Greek IX
undefined, object
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- polyanthus
- Any of a group of hybrid garden primroses having clusters of variously colored flowers
- dendr, dender
- tree
- ep
- word
- epizootic
- a disease spreading quickly among animals
- zo
- animal
- ornithology
- the branch of zoology that deals with birds
- entom
- insect
- ornith
- bird
- phyt
- plant
- -oidism
- resemblance
- -oid
- that which resembles
- entomology
- the branch of zoology dealing with insects
- etymology
- an account of the history of a particular word or element of a word
- ichthyophagous
- the practice of eating or subsisting on fish
- -oid, -oidal
- like, resembling
- hipp
- horse
- hippodrome
- An open-air stadium with an oval course for horse and chariot races in ancient Greece and Rome
- paleozoic
- an era occurring between 570 million and 230 million years ago, characterized by the advent of fish, insects, and reptiles
- orthoepy
- the study of correct pronunciation
- sporadic
- Appearing singly or at widely scattered localities, as a plant or disease
- anth
- flower
- phytogeography
- the science dealing with the geographical relationships of plants.
- sperm, spermat, spor
- seed; sowing
- phyllophagous
- feeding on leaves
- anthology
- A collection of literary pieces, such as poems, short stories, or plays
- drom
- a running; course
- dendrology
- the branch of botany dealing with trees and shrubs
- etym
- true meaning; root meanof word
- phag
- eat
- cacoepy
- The mispronunciation of words
- phyll, phyllo
- leaf
- ichthy
- fish