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EPPP - Items Missed - Practice Test 1


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1. You have been asked to serve as a fact witness in court by your client's attorney. You're client, the plaintiff, suffered a serious physical injury in the workplace and since then has experienced significant emotional problems. You've been working wit
1. C
A fact witness, unlike an expert witness, can only testify to facts. While serving as a fact witness, a psychologist can give an opinion if ordered by the court and any opinions should be qualified by a statement of limitations.
2. The mother of your 8 y.o. client calls to inform you of a meeting with the school in 30 minutes to discuss the child's recent behavioral problems (i.e., yelling and hitting other students). The mother requests that you call the school psychologist to
2. B
Consent must be obtained, but it need not be in writing. Documentation of Mom's verbal consent in a progress note could be sufficient, particulary given the urgency of the situation.
3. An African American adult repeatedly expresses his superiority as an African-American and expresses content for all Caucasians. According to Cross' Nigrescence Theory, this person is most likely in which stage of development?
a. Pre-encounter
3. C
During the immersion-emersion stage there is a tendency for African-Americans to idealize other AAs and AA culture while denigrating Caucasian individuals and culture.
4. The incidence of OCD is:
a. the same for males and females across ages
b. about twice as common amongst males than females
c. higher among boys but equal among adult males and females
d. higher among girls but about equal among adu
4. C
OCD has an earlier peak onset for males (6-15 years) than for females (20-29). Incidence is therefore higher for boys than girls, but in adulthood the incidence is about the same.
5. A man is referred for psychotherapy by his physician after ruling out sleep apnea and other medical conditions. The patient reports having vivid frightening dreams, restless sleep, chronic fatigue, and a history of alcohol abuse. His dx is most likely
5. C
Sleep disturbance can be caused by both alcohol intoxication and alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol usually produces a sedative effect, at least initially; however, after 3-4 hours of sleep there is increased wakefulness, restless sleep, and REM activity often accompanied by vivid anxiety-laden dreams for the remainder of the sleep period.
6. Organizational surveys are most often used to:
a. evaluate employee attitudes and opinions about an intervention
b. evaluate the effects of an organization-wide intervention
c. allow employees to evaluate the job performance of their co
6. A
Survey feedback is most often used to evaluate employee attitudes and opinions about job satisfaction, job conditions, and work place problems. They are not usually used to evaluate the effects of interventions.
7. You are hired as a consultant to a large organization and are asked to make a recommendation regarding the best-work schedules to implement. You recommend a compressed work week because it most likely will result in:
a. increased productivity but
7. C
Most research on compressed work weeks have found that productivity is not affected (except for physically demanding jobs where it decreases), satisfaction usually increases and absenteeism usually declines.
8. According to Kohlberg's theory of moral development, individuals who reach stage 5 base their moral judgements on:
a. empathy
b. autonomous morality
c. democratic laws
d. universal ethical principles
8. C
Stage 5 = post-conventional. Here a person seeks to uphold democratic laws but recognizes that laws can be changed or ignored for valid reasons. Choice D reflects Stage 6 in which morality transcends legal standards.
9. Mary obtains a percentile rank of 93 on a chemistry test. John obtains a 58 percentile rank on the same test. Due to errors in scoring their exams, 5 points have to be added to each of their raw scores, but not the scores of the other examinees. This
9. B
Percentile ranks are evenly distributed creating a flat, rectangular distribution of percentile scores. Raw scores form a normal (bell curve) distribution. Thus, when points are added to a raw score at the 93rd percentile it will "jump over" fewer scores than the when the same number of points are added to a raw score at the 58th percentile.
10. A factory requires all job applicants to complete a Biographical Information Blank (BIB) which asks, among other things, for details about the applicant's personal interests and skills. Many of the applicants, upon seeing the test, become very angry
10. A
Interestingly, BIB have been found to be highly predictive of job success and only slightly less valid than cognitive ability tests for predicting job performance. However, they often lack face validity.
11. In 1954, the US Supreme Court made a ruling which effectively ended segregation and began the integration of public schools. This decision was, in part, based on research findings and court testimony which suggested that segregation leads to low self
11. B
Kenneth and Mamie Clark conducted the famous Doll Study in which they found that 2/3 of AA children preferred playing with white dolls and perceived the brown dolls to be "bad". This research was cited as evidence that segration leads to low self-esteem in AA children.
