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Child Psych


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Clear Cut
(6-8mos to 18mos -2 years): begin to display separation anxiety
Self Concept
is the individuals self precieved idea of ourselves (dynamic develop mentally)
Language Acquisition Support System
how we activate LAD
Formation of a reciprocal relationship
(18 mos to 2 years +): rapid growth in representation and language permits toddlers to understand some of the factors that influence the parent's coming and going to predict her return
Slow to Warm up Child
Child is inactive, shows mil, low key reaction to environment stimuli, in mood an d adjust slowly to new experiences
making people notice what they are holding
Social Smile
children smile when they see others smile happens about six months
Preconventional level
accept the rules of authority and actions judged by consequences. Behaviors resulting in punishment are viewed as badand reward is good
Nativist Perpective
unique human trait that was developed in our brain
Joint attention
attention to same object as caregiver
Child Directed Speech
form of communication made up of short sentences with high-pitched, exaggerated expression, clear pronunciation, distinct pauses between speech segments, and repetition of new words in a variety of different concepts.
get a person to do something for them
Behaviorist Perspective
Like other behaviors its acquired through operant conditioning
B.F. Skinner (1957)
Created Behaviorist Perspective
Cooing, Babbling, First Words
Kohlberg's Stages of Morality
Preconventional, conventional, and postconventional
Interactionist Perpective
Language Acquisition Support System
Emotional display rules
specific when, where and how it is appropriate to express emotion
Most Common Feedback
its common for adults to provide feedback indirectly: ways to inform the child about conventional usage while keeping the conversation going
Langauge Acquistion Device
Innate system that allows children that aquired sufficient vocabulary to combine words into grammatically consistant and understands meaning of others sentances
Strong affectionate tie we have with special people in our lives that lead us to feel pleasure when we interact with them to be comforted by their nearness during times of stress
learning langauge from hear others say
Two Word Stage
recurrences, attribute, Possessive, Agent & Actions
Preattachment Phase
phase (birth to 6 weeks): Built in signals-grasping, smiling, crying and gazing into adult's eyes help bring newborns closer to human contact
1 to1 relationship with an object
Piaget's Moral Development
Heteronomous, Autonomous
Self esteem
is how we evaluation of self concept (fairly stable)
Feelings of concern of sorrow for another's plight
Self Concept and Early childhood
Talk about concrete things (likes and Looks) (one dimenssional)
The smallest sound unit that signals change of meaning, like between to consonant "pa" and "ba"
basic emotions
sad, happy, angery, fear, interest
Postconventional levels
Indiviuals at the postconventional level more beyond unguestioning support for the rules and laws of their own society. They difine morality in terms of abstract principles and values that apply to all situation and societies
Attachment in the making phase
(6 weeks to 6 to 8 mos): Respond differently to a familiar caregiver than to a stranger
Functionalist Appoach
emphasize that the broad function of emotions is to energize behavior aimed at attaining personal goals
age 5 to 10 years, view rules as handed down by authorites, outcome is what matters
Noam Chomsky
1957 created the Nativist Perspective
(10 to 11 and up) Rules are made to work together in society, following the spirit the law, not the written law
Self Concept and Adolesence
more complex rakes many more aspects (multi-dimenssional)
Babies were in daze did not know what to do
thinks everything is an object
Anxoius/Ambivalent Attachment
Exploration not great even when mother is around, distressed when mother leaves, happy when reunited
Reinforcement that develops the child to what they want
Conventional level
Individual continues to regard comformity to social rules as important, but not for reasons of self-interest. Rather they believe that actively maintain the current social system ensure positive relationship and social order
Phase of Attachment
Preattachment phase, Attachment in the making phase, Clear cut, Formation of a reciprocal relationship
Ethological Theory of Attachment
Recognizes the nfant's emotional tie to the caregiver as an evloved responce that promotes survival
Indirect Feedback
Recasting and Expansion
Joint attention, Protodeclarative, Protoimpertive
Grammical Morpheme
small markers that change the meaning of sentences.
self conscious emotions
involves injury to or enhancement of our sense of self (embarressment, guilt, envy, and pride)
Avoidance Attachment
Little or no distress when mother leaves, when united avoids contract with mother
Stable indivdual differneces in reactivity and self regulation
over use of a morphological rule on words it does not apply to
Strange Situation
Seperated of child from mother, strange enviroment, interested in reunioned and exploration behaviors
Easy Child
Child quickly establishes regular routines in infancy, is generally cheerful, and adapts easily to new experiences
ability to detect different emotions, to take anothers emotional perspective, and respond emotionally in the same way (about age 2)
reconstructing inaccurate speech into correct form
Underextention, Over-extention, Overgeneralization, holophrases
Different Child
Irregular daily routines, is slow to accept new experiences and treds to react negatively and intensily
Secure Attachment
(12 months) 65% of babies use mothers as a secure base of exploration, when united with mother was with positive reactions
elaborating on children's speech, increasing its complexity
Operation Conditioning
Behavior increases with reinforcement and decreases with no reinforcement or punishment

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