undefined, object
copy deck
- AOII was established on...
- January 2nd, 1897
- AOII was founded at
- Barnard College
- The founder who was a crusader for peace and human conditions, started the War Resisters League, and ran for public office on the Socialist ticket.
- Jessi Wallace Hughan
- The founder was the National President during the depression years, and was the first International President as she pioneered expansion into Canada.
- Elizabeth Haywood Wyman
- Graduated first in her class from New York University Law School and was the framer of AOII's constitution and bylaws. She was the only founder to have children.
- Helen St. Clair Mullan
- Was an author of 17 books, owned an advertising agency, and was the first National President and served as AOII historian for life.
- Stella George Stern Perry
- What is the fraternity color and what does it mean?
- Cardinal; the fundamental principles that everything else depends or hinges on.
- The ruby is the fraternity
- Jewel
- Do AOII's use crests? Why or why not?
- No, our founders found that the simplicity and beauty our badge possesses is significant enough to stand alone. Crests are medieval and we are founded on Greek Ideals
- The sheaf is the translation for what
- To Dragma
- The AOII official mail order boutique and store at AOII HQ
- AOII Emporium
- The award given to the best collegiate chapter in our fraternity
- JWH Cup
- Headquarters is in
- Brentwood, TN
- Elects the Executive Board
- International Council