scom exam
undefined, object
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- The number of words in the English language
- 650,000-800,000
- average spoken words per minute for a human being
- 100-125
- average listened words per minute
- 500-700
- left side of the brain
- controls verbal functions
- right side of the brain
- non verbal communication, visual and spatial tasks, music
- words
- symbols to represent objects, concepts or ideas
- number of words educated adult uses daily
- 2,000
- forensic
- political
- legal
- deliberative
- celebratory
- epdiectic
- rhetoric
- any spoken or written form of nonliterary discourcse with many including a great deal of literary discourse
- classical tradition provided speeches for three themes
- 1. persuade 2. instruct/teach 3. delight entertain
- intervention
- inventio: finding arguments
- style
- elcutio: selection and structuring of words
- arrangement
- dispositio: the overall pattern and internal structure
- memory
- memio: remember what they were trying to say
- delivery
- actio: knowing how to say it
- intrapersonal
- communication which happens within a single individual
- interpersonal
- communication that happens between individuals
- least obervable and most abstract variable.
- values
- most observable and least abstract variable
- behaviors
- human information processing
- the ability to gather store and retrieve information
- meanings are in...
- people, not words
- grammar
- governs the way words are formed and combined
- syntax
- governs teh way words are formed and combined
- phonemes
- basic units (sounds) in spoken language
- phonology
- the study of th sound system that is inextricably involved in language
- semantics
- the meaning systems involved in language
- denotative
- dictionary definition
- conotative
- ideas associated with a word
- prosodics
- study of intonation and flow of language
- pragmatics
- social context of language
- sapir whorf theory
- language determines thought
- physical noise
- noise-noise
- physiological noise
- hearing problems
- psychological noise
- prejudices, attitudes etc.
- burson
- active inernational spokesperson for PR
- semantic noise
- language hangups
- listening
- cognitive process
- hearing
- physiological process
- PT Barnum
- there's a sucker born every day
- Ivy Ledbetter Lee
- early PR practitioner
- Bernays
- father of modern PR
- Arthur Page
- epitome of professionalism
- Harlow
- early PR educator
- Wiley Hill
- First move into international public relations
- aristotle
- most important theorist and writer ever
- conflict alway starts at the _______ level
- intrapersonal
- if taking a test directly after information is given how much would be remembered
- 50-60%
- if taking a test a week after information was given how much would be remembered without studying
- 25%
- Plato
- Aristotle's Teacher, didnt like rhetorics or speech because it manipulated people
- most important speaker
- cissero
- most important teacher
- quentelli
- most important theorist
- aristotle
- litigation
- most formal process of conflict resolution