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Politcal Reality
The desire of most European nationalist to create borders based on ethnicity and nationalistic feelings
Laissez faire
Unrestricted private enterprise, with no government intervention, (opponent of commericalism/proponent of capitalism)
Klemens Von Metternich
foreign minister of Austria, during the Council of Vienna, leader of the dual revolution, actively intervened in revolutions taking place in different nations, invented the Carlsbad Decrees
The Revolution of 1848 in Austria
Revolution in France sparked revolutions throughout Europe. /The revolution in the Austrian Empire began in Hungary. /An unstable coalition of revolutionaries forced Ferdinand I to capitulate and promise reforms and a liberal constitution. /National aspirations and the rapid pace of radical reform undermined the revolution. /Conservative forces regrouped and the army crushed the revolution. /Francis Joseph was crowned emperor of Austria in December 1848
Tsar Alexander I of Russia
almost plunged the Great Powers back into war when he demanded the state of Poland become part of the Russian empire, and made a secret alliance with Prussia, who wanted Saxony
The Romantic movement
a revolution against classicism and the Enlightenment
characterized by a belief in emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, and spontaneity in both art and personal life. focus and nature and humanit not on industrialization and materialism. BREAK FROM SECULARISM
Jules Michet
author of the People, advocate of nationalism
Holy Alliance
Supporters of the dual revolution: Russia, Prussia, Austria(1815), began to intervene in other nation's revolution, and even restored Spanish and Italian Regimes
Socialism/French Utopianism
a radical doctrine that began during 1815, in response to the rise of capitalism, arguing that the government should organize the economy, make sure the poor and rich are nearly equal economically, and the private property should be replaced by communal ownership, that would be state regulated
The Revolution of 1830 in France
Louis XVIII's Constitutional Charter of 1814 was basically a liberal constitution, but it was not democratic/Charles X wanted to repudiate the Charter and, in 1830, used a military adventure in Algeria to rally support for his position/Following victories in Algeria, he took steps to reestablish the old order/Popular reaction forced the collapse of the government and Charles fled./Louis Philippe claimed the throne, accepted the Charter, and ruled much as his cousin had.
Second Peace of Paris
After Napoleon's final defeat, restored Louis the 18th to the throne, France looses some territory, especially along the Rhine, France is forced to pay 700 million francs to the Quadruple Alliance, as well as house armies of occupation for the next 5 years
6 Acts of 1819
further attempt by the Tory position to prevent the lowere classes from rising up: control of press and elimination of mass meetings
Romantic Artists and Musicians
Joseph Turner, Eugene Delacroix, John Constable, Franz Lizst, Ludwig Beethoven
Dual Revolution
the repression of liberalism and revolution in order to prevent war
Carlsbad Decrees
One of Metternich's many policies aimed at combating liberalism. These decress odrered all states of the German Conferdation to oust out liberalism and revolutionizing ideas from their respective territories
Major Ethnic Divisions of Austria Empire
Prevents Austria from having a high sense of nationalism. The following were mixed and spread throughout the Austrian Empire: Germans, Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Ukranians, Serbs, Croats, Slovaks, Bohemians and Slovens,
Whig Party
creators of the Reform Bill of 1832, much more liberal than other parties
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
printer, wrote 'What is Property?' He claimed that property was theft, in that it was the profit stolen from the working class by the middle class.
George Hegel
theory of historical evolution, where each age is characterized by a dominating set of ideas(a thesis, which develops opposing idea(antithesis), which eventually produces a whole new different idea(synthesis)
National Liberation in Greece
Greek patriot Alexander Ypsilanti leads Greece against Ottoman Turks fights for independence, asks the aid of European Powers. Metternich and the Holy Alliance(Russia, Prussia, Austria) side with the Ottoman. After year of fightin, Finally Britain, France and even Russia force the Turks to surrender. The Turks refuse and get annihilated by a combined Russian French and English navy
The unique cultural identity of a people based on common language, history, and territory
scientists, industrialites, engineers
European Balance of Power
To prevent France from becoming Powerful: 1) The Low Countries of Holland and Belgium were combined to form a Dutch republic to be a check on French power in the north and west. 2) Prussia received separate territory along the Rhine River to be a check to French power in the East
Charles Tallyrand
foreign minister of France, during the Council of Vienna
Robert Castlereagh
foreign minister of Britain, during the Council of Vienna
Congress of Vienna
1814, peace settlement between Russia, Prussia, England, and Austria. Met to discuss balance of power, prevention of future wars, and maintaining peace
The Revolution of 1848 in France
The 1840s were hard economically and tense politically. /The government's unwillingness to consider reform led to Louis Philippe's abdication on February 22, 1848. /The revolutionaries quickly established universal male suffrage and other push forward a variety of reforms. /Voting in April produced a new Constituent Assembly. /Socialist revolution in Paris frightened much of the population. /Conflict between moderate republicans and radicals came to a head in 1848. /Three days of fighting in June left thousands dead and injured and the moderates in control
Ireland's Great Famine
Due to its relative cheapness and abundance, the dependeny on the potato was extremely high. When diseas took most potato crop, Ireland was left starving and 1 million struggled to leave the country, immigrating to England or the US.
