chapter 5
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- 2000 B.C
- Minoan cilization prospers on crete
- 750 B.C.
- Greek city-states flourish
- 1472 B.C.
- Hatshepsut, women pharoach beings her reign.
- 1780 B.C
- Hammurabi issues code of law
- 321 B.C.
- Chandragupta founds mauryan empire in india
- 1027 B.C.
- Zhou dynasty begins in china
- 500 B.C.
- Zapotec of mexico build monte alban
- 850 B.C.
- Assyrians expand their empire
- 1200 B.C
- Trojan war takes place
- 1500 B.C.
- Mycenaean culture thrives on greek mainland
- 479 B.C.
- Greece triuphs in persian wars.