Greek Contributions
undefined, object
copy deck
- comedies
- plays besides tragedies
- school of plato
- the academy
- tragedies
- play in which character dies in end
- Oedipus Rex about
- man trying to overcome his fate which is marrying his mother and killing his father
- pythagoras
- pythagereum therom
- socrates
- father of philosophy and first teacher
- democritus
- father of the atom
- Iliad and Odyssey are
- epics
- plato's book
- the republic
- most popular tragedy
- Oedipus Rex
- philosophy
- love of knowledge or wisdom
- philosophy of socrates
- know thyself,question everything,search for truth
- plato though best government was...
- monarchy
- aristotle opened first__school called___
- technical; Lyceum
- significance of "the republic"
- first government book
- eratosthenes
- said earth is round and came up with accurate circumfrence
- hippocrates
- father of medicine who opened first medical school and created the hippocratic oath for doctors
- Homer wrote
- the Illiad and the Odyssey
- aristotle
- plato's best student who tutored Alexander the Great
- plato
- socrates' best student who opened for school
- why socrates sentenced to death
- corrupting the youth of athens
- philosophy of plato
- find truth through dialogue
- aristarchus
- said the sun is the center of the universe and that the earth revolves around the sun which is a star