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Le placard est vert.
The cupboard is green.
Il mange la robe gris.
He eats the grey dress.
La chaise est rose.
The chair is pink.
Le lit est lourd.
The bed is heavy.
Le tapis est sale.
The carpet is dirty.
Le cheval est grand.
The horse is big.
La petite souris voit le grand cerf.
The little mouse sees the big deer.
L'oie rapide mange le toit orange.
The quick goose eats the orange roof.
L'escalier est lourd.
The staircase is heavy.
Je suis l'animal noir.
I am the black animal.
L'armoire est bleue.
The wardrobe is blue.
Le cerf est fatigue.
The deer is tired.
Le mouton est petit.
The sheep is small.
Le chat noir a le plancher rouge.
The black cat has the red floor.
L'animal fatigue veut le lit gris.
The tired animal wants the grey bed.
Il veut la chausette jaune.
He wants the yellow sock.
Il voit le plafond rose.
He sees the pink ceiling.
Le rideau est dore.
The curtain is gold. (golden)
Il voit la veste bleue.
He sees the blue jacket.
Elle a les vetements jaunes.
She has the yellow clothes.
Le chat est lourd.
The cat is heavy.
Elle mange la chaussure rouge.
She eats the red shoe.
L'oie est fatiguee.
The goose is tired.
Le cheval noir mange la chaise verte.
The black horse eats the green chair.
Le canard est sale.
The duck is dirty.
L'elephant est grand.
The elephant is big.
Le herisson est petit.
The hedgehog is small.
La truite rapide a le homard rouge.
The quick trout has the red lobster.
La petite vache voit la porte noire.
The little cow sees the black door.
Le mur vert est sale.
The green wall is dirty.
Elle a pullover lourd.
She has the heavy pullover.
Le homard est sale.
The lobster is dirty.
Le fauteuil est grand.
The armchair is big.
Le piano est blanc.
The piano is white.
La pendule jaune est grande.
The yellow clock is big.
Elle veut la jupe sale.
She wants the dirty skirt.
L'huitre est rapide.
The oyster is quick.
La chevre est mince.
The goat is thin.
Je suis le grand chat.
I am the big cat.
La chevre fatiguee veut la fenetre bleue.
The tired goat wants the blue window.

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