GRE troublemakers
undefined, object
copy deck
- n supererogatory
- superfluous; more than needed or demanded
- n turpitude
- depravity; baseness; Ex. moral turpitude
- n vicissitude
- change (esp. from good to bad); change of fortune; CF. the last emperor of China
- n lode
- metal-bearing vein(long deposit of an ore)
- n moribund
- dying; at the point of death; CF. death
- n pusillanimous
- cowardly; lacking courage; fainthearted
- remonstrate
- protest; objection; V. remonstrate: say in protest
- obdurate
- stubborn; refusing to change one's belief
- n opalescent
- iridescent; lustrous; like an opal; N. opalescence
- apoplexy
- stroke; loss of consciousness caused by too much blood in the brain
- n actuate
- motivate; activate; cause to act
- n patois
- local or provincial dialect
- perspicacious
- (of someone) having insight; penetrating; astute
- perspicuity
- clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity
- n querulous
- given to complaining; complaining; fretful; whining
- pecuniary
- pertaining to money
- n piquant
- pleasantly tart-tasting; spicy; pleasantly stimulating; Ex. piquant situation when my old enemy asked for my help
- askance
- with a sideways or indirect look (with disapproval or distruct); Ex. look askance at
- perspicuous
- (of something) plainly expressed; easy to understand; Ex. perspicuous comments
- n sundry
- miscellaneous; various; several; N. sundries: small miscellaneous items
- Actuary
- someone who advises insurance companies
- aphasia
- loss of speech due to injury or illness
- n lope
- gallop slowly
- ambrosia
- food of the gods
- n ossify
- change or harden into bone; become hard and unchanging in one's ideas
- paucity
- scarcity; dearth
- n palimpsest
- parchment or piece of writing material used for second time after original writing has been erased
- n miasma
- swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence
- n mordant
- biting; sarcastic; stinging; (apprec.) incisive; cutting; Ex. mordant pen/wit
- s parvenu
- upstart; newly rich person
- obeisance
- bow (to show respect and obedience)
- n spoonerism
- accidental transposition of sounds in successive words; Ex. ``Let me sew you to your sheet'' for ``Let me show you to your seat''; CF. William Spooner
- n inveigle
- deceive; lead astray by deception; wheedle(cajole); Ex. inveigle her into n invidious designed to create ill will or envy; tending to rouse ill will or envy; Ex. invidious comparison
- n prolixity
- tedious wordiness; verbosity; ADJ. prolix: wordy; verbose; diffuse
- n ribald
- marked by vulgar lewd humor; wanton; profane; N. ribaldry: ribald language or joke
- n umbrage
- resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult; Ex. take umbrage at his rudeness
- oblique
- indirect; slanting (deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line); Ex. oblique reference
- lithe
- flexible; supple; CF. limber
- n meretricious
- flashy; tawdry; attractive on the surface but of no real value; Ex. metericious argument/jewel; CF. prostitute
- n repast
- meal; feast; banquet
- n manumit
- emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
- n unwonted
- unaccustomed; unusual; Ex. He arrived with unwonted punctuality.
- skulduggery(skullduggery)
- dishonest behavior or action; Ex. skulduggery in the election
- n osseous
- made of bone; bony
- n ligneous
- like wood
- n interloper
- intruder; one who interferes
- n prosody
- art of versification; study of the metrical structure of verse
- obloquy
- slander; disgrace; infamy
- n sidereal
- relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
- n insouciant
- without concern or care; unconcerned; indifferent
- n imbroglio
- complicated situation (as in a play); painful or complex misunderstanding (as in a play); entanglement; confused mass (as of papers); V. embroil
- aperture
- opening; hole; adjustable opening in a camera that limits the amount of light
- n inveigh
- denounce; utter censure or invective; Ex. inveigh against the evils of drink
- n occlude
- shut; close; obstruct; Ex. A blood clot occluded an artery.
- parsimony
- stinginess; excessive frugality; ADJ. parsimonious
- n propinquity
- nearness (in space or relationship); proximity; kinship
- n unguent
- ointment
- n gourmand
- epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drink
- n repine
- fret; complain; be annoyed; Ex. repine over the undone work
- libidinous
- lustful
- n patina
- green crust on old bronze works or copper; tone slowly taken by varnished paintings varnish paint used to coat a surface with a glossy film; glossy coating produced by using this substance; Ex. nail varnish; V.
- perfidious
- treacherous; disloyal; N. perfidy: treachery
- sybarite
- lover of luxury; person devoted to pleasure and luxury; CF. Sybaris: an ancient Greek city in Italy
- n nascent
- incipient; coming into being or existence; Ex. nascent ability in music
- s effulgent
- shining brightly; brilliant
- n welter
- confusion; turmoil; confused mass; bewildering jumble; Ex. welter of data
- n limn
- draw; outline; describe; CF. line ?
- n macerate
- soften by soaking in liquid; waste away; Ex. macerate powdered wood to make paper
- n nubile
- marriageable; of marriageable age; CF. connubial