Behavioral Science q-bank
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OL2124 -
Suggest that the mother block out some special time each day and give exclusive attention to her son. -
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Surgical intervention to deal with the cause of the pain -
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delusional disorder -
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"Tell me a bit more about why you think God is punishing you." -
*OL2130 -
Discuss the clinical trial with the patient, disclose the offer of an administrative fee, but tell the patient that the physician will decline the fee. -
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Ask him to wait outside while the physician examines the woman in private. -
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left hemisphere -
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What do you understand as the reason for your visit to me? -
OL1958 -
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Reset the timer to add an additional 5 minutes to the time out period -
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Biopsy the tumor and terminate the surgery. -
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recurrent drunk driving -
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Call the patient to deliver the news and schedule the patient for a follow-up appointment to review what he can do to improve his overall health. -
*OL2141 -
"In what way is the treatment not working?" -
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Notify Child Protective Services -
*OL803 -
Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood. -
*OL497 -
racing thoughts -
*OL2139 -
Neither civil nor criminal penalties for either the resident or the hospital. -
*OL746 -
"What disturbs you about this behavior?" -
*OL960 -
schizophreniform disorder -
*ol1939 -
prosopagnosia -
*ol450 -
metatarsal stress fracture -
*ol800 -
social phobia -
*ol1992 -
agoraphobia -
*ol2077 -
Order the test, as the nurse requests. -
*ol2074 -
"What do you know about schizophrenia?" -
*ol2071 -
Politely, but firmly, refuse to collect the medical history for this patient and offer to take on another assignment.