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Neuro-optho (eye movements)


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Comlplete Sentence: All horizontal recti...
Comlplete Sentence: All obliques...
Comlplete Sentence: All superior extraocular muscles...
Comlplete Sentence: All inferior extraocular muscles...
Define versions.
Binocular movements with the two eyes moving synchronously & symmetrically in the same direction
Define ductions.
monocular eye movements consisting of adduction, abduction, elevation, and depression (also called conjugate gaze)
Define vergences.
Binocular movements with the two eyes moving synchronously & symmetrically in opposite directions
What muscles are supplied by cranial nerve III?
1. Superior, inferior and medial rectus
2. Inferior oblique
3. Levator palpebrae
4. parasympathetic to fibers of the iris sphincter
What muscles are innervated by the trochlear nerve?
Cranial IV innervates the superior oblique. SO intorts eye and helps it move downward.
What muscles are innervated by the abducens nerve.
Lateral rectus recieves its innervation from the VI cranial nerve. Lateral rectus abducts the eye.
What is the function of the superior rectus?
1. Elevate
2. Intort
3. Adduct

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