English IB Literary Terms
undefined, object
copy deck
- derived from marxism, capitalism leaves us separated from our human natures
- alienation
- a story that corresponds to another situation an a deeper level
- allegory
- repetition of initial consonant sounds
- alliteration
- reference providing additional layers to the text
- allusion
- when language and tone are unclear
- ambiguity
- coexistence of opposing attitudes
- ambivalence
- opposite
- antithesis
- address to a dead, absent, or inanimate object
- apostrophe
- repetition of vowel sounds
- assonance
- specific place, setting, or surroundings
- atmosphere
- sudden dissent from serious to ridiculous
- bathos
- development of a character from youth to maturity
- bildungsroman
- poetry with no definite rhyme but definite rhythm
- blank verse
- break within a line of verse
- caesura
- exaggerated representation of a character
- caricature
- everyday speech or language
- colloquial
- an elaborate metaphor
- conceit
- perceptible by the senses
- concrete
- suggested meaning of a word
- connotation
- final consonants are the same
- consonance
- stating the opposite of what has been said or suggested
- contradiction
- 2 consecutive rhyming lines of verse
- couplet
- forcing the audience to see common things in a new or strange way
- defamiliarization
- conclusion
- denouement
- choice of words in speaking or writing
- diction
- instructive, intended to teach
- didactic
- an character who is unaware while the audience and other characters are aware
- dramatic irony
- a poem of mourning
- elegy
- a poetic line that ends in a full pause
- end-stopped line
- a line of verse with no pause
- enjambment
- a witty saying
- epigram
- the arrangement of a work's parts and structures
- form
- peom without any definite rhyme nor rhythm
- free verse
- specific type of literature
- genre
- accepted assumptions and values
- grain
- intended exaggeration
- hyperbole
- an unstressed syllable followed by stressed
- iambic
- a simple, idealized rural setting
- idyll/idyllic
- concrete descriptions in reference to the 5 senses
- imagery
- a monologue given as a thought
- interior monologue
- rhyme which occurs within a single line of verse
- internal rhyme
- discrepancy b/w what is said and what is intended, or what is expected and actually done
- irony
- song like poem of thoughts and feelings
- lyric
- comparison
- metaphor
- organization of lines of verse into rhythmic patterns
- metre
- suggesting movement, size, shape or texture
- mimesis
- state of mind or emotion
- mood
- one character speaking at length on stage
- monologue
- dominant theme
- motif
- all knowing narrator
- omniscient narrator
- a word that imitates the sound it represents
- onomatopoeia
- a figure of speech combining two contradicting terms
- oxymoron
- an apparently contradictory statement which contains its own truth
- paradox
- imitation to ridicule
- parody
- respectful imitation
- pastiche
- social role or an actors character
- persona
- use of human characteristics in inanimate objects
- personification
- the arrangement of events in a novel
- plot
- the related experience of the narrator
- point of view
- the main character in a work
- protagonist
- stanza of 4 lines
- quatrain
- repetition of a phrase or line
- refrain
- flow of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables
- rhythm
- exposing and ridiculing human society
- satire
- context in which the work takes place
- setting
- comparison using like or as
- simile
- narration mirrors everyday speech
- skaz
- speech by a character alone on stage
- soliloquy
- 14 line rhyming poem in iambic pentameter
- sonnet
- blocks of lines in a poem
- stanza
- the events of a narrative in chronological order of how they happened
- story
- random stream of thoughts
- stream of consciousness
- distinctive traits of an authors work
- style
- ideas existing underneath what is said
- subtext
- objects used to represent ideas or concepts
- symbol
- grammatical structure of words in a sentence
- syntax
- central ideas or issues
- theme
- technique of writing to convey the attitude of the writer towards his subject
- tone
- a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable
- trochee; trochaic