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Social Studies Unit 3


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a change in bahavior caused by experince
in conditioning, an action caused by a stimulus
a social scienists who studies the way the human mind works
super ego
part of the human personality according to Freud; teaching of society concerning right and wrong
defense mechanism
an unconsious way of protecting oneself from emotional pain and phyisical harm, according to Sigmund Freud; defense mechanism include projection, repression, denial, and rationalization
positive reinforcement
a reward given by the experimenter to the subject in operant conditioning after the subject performsan action desired by the experimenter
operant conditioning
the process of training a subject to perform a certain action by rewarding the subject when it performs the correct response
the act of carefully watching and writting down facts and events
conditioned response
a response that the subject is trained to do
unconditioned response
a response that the subject performs naturally, without being trained to do it
the passing of characteristics from parents to children through the process of reproduction
a defense mechanism in which a person makes an excuse that is not the real reason for the action
a defense mechanism in which a personputs painful memories out of his or her mind
trial-and-error learning
a method of learning by trying differeent ways of solving a problem until one works
a persons surroundings, including people, places, and things; the nonhereditiary part of a persons personality
social psycholoigist
a social scientist who studies how individuals behave in a group
the breaking up of an event or fact into smaller pieces in order to study it more closely
the ability to see, think, or do things in many different ways
classical conditioning
the pairing of a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus in such a way that they become identified in a subject's mind and produce the same response
what humans require for basic survival and living needs
behavioral science
the study of the human behavior; Psychology, Anthrpology, and Sociology
change in behavior to meet the needs of a changing environment
a psychological technique used in training animals
a defense mechanism in which a person refuses to believe something even if it is obvious
one of the three parts of the human personality, according to Sigmund Freud; the id represents the individual's most basic drives for food, water, survival, and pleasure
inkblot test
a psychological test in which patients describe what they see in general shapes made on paper wiht ink
the strongest part of the human personality; helps a person be realistic and balances the id and superego
the "inner you"; the combination of experiance patterns, hereditary factors, and environmental factors that make every human being a unique individual
a defense mechanism in which one's faults are shifted to someone else
comes from a the Greek words meaning "the study of the mind"
experience pattern
a pattern of learning that consist of five steps: perception, conceptualization, thoughts, actions, and reaction.
developmental psychologist
a social scientist who studies the many changes we go through as we grow
in conditioning, something that causes a response
the last step in Dr. Maslows ladder of human needs; the process of trying to be the best person you can be
negative reinforcement
a punishment iven by the experimenter to the subject in operant conditioning after the subject performs an action that the experimenter does not desire
feeling such as hate, love and anger.
unconsious needs
those needs of which we are not aware
the process of taking in info from the invironment through the senses
positive mental attitude
thinking and believing that you really can do something you want to do
experimental psychologist
a social scientist who study behavior of animals in a laboratory settings
conscious needs
the needs in which we are aware of
mental set
an expectation of how something should or will be

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