Greek Vocab; Lesson 13
undefined, object
copy deck
- necropolis
- elaborate cemetary belonging to an ancient city
- euthanasia
- mercy killing; killing for merciful reasons
- necro
- dead
- -oramist
- one who views
- eth
- habit; moral
- ophthalmoscope
- instrument for examining the eye
- euthanasia
- mercy killing; killing for merciful reasons
- pneum, pneumat, -pnea
- breath; wind
- mnem, mne, mnes
- memory
- cyclorama
- omnivision; circle vision picture planed on walls circling viewer
- -orama
- view
- neuralgia
- extreme pain along a nerve
- ophthalm
- eye
- soph
- wise
- thanatopsis
- a mediation upon death
- amnesia
- partial or total loss of memory
- dyschromatopsia
- having difficulty seeing colors and colorblind
- ethical
- in accordance with accepted principles of right and wrong; virtuous; moral
- -oramic
- pertaining to viewing
- epitaph
- an inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there
- dys-
- difficult; bad
- pneumatic
- pertaining to air
- anesthetic
- related to loss of sensation; pain killing drug
- opt, ops, op
- sight; view; eye
- thanat, thanas
- death
- them, the, thet, thec, thek
- put; place
- taph
- tomb
- hypothesis
- theory, premise, pastulate
- neur
- nerve
- philosophical
- love or pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self discipline
- synopsis
- general view; brief outline of a subject
- aesth, esth
- feeling; perception