Anti-Corn League
Members of the Charists movement join with middle class manufacturers who argued that lower food prices and increased employmnet rates depended on the repeal of the Corn Laws, which were finally repealled by Tory Prime Minister Robert Peel who sided with the Whigs
Rotton Bouroughs
electoral districts that had small populations and few voters were eliminated
Giuseooe Mazzini
painter, advocate of nationalism, also believer of "the progress of one nation helps theprogress of all of humanity
Marx's term for the oppresed working class
The Revolution of 1848 in Prussia
After the fall of Louis Philippe, Prussian liberals pressed for the creation of liberal constitutional monarchy. /Urban workers wanted a more radical revolution and the Prussian aristocracy wanted no revolution at all. /A self-appointed group of liberals met in May in Frankfurt to write a federal constitution for a unified German state. /The Assembly was absorbed with the issue of Schleswig and Holstein. /In March 1849 the Assembly completed its draft constitution and elected Frederick William of Prussia the new emperor of the German national state. /Frederick William rejected the Assembly and retook control of the state
Corn Laws of 1815
English law prohibits the importation of foreign grain. This makes domestic grain more expesive and in turn makes the aristocracy richer, while the poor who have to pay for higher grain now, get poorer. This law sparks mass protests among lower classes
the thoughts and ideas promoting universal liberty and equality
Marx's term for the oppresive middle class
Number of Voters Increase
the number of voters increased by 50%, giving 12% of adult men in England and Ireland the right to vote
Charles Fourier
socialist who envisoned communities made up of 1,620 people. early proponent of the emancipation of women, believed marriage was only a developed form of prostitution, called for free sex unins in which anyone can be anyone else's mating partner, called for the aboliton of the middle class, and their oprressing regime of the working class
Tory Party
Party in English Parliment, dominated by landowned aristocracy, defends it ruling postion through the 6 acts, and the Corn Laws
Redistribution of Seats
As the population in the North grew(resulting from population growth), the number of seats in the House of Commons greatly increase this resulted in another increase in the number of voters
Robert Peel
British Prime Minster who was of the Tory party, but sided with the Whigs to repeal the Corn Laws
Romantic Writers
Victor Hugo, Walter Scott, William Woodsworth
Reform Bill of 1832
resulted in the House of Commons becoming the all dominant House, redistribution of seats , elimination of small electoral disticts, and an increase in male voting rights
Early nationalism vs. later nationlism
Early nationalism envoked liberal and democratic thought, later view of nationalism created a 'we and they attitude' in which nations began considering their alleged superiority over other nations
Metternich's ideas on liberalism
He thought that liberalism lead to revolution and that revolution lead to international war. He conceived these ideas after witnessing the events in France after their revolution
Karl Marx
atheisitc lawyer, who became the father of moder(Marxian) Socialism, wrote the Communist Manifesto based on Utopina socialism
Louis Blanc
journalist who advocated the right to work, thought governments should guarentee emplyment.
Metternich-Castlereagh-Tallyrand Alliance
Alliance to counter that of Alexander and Prussia, forced Russia and Prussia to modify their demands, preventing war from once again breaking out
Count Henri de Saint Simon
an advocate of Socialism, argued that it was the key to industrial development, and that the doers should be in charge of organizing the economy rather than the parasites
Congress system
the name given to the development of peace settlements in the 19th century that met to avoid international crises
Marx's Arguments/ Communist Manifesto
1) The middle class and working class are inevitably opposed to each other 2) the working class should revolt against the oppresive middle class violently and afterwards all men and women will be equal since the middle class had already revolted, 3) Women's emancipation 4) abolition of the family
the court, the nobility, lawyers, and clergy
The Battle of Peterloo
British Cavlary men savagley beat up peaceful protestors at St. Peter's Fields in Manchester
Economic Liberalism
The idea that economies should be completely free, based on Adam Smith's THe Wealth of Nation
The Quadruple Alliance
The powers that fought and defeated Napoleon at Waterloo and after his escape: Britain, Russia, Prussia, Austria
The Great Powers of the 19th Century
Russia, Britain, Prussia, France, Austria

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