12. The mother of your 9 y.o. client asks you to testify at an upcoming custody hearing. Since you have been working with the child for the past 6 months, she believes you are best suited to make a recommendation regarding custody arrangements. You shoul
12. D
APA guidelines state that psychologists must avoid multiple relationships in Custody Evaluations in Divorce Proceedings. Since you have established a therapeutic relationship with the child, you should avoid assuming an evaluative role in the case.
13. A couple avoids any marital conflict by focusing their attention on their child's problems. According to Minuchin's Structural Theory, this is an example of:
a. triangulation
b. enmeshment
c. joining
d. detouring
13. D
Detouring refers to a boundary problem in which spouses avoid or redirect tension between them by blaming or overprotecting their child.
14. A person who experiences cataplexy during his narcoleptic attacks should try to avoid:
a. expressiong strong emotions
b. afternoon naps
c. excessive salt intake
d. over-exertion
14. A
Cataplexy = involves episodes of bilateral loss of muscle tone resulting in the individual collapsing, often associated with intense emotions such as laughter, anger, fear, or surprise". Cataplexy occurs in about 70% of people diangosed with narcolepsy.
15. A bell is repeatedly paired with food resulting in CR. The bell is then paired with a light until it too produces the CR. If the light is then presented without food, this would be an example of:
a. blocking
b. classical extinction
15. B
The key is the last sentence which describes the basic procedure of classical extinction.
Studies on the effectiveness of fluoxetine (Prozac) for treating anorexia and bulimia suggest that level of serotonin:
a. may be an etiological factor in anorexia but not bulimia
b. may be an etiological factor in bulimia but not in anorexia
16. D
Several neurotransmitters have been found to play a role in the etiology of eating disorders, but most of the research has focused on the link between serotonin and anorexia as well as bulimia. Fluoxetine and several other SSRIs have been found effective in treating both anorexia and bulimia.
17. A person who has difficulty repeating words just spoken by another person and recalling the name of a familiar object has symptoms of:
a. Wernicke's aphasia
b. Wernicke's and Broca's aphasia
c. Wernicke's and conduction aphasia
17. D
Wernicke's aphasia = impairment in comprehension --> impairment in spoken and written language and difficult recalling words (anomia)
Broca's aphasia = difficulty expressing language --> difficulty repeating what others say
conduction aphasia = damage to nerve fibers connecting Broca's and Wernicke's areas --> difficulty repeating what one has heard.
18. When a mother leaves her 12-month old child with a stranger, the child becomes very upset, yet ignores her when she returns. What type of attachment pattern does this indicate?
a. secure
b. avoidant
c. resistant
d. disoriented
18. C
Resistant attachment = anxious in presence of parent, become more upset when the parent leaves. Ambivalent when he/she returns and may resist attempts at physical contact.
19. In a study examining the effects of relaxation training on test-taking anxiety, a pre-test measure of anxiety is administered to a group of self-identified highly anxious test takers resulting a split-half reliability coefficient of .75. If the pre-t
19. A
General rule for all correlation coefficients = the more heterogeneous the group the higher the coefficient.
20. (41) A teacher seeks consultation from an educational psychologist in order to pinpoint a child's specific problems in mathematics ability. The psychologist will most likely utilize a:
a. domain-referenced test
b. norm-referenced test
20. A
Domain referenced tests draw items from a very precisely defined content area and can identify specific strengths and weaknesses.
21. (42) A supervisor realizes that his employees are becoming less productive when working in a group. To avoid the effects of social loafing he should:
a. provide clearly defined goals
b. require everyone to provide an equal amount of effort<
21. C

Making the jobs more challenging would discourage social loafing.
22. (43) An attorney contacts you and requests the raw test data which you collected from a former patient of yours last year. The attorney explains that the information is needed in an upcoming court case in which your former client is a plaintiff in a
22. C

According to old APA ethic standards, you could only send the data to another psychologist. New standards may allow for a summary of the results to be sent, but raw data still should not be sent.
23. (44) A psychologist can kill an animal in research:
a. as long as the animal is treated humanely.
b. as long as an anesthetic is used with an effort to minimize pain
c. when it is appropriate and it is done rapidly, with an effort to m
23. C

Death must come quickly, and compassionately with an effort to minimize pain.
24. (45) Using a psychoanalytic approach, the sequence of interventions would be:
a. confrontation, clarification, interpretation, working through
b. clarification, confrontation, interpretation, working through
c. confrontation, interpret
24. A

Working through
25. (47) In the MMPI-2, which of the following could be considered a suppressor variable?
a. D
b. F
c. K
d. L
25. C

K could be considered a suppressor variable.

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