Cerveney Final
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- Fluvial Landforms
- Landforms created by running water.
- Sandbars
- Areas opposite the cutbanks. Areas of DEPOSITION due to slow-moving water (away from the thalweg). In the East, often called \"Pointbars\"
- Braided stream
- (the flow is divided into multiple threads and these rejoin and subdivide as new sandbars within the river form. Example: develop where stream discharges fluctuate widely from day to day or season to season as in arid or semiarid regions. Most streams in the western United States tend to braided if they are not damed (Example Salt or Gila Rivers). Braided Streams tend to be very shallow.
- Deltas
- . Deposition of material dropped at the river mouth, called after the greek letter delta (Nile River) but not all deltas look like that. The Mississippi delta resembles a crow\'s foot.
- Springtide
- moon and sun are aligned so their gravities act together and so the sea rise is much higher.
- Swell
- low, round-crested linear waves
- Fetch
- the area over which winds build waves: The bigger the fetch, the bigger the waves.
- Collapsing Breaker
- the base of the wave collapses and the wave crashes into a mass of foam. Unrideable.
- Spilling breaker
- the crest (top) of the wave slides down the front of the wave. Rideable but not much action.
- Plunging breaker
- the crest shoots forward of the base (bottom) of the wave in a smooth curve. The classic surfers\' wave!