. short poem or saying expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way
- epilogue
- n. part or section added at the end of a book, play, film, programme, etc, as a comment on the main action
- episodic
- adj. occurring irregularly; sporadic
- epistemologist
- [ epistemology: ] e"piste'mologist nou
- epitaph
- n. words written or said about a dead person, esp words inscribed on a tombstone
- epithet
- n. adjective or descriptive phrase that refers to the character or most important quality of sb/sth eg Alfred the Great, Attila the Hun ,
- epitome
- n. thing that shows on a small scale all the characteristics of sth much larger
- epoch
- n. period of time in history, life, the history of the earth, etc, esp one marked by notable events or characteristics
- equable
- adj. free from extremes of heat or cold; moderate
- equanimity
- n. calmness of mind or temper
- equestrian
- adj. of horse-riding
- equilibrium
- n. state of being balanced
- equine
- adj. of or like a horse or horses
- equinox
- n. either of the two times in the year (around
- equipoise
- n. balanced state, esp of the mind; equilibrium ;
- equitable
- adj. fair and just; reasonable
- equity
- n. fairness; right judgement
- equivocal
- adj. having a double or doubtful meaning; ambiguous
- equivocate
- v. speak in an ambiguous way to hide the truth or mislead people
- erode
- v. destroy or wear (sth) away gradually
- erotic
- adj. of or arousing sexual desire
- errant
- adj. doing wrong; misbehaving
- erratic
- adj. irregular or uneven in movement, quality or behaviour; unreliable
- erroneous
- adj. incorrect; mistaken
- erudite
- adj. having or showing great learning; scholarly
- escapade
- n. daring, mischievous or adventurous act; prank
- eschew
- v. keep away from (sth); abstain from; avoid
- esoteric
- adj. likely to be understood by only those with a special knowledge or interest; mysterious; obscure
- espionage
- n. practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information
- espouse
- v. give one's support to (a cause, theory, etc)
- esteem
- v. (not used in the continuous tenses ) have a high opinion of (sb/sth); respect greatly
- estimable
- adj. worthy of great respect
- estranged
- [ estrange: ] [usually passive; often foll by from] to separate and live apart from (one's spouse)
- ethereal
- adj. of unearthly delicacy and lightness; seeming too spiritual or fairy-like for this world
- ethnic
- adj. of a national, racial or tribal group that has a common cultural tradition
- ethnology
- n. science of the different human races, their characteristics, relations to one another, etc
- ethos
- n. characteristic spirit, moral values, ideas or beliefs of a group, community or culture
- etymology
- n. study of the origin and history of words and their meanings
- eugenic
- pertaining to the improvement of race
- eulogistic
- adj. full of high praise
- eulogy
- n. (speech or piece of writing containing) high praise of a person or thing
- euphemism
- n. use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones
- euphony
- n. pleasantness of sound, esp in words
- euphoria
- n. intense feeling of happiness and pleasant excitement
- euthanasia
- n. gentle and painless death for a person suffering from a painful incurable disease, extreme old age, etc
- evanescent
- adj. quickly fading; soon disappearing from memory
- evasive
- adj. having the aim or intention of avoiding capture, of not giving a direct answer, etc
- evenhanded
- without partiality
- eventual
- adj. happening at last as a result; ultimate
- evince
- v. show clearly that one has (a feeling, quality, etc); exhibit
- evocative
- adj. ~ that evokes or is able to evoke memories, feelings, etc (of sth)
- evoke
- v. bring to mind (a feeling, memory, etc); summon up
- ewe
- n. female sheep
- exacerbate
- v. make (pain, disease, a situation) worse; aggravate
- exact
- adj. correct in every detail; precise
- exacting
- adj. making great demands; requiring great effort
- exalt
- v. make (sb) higher in rank or greater in power
- exasperate
- v. irritate or annoy greatly
- except
- prep ~ ~ (that...) not including (sb/sth); but not
- exceptionable
- adj. that sb can object to
- excerpt
- n. ~ passage, extract, from a book, film, piece of music, etc
- exchequer
- n. the Exchequer government department in charge of public money
- excise
- n. government tax on certain goods manufactured, sold or used within a country
- exclaim
- v. cry out suddenly and loudly from pain, anger, surprise, etc
- excoriate
- to censure scathingly
- exculpate
- v. ~ sb (fml ) free sb from blame; say that sb is not guilty
- execrable
- adj. verybad; terrible
- execrate
- to declare to be evil or detestable:DENOUNCE
- execute
- v. carry out, perform (what one is asked or told to do)
- executioner
- n. public official who carries out a death sentence
- executive
- adj. concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc
- executor
- n. person who is appointed by the maker of a will to carry out the terms of the will
- exegesis
- n. (fml ) explanation and interpretation of a written work, esp the Bible ,
- exemplary
- adj. serving as an example; suitable for imitation
- exemplify
- v. be a typical example of (sth)
- exempt
- adj. ~ free from an obligation, duty or payment; not liable
- exertion
- n. action of applying influence, etc
- exhale
- v. breathe (sth) out
- exhilarating
- adj. very exciting; causing happiness
- exhort
- v. ~ sb (fml ) advise sb strongly or earnestly; urge sb
- exhume
- v. take from the ground (for examination)
- exigency
- n. (condition of) urgent need or demand; emergency
- exiguous
- adj. very small (in amount); scanty
- existential
- adj. of or relating to (esp human) existence
- exodus
- n. ~ (to...) (fml or joc ) departure of many people at one time
- exonerate
- to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship
- exorbitant
- adj. (of a price, charge, etc) much too high or great; unreasonable
- exorcise
- drive out evil spirits
- exotic
- adj. introduced from another country; not native
- expansive
- adj. able or tending to expand
- expatiate
- v. ~ on/upon sth write or speak at great length or in detail about a subject
- expatriate
- n. person living outside his own country
- expedient
- adj. useful, helpful or advisable for a particular purpose, though not necessarily fair or moral
- expedite
- v. help the progress of (work, business, etc); hasten or speed up
- expeditious
- adj. done with speed and efficiency
- expenditure
- n. action of spending or using
- expertise
- n. expert knowledge or skill, esp in a particular field
- expiate
- v. accept punishment for (wrong one has done) and do something to show one is sorry; make up for
- expletive
- n. violent (often meaningless) exclamation said in anger, pain, etc; swear-word
- explicate
- v. explain and analyse (esp an idea, a statement or a work of literature) in detail
- explicit
- adj. (of a statement, etc) clearly and fully expressed
- exploit
- n. brave or adventurous deed or action
- expository
- serving to expound or set fourth
- expostulation
- n. protest; reasoned persuasion, etc
- exposure
- n. action of exposing or state of being exposed
- expound
- v. ~ sth (fml ) explain or make sth clear by giving details
- expropriate
- v. ~ sth (from sb) take away (property, etc) for public use without payment to the owner
- expunge
- v. ~ sth (fml ) remove or wipe out (words, names, etc) from a list, book, etc