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Personal effectiveness and skills in relationship with coworkers in order to excel. Greatly determine who gets the job or promotion.
critical resource which must be used wisely to be successful.
Success is a function of two important factors, _______ and ____.
ability and time.
What are the benefits of skillfully managing time?
>Perform to the best of your ability.
>less stress.
>more confidence.
>Explore new opportunities.
the benefit of skillfull time management:
Perform to the best of your ability.
When you dont have enought time to do things the way you would like to, you make mistakes or you may not have as much pride in your work.
the benefit of skillfull time management:
Less stress.
Not having enough time to do your work raises stress level.
the benefit of skillfull time management:
More confidence.
Having time to approach tasks in calm, thoughtful manner with the opportunity to do your best work will lead to success.
the benefit of skillfull time management:
Explore new opportunities.
Planning and Prioritizing your tasks will help you predict how long your tasks will take and stratigically plan your schedule. Perfecting the skill will give you the opportunity to explore new skills and career options.
What are the two key elements of managing your time?
1.Knowing your abilities.
2.Creating and following schedule.
Knowing your abilities impiles what?
that you are aware of your skills.
how much time will take to accomplish.
getting better at it will make you faster at completing.
The ability to Create and follow schedule implies what?
Your schedule is your plan for how you will spend your time.
What three elements a realistic plan or schedule consists of?
1.A list of the specific task or goals for the timeframe.
2.Sufficient breaks for relaxation and fun.
3.A buffer for unexpected occurrences.
What are the 6 steps of the process to create an effective schedule or plan?
1.List goals and tasks in your to-do list.
2.Prioritize your to-do list.
3.Select items for the timeframe(a day)
4.Arrange items according to the amount of time needed.
5.Create a daily schedule(remember breaks and buffer)
6.Review your plan.
What are 8 methods you can use to prioritize tasks?
1.Create list of tasks by breaking down large ones.
2.Create a list of criteria to rate your tasks.
3.Setup rating chart.
4.Rate each goal against the criteria.
5.Sort by due date.
6.Sort in importance.
7.repeat sub-ranking.
8.Stop if you are comfortable.
Give a suggestion for this problem:
>Your schedule doesnt allow you to comple all task by the due date.
Try to complete tasks in less time.
Shorten breaks.
Give a suggestion for this problem:
>Your schedule for one day seems too busy.
Complete important tasks before starting new one.
Avoid too many in one day.
In creating a schedule
Give a suggestion for this problem:
>Changing tasks too frequently.
Group similar items.
What is another way to assess your time management capability?
Evaluating your performance in certain critical areas. Whether you need to improve or you are performing above your expectations.
Managing your time is a process at which you are continuously _________.
Suggestions for improvement of time management performance:
Give more time to critical tasks.
Re-evaluate prioritizing method.
Minimize interruption.
Plan less activities for the timeframe.
Suggestion for improvement of time management performance:
Refine skills.
find ways to become more efficient in your daily schedule, to make time for improvement.
Suggestion for improvement of time management performance:
Take the opportunity to improve skills.
Learn New skills.
Explore career choices.
Dedicate time to enrish personal life.
What strategies are good to keep in mind as you look to enhance your time management skills?
>Microsoft Outlook is useful tool for managing your calender and tasks.
>look at to-do list every day. evaluate performance. Use it to create next schedule.
>Be flexible. Make changes as necessary.
>Be realistic.
>Celebrate accomplishments. Will help you stay motivated.
>Ask for Help.
The center of every organization or initiative is the ______ or ____ of ______ who carry out the task, and the leader guiding them.
Success in organization depends on skill in handling _____________ _____________ and ______.
interpersonal relationships and
What are two key focus areas of business in the 21st century?
Speed and Flexibility in a business implies that a strong focus on ______ ___________ is required.
people development.
What 6 factors identify an ideal place to work?
2.Industry size.
3.Work environment.
4.adequate tools.
5.available training for required skills.
6.opportunity for growth.
What are the benefits of people development within an organization?
>Longer serving tenure: people tend to stay longer when opportunities to learn and grow exist. Results in greater knowledge about products and customers.
>Greater flexibility: Cross training will allow companies to adapt quickly to changes in the marketplace.
>Higher employer/e satisfaction: People are happier when companies put focus on training and development.
What are the 4 steps in the -formal development planning- process?
1.Setting clear requirements for what is expected of each employee.
2.Assessing employee performance against those expectations.
3.Identify develpment areas that can enhance performance.
4.Creating a plan for personal development in those areas.
