great gatsby vocabulary
undefined, object
copy deck
- fractiousness
- irritability
- feigned
- pretended
- exempt
- free form obligation
- bizzare
- odd, grotesque
- bantering
- playful teasing
- complacency
- self satisfaction
- intimation
- hint
- desolate
- lonely
- supercilious
- haughty
- contiguous
- adjoining
- apathetic
- indifferent
- languid
- listless
- hauteur
- disdainful pride
- prodigality
- extravagance
- vehemently
- forceully
- credulity
- willingness to believe
- cynical
- skepitcal of goodness and sincerity
- ascertain
- to make sure
- convivial
- sociable
- affectation
- artificial
- punctilious
- precise
- labyrinth
- maze
- disconcerting
- confusing
- sinister
- ominous
- abstracted
- preoccupied
- juxtaposition
- side-by-side placement
- simultaneous
- at the same time
- defunct
- no longer exsisting
- abortive
- unsuccessful
- distraut
- agaitated
- vestige
- a trace of something no longer exsisting
- fluctuate
- to vary
- turbulent
- disturbing
- turgid
- swollen
- contingency
- a possible event
- profusion
- abundance
- oblivion
- nothingness
- saunter
- leisurely stroll
- dilatory
- slow
- affront
- offense
- abyss
- bottomless pit
- inviolate
- sacred, intact
- intermittant
- periodic
- presumptuous
- overly bold
- formidable
- awesome
- incessant
- without stopping
- ravenously
- hungrily
- pervaded
- spread throughout
- corroborate
- confirm
- garrulous
- over talkative
- amorphous
- formless
- holocaust
- complete destrution
- adventitious
- accidental
- superfluous
- excessive
- deferred
- yielded
- jaunty
- stylish
- distort
- twist out of shape
- transistory
- temporary
- incoherent
- disordered, unconnected
- fitzgerald's birth
- 1896
- fitzgerald's death
- 1940
- publication of the great gatsby
- 1925
- first novel
- this side of paradise
- story of anthony patch
- the beautiful and damned
- in the army he sreved as a
- second lieutenant
- schools attended
- st. paul academy and priceton (never graduated from here)
- while in the army he was stationned in .... (where he met his wife)
- montgomery, alabama
- birth place
- st. paul, minnesota
- wife
- zelda sayre
- book written at the height of the depression
- tender is the night
- series of articles written for esquire
- the crack-up
- last novel / never finished
- the last tycoon
- zelda'a fate
- diagnosed with skitzophrenia and burned in the hospital during a fire
- publisher
- maxwell perkins with scribbner's
- cause of death and amount of people st his funeral
- heart attack and 30 people