Cams terms
undefined, object
copy deck
- doloploke
- snare-woven
- branding
- the manufacturing of a truth value
- Apotheosis
- becoming a God, like Cesaer
- panhelenic hero
- a hero anyone can relate to
- oreibasia
- going to the mountain, leaving civilization behind for worship of Dionysus
- meden agan
- nothing in excess
- maenad
- female companions to Dionysus, frenzied revelers
- Aphrodite Pandemos
- for all the people, sex goddess
- rhetoric
- the science of the art of persuasion or public speaking
- Metope
- panel for achitectural sculpture in Greek temples
- elegiac couplet
- love poem/ pantameter of love
- 3 long symbols of Odysseus
- bow & arrow, bed made out of tree, oar/winnow fan
- Aphrodite Urania
- heavenly, love goddess
- mustes
- mysteries
- autochthonous
- sprung from the earth
- telos
- end/goal
- thyrsus
- the wand/staff of Dionysus that is entwined w/ivy and a pinecone at the top
- eleusinian mysteries
- 9 days
- Parerga
- obstacles in addition to Hercules' 12 labors
- suasoria
- educational exercise in which students try to persuade mythic characters to do something
- Heraeum
- hill of worshiping Hera
- muo
- myth
- palintonos harmonia
- a harmony of opposites
- dithyramb
- wild song/chant in honor of Dionysus
- omophagia
- eating raw flesh
- dactylic hexameter
- meter of epic
- callipygian
- having a beautiful butt
- paidika
- naughty things done with young boys