What are the benefits for an organization by -formal development planning- employees?
1.Sence of accomplishment. Employees can see what they had done to gain new skills, and also value the investment that has been made in them.
2.Managers have a basis for assessing the skills and capabilities of theri group. Which can help them plan better for changes and upcoming projects.
3.A constant focus is on developing skills and capabilities. By reviewing daily and making modifications an organization can ensure that employees maintain the skills necessary for current and future challenges.
A _________ _______ can be an effective way to help people be successful in on-the-job learning.
Mentoring program
What is the role of a Mentor?
>act as a coach and provide guidance.
>Answer and propose questions to encourage learning.
>Provide suggestions for further development.
Who is accountable for completing the development activities on the -formal development planning-?
Both the employee and the manager.
What is the difference between formal and informal mentoring program?
In formal, mentors are selected and assigned by the organization.
Informal, individuals typically seek their own mentors.
What are the benefits of mentoring program?
>strengthen organization culture and value.
>enhance interpersonal relationship.
>exposure to different perspectives and functions across the company.
>more effective learning and reinforcement of skills.
Any time there is an opportunity for people to work together towards an end result, ________ is involved.
What are the 5 negative dynamics that lead to ineffective results based on Patrick Lencioni in his book "the five dysfunctions of a team"?
1.absence of trust.
2.fear of conflict.
3.lack of communication.
4.avoidance of accountability.
5.inattention to results.
What is suggested for improving in the following characteristic:
Create opportunities for team members to get to know each other. Knowing someone personally generates a level of trust.
What is suggested for improving the following characteristic:
Encourage team members not to take critisism as personal attacks.
Discuss opposing viewpoints.
What is suggested for improving the following characteristic:
Be decisive. Provide clear action plans and rationale for decision. Treat mistakes as opportunities for learning.
What is suggested for improving the following characteristic:
Provide clear structure for action plans, with individual responsabilities clearly assigned.
What is suggested for improving the following characteristic:
Hold regular status meetings where teams and individual progress are reviewed.

Reward results.
As a team member, what are some questions for personal reflection on behavior?
>do you trust other team members?
what do you need to develop deeper trust?
>Am I holding back in team discussions?
are you honest about feeling and views?
>are you commited to decisions made by team? What would help you make the commitment?
>Are you following through your commitment? Are you holding others to the same standard?
>Are you focused on the team's results or on your own performance?
________, or the ability to seperate a whole into parts, is an important skill for planning and developing solutions and problems.
Effective ________ leads to creativity and innovation, as you look for different ways to achive results.
What are the two important concepts related to analysis?
critical thinking and
creative thinking.
________ ________ can help you evaluate whether the information from any source is useful for your needs.
Critical thinking.
________ ________ can help you look for deeper meaning and alternative conclusions.
Critical thinking.
________ ________ can be used to support your viewpoints and to evaluate others' viewpoints.
Critical thinking
What 5 of 11 questions are presented In this book from the book "Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking" from M. Neil Browne and Stuart M Keeley?
1.What are the issues and conclusions presented?
2.What are the supporting reasons for the conclusion?
What words, phrases, or statistics could have alternate meanings?
3.What is the author's undelying bias?
4.Is there any information that is omitted from the author's argument?
5.Are there any other conclusions that could be drawn?
________ ________ is useful in generating possible solutions to a problem. Generate a list of possibilities or or opportunities, or in designing products.
Creative thinking
What 2 techniques can spark creative thinking?
Brainstorming and
Developing analogies.
_____________ is an activity that generates a list of possibilities and ideas. Its usually performed in a group.
What are several widely-accepted guidelines for brainstorming?
>All ideas and suggestions within a reasonable standards are accepted.
>No ideas are criticized or evaluated.
>Building up of ideas that have been suggested is encouraged.
What activity is composed of a group leader, a scribe, and group members all generating ideas?
One technique that can be used to spark further creativity, either with brainstorming or as a stand-alone activity, is developing _________.
Comparisons between things that are typically thought to be dissimilar, but have some underlying similarities. Similarities in relationship.
"A VCR is to videotape as a browser is to HTML."
this sentence is what?
Exchanging ideas through a medium, such as writing, speaking, signaling, or electronic means. Invoving both the delivery and receipt of a message. Resulting in mutual understanding of messages is:
Effective Communication.
How is your skill in effective communication determined?
by how you handle the challenges of delivering a message so that receivers understand the intended meaning.
What are some techniques used to enhance your skills at non-verbal communication?
