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Japans 206


undefined, object
copy deck
kakeuri (掛売り)
sale on credit
kakikumoru (掻き曇る)
to be clouded over
kakioki (書置き)
a note/letter left behind, a will
kakiireru (書き入れる)
to write in, to enter, to fill out the blank
kakin (家禽)
domestic fowls, [Generally] poultry
kakioki suru (書置きする)
to leave a note/will behind
kakikaeru (書き替える)
to rewrite, to renew, [名義を] to transfer
kakiageru (掻き上げる)
[髪を] to comb up
kakikomu (掻き込む)
to rake in, [食事を] to eat/have a hasty meal
kaki (垣)
a fence, a hedge
kaki (火気)
kakishirusu (書き記す)
to write/put down, to record
kakiire (書入れ)
an entry, an insertion
kakimidasu (掻き乱す)
to disturb, to throw into disorder/confusion
kakitateru (書き立てる)
to write up; to write down
atama o kakimushiru (頭を掻き毟る)
to tear one's hair
kakikata (書き方)
penmanship; how to write, a manner/style of writing
kakimazeru (掻き混ぜる)
to mix up, to stir up
kakinokosu (書き残す)
to leave out; to leave a note/letter behind
kakiyōshoku (牡蠣養殖)
oyster farming
kaki o megurasu (垣をめぐらす)
to fence around [a house]
kakiarawasu koto no dekinai (書き表わすことのできない)
indescribable, beyond description
kakikesu (掻き消す)
to efface, to wipe out
kakikotoba (書き言葉)
written language
kaki no (下記の)
the following, mentioned below
kao o kakimushiru (顔を掻き毟る)
to scratch a person's face
kakiatsumeru (掻き集める)
to rake up, to scrape together, to gather up
kakiwakeru (掻き分ける)
to elbow one's way
kakinagasu (書き流す)
to write off
kaketsu suru (可決する)
to approve, to pass, to carry
kakiageru (書き上げる)
to finish writing
kakidashi (書出し)
the opening sentence, the opening paragraph
kakitome ni suru (書留にする)
to have registered
kakitori (書取り)
kakiarawasu (書き表わす)
to describe
kakitsuke (書付)
a note, a memorandum, a paper; a bill
kakimono o suru (書き物をする)
to write
kakizome o suru (書初めをする)
to do one's first writing of the New Year
kakitome (書留)
kaki no tōri (下記のとおり)
as follows
kakiutsusu (書き写す)
to copy, to transcribe
kakiaratameru (書き改める)
to rewrite
kakinaguru (書きなぐる)
to dash off, to scribble off
kakichirasu (書き散らす)
to scribble, to scrawl
kakinaosu (書き直す)
to rewrite, to write again
kakezan o suru (掛算をする)
to multiply
kakiiredoki (書入れ時)
the busiest season
itten niwakani kakikumoru (一天にわかに掻き曇る)
The sky suddenly becomes overcast
kaketsukeru (駆け付ける)
to hasten to
inochi o kaketemo (命を賭けても)
even at the risk of one's life
kakimushiru (掻き毟る)
to tear, to scratch
kakitomeru (書き留める)
to write down, to make a note of, to record
kakesu (かけす)
a Japanese jay
kakezan (掛算)
kaki (牡蠣)
an oyster
kakeyoru (駆け寄る)
to run up to
kakitsukeru (書き付ける)
to write down, to make a note of
kaki (夏期)
summer, summertime
kakikōshū (夏期講習)
a summer course
kakimawasu (掻き回す)
[コーヒーを] to stir, [牛乳を] to churn, [卵を] to beat up; to ransack, to rummage in; to throw into confusion
kakitateru (掻き立てる)
to stir up, to poke
kakinikui (書き難い)
difficult to write/draw; [ペンが] to do not write well
kakifurai (牡蠣フライ)
fried oysters
kakikomi (書き込み)
an entry, notes
kakikesu yōni kieru (掻き消すように消える)
to vanish suddenly
kakitomeyūbin (書留郵便)
a registered mail
kakimono (書き物)
writing, a document
kaketsu (可決)
an approval, adoption, passage
kakiowaru (書き終わる)
to finish writing
kakigenkin (火気厳禁)
Use of Fire Strictly Prohibited, Caution: Inflammable
kakiyoseru (掻き寄せる)
to rake/scrape together, to gather up, to collect
kakitsukusu (書き尽す)
to write in full, to give a full account
kakitsubata (燕子花)
an iris
kaki (柿)
a persimmon (tree)
kakisoeru (書き添える)
to add in writing, to write a postscript
kakiayamaru (書き誤る)
to make a mistake in writing, to make a slip of the pen
kakesutehoken (掛け捨て保険)
a lapsed insurance policy
kakikyūka (夏期休暇)
the summer vacation, the summer holidays
kakezu (掛図)
a wall map/chart/picture
kakioroshi (書き下し)
a newly-written play/novel/story

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