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0200: "Nutrition, Health and Fitness"


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"Water is involved in all vital processes in the body."

p. 182
definition: important; in this case, important for sustaining life

meaning parts: vit = life (the original meaning of "vital" meant living. This can still be seen in the term "vital signs"--pulse, temperature, respiration, and blood pressure are the "vital" signs of life. It can also be seen in the word "vitamin," which is a micronutrient needed to sustain life.

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"the intensity of exercise dictates the relative proportions of fat and carbohydrate that are consumed as fuel during exercise."

p. 182
definition: comparing two things and how they change in relation to one another

meaning parts: aren't that helpful

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"to produce significant physiological effects"

p. 179
definition: physical, bodily; the natural functioning of a body

physi = physical

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derived from

"fat not only is derived from dietary sources, but also can be formed in the body..."

p. 153
definition: created from, came from, developed from

meaning parts: de = down or away; rive = river or bank (as seen in the word "arrive," which originally meant "come to the bank of a river.") When something is derived from other things, it goes on a "long journey."

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"the fat soluble vitamins"

p. 182
definition: able to be dissolved in something, in this case fat (but not water)

meaning parts: solu- or solv- = to loose or free (when a substance is soluble in another substance, it is "loosened" or "freed" so that it "disappears" into the other substance.)

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"glucose stored in muscles as glycogen is depleted by daily training sessions."

p. 173
definition: emptied; used up

meaning parts: de = down or away; plete = fill (the fullness is taken away); compare these meaning parts with "complete" (com = together; plete = fill; when things are complete everything is filled in together.)

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"supplement manufacturers are required to keep on file substantiation of any structure/function claims they make."

p. 175
definition: support, proof, evidence

meaning parts: sub = under, from underneath; stan = stand (evidence that "stands underneath and supports" a claim)

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"for ingestion in pill form"

p. 175
definition: to take into the body by mouth

meaning parts: in = into; gest = carry (compare with digestion [di = apart], congestion [con = together])

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"the accumulation [of fat-soluble vitamins] may lead to toxicity"

p. 174
definition: a dangerous state or condition caused by a poison

toxi = poison

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"chronic health conditions"

p. 180
definition: continuing over a long period of time, often without getting noticeably worse or better

meaning parts: chron = time

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"potent enough to cause side effects"

p. 179
definition: powerful

meaning parts: pot = power, able to do something (as in the word "potential" which suggests able to do something, but it hasn't been done yet.)

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"conventional treatment"

p. 179
definition: usual, common, ordinary

meaning parts: con = together; ven = come; the approaches that usually "come together" to treat a condition. For example, bedrest, drinking lots of liquids, and taking aspirin for headache is the conventional treatment for a flu virus because antibiotics don't kill viruses. Antibiotics kill only bacteria.

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