>Carry yourself with confidence.
>Make eye contact.
>Dont fidget.
>Be conscious of how you use your hands.
How can you check that the intended meaning of the message was understood?
>Interprete the body language of the listener.
What are the 8 steps in James Higgins structured process called the Creative Problem-Solving process?
1.Analyze the environment.
2.Define the problem.
3.Analyze the Problem.
4.Assess the environment.
5.Generate solutions.
6.Select the solution.
7.Implement the solution.
8.Evaluate and Standardize.
"Analyze the Environment" states what?
Without the knowledge of what is currently occurring in the environment, you will not be in a position to identify problems or opportunities for change.
"Define the Problem" states what?
Develop a formal statement of the problem.
opportunity to develop a creative solution
"Analyze the problem" states what?
Identify the cause of and potential solution to the problem.
"Assess the Environment" states what?
You make inferences(conclusions based on facts)about certain aspects of the environment that affect potential solutions.
"Generate solutions" states what?
Creative process for generating potential solutions to a problem.
"Select a solution" states what?
Select the optimal solution. By rating each alternative against a criteria. For example, effectiveness, drawbacks.
"Implement the solution" states what?
Implementing the selected solution for the problem.
"Evaluate and Standardize" states what?
evaluate the solutions against successful criteria and identify opportunities to improve the results.
The control stage helps guard against reverting to old practices, and ensures a lasting implementation.
What affects the direction your career takes?
new technology,
personal situations,
job changes,
and people you meet and interact with.
__________ helps to set goals.
A way to describe effective goals is through the often-used acronym, _____.
What are SMART goals?
S-pecific:focus on critical element.
M-easureable:you can determine the accomplished.
A-chievable:expect to reach the goal, given reasonable sources and support.
T-ime-bound:You set a timeframe.
__________ is fueled by a desire or need.
The following are suggestions for maintaining what?
>Look for new challenges.
>Look for focal points such as inspiratinal quotes to focus your efforts.
>Ask for feedback or suggestions on your situation.
>If all else fails
Keeping stress at a manageable level so that your personal effectiveness is not affected by it is the key to what?
managing stress.
The following are common causes of what in a professional environmet?
>Lack of technical skills.
>Lack of clarity about job responsabilities or expectations.
>Personal clash with co-workers or managers.
>Poor working envir
What are the first steps to keep stress at a manageable level?
>Follow a healhy lifesty:healthy food, enough sleep, excercise regularly.
>Maintain a network of personal and professional contacts.
>Obtain training or documentation.
>Ask co-workers for help.
>Talk to manager.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Lack of technical skills.
Clarify responsabilities and expectations with your manager.
In writing if required.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Lack of clarity about job responsabilities or expectations.
Try to work things out.
Seek help on how to handle situation.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Personality clash with co-workers or manager.
Make it as comfortable as possible.
Report serious situations to higher authorities.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Poor working environment.
Propose a realistic schedule, backed up with factual data.
Use your experience in previos projects to avoid repetition.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Unrealistic deadlines for projects.
Set Priorities in your life, and ensure that your actions are aligned with them.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Clash between personal and professional demands.
Maintain a possitive focus.
Take steps to secure new openings.
Use your professional network.
These are suggestions to manage what kind of stress?
Job loss.
Potential employers assess what about applicants?
evidence of abilities and creativity.
A ____________ _________ presents examples of your best work.
professional portfolio.
What is the recommended process for creating a portfolio?
1.Deside what to include.
list key strenghts and accomplishments.
your resume, awards, grades, sample of work, technical documentation.
2.Choose appropriate holder.
3.Assemble your work.
4.Create story line.
Think about the reasons why you selected the particular strengths and accomplishments. Organize thoughts in a presentable manner.
5.Gather feedback.
6.Establish a plan for maintenance.
The following is a suggestion for what problem in your portfolio?
Look fo experience outside of work, either from school or volunteer work.
Not enough material to highlight your focus areas adequately.
The following is a suggestion for what problem in your portfolio?
Eliminate confidential information.
Describe the work you did in general.
Some work you want to include belong to you employer.
The following is a suggestion for what problem in your portfolio?
Use tabs.
Use page numbers.
Practice in mock interviews.
Cant find a page in your Portfolio.
The following is a suggestion for what problem in your portfolio?
Place your items in plastic sheets.
Your portfolio looks worn.
The following is a suggestion for what problem in your portfolio?
Eliminate similar items.
Limit your portfolio to no more than 15 or 20 items.
Your portfolio seems too long.

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