Sejarah 08
undefined, object
copy deck
- imperium
- empire
- meletuskan
- to spark off, blow up
- kemakmuran
- prosperity
- sehidup semati
- to live and die together
- pangreh praja
- civil service
- disebar-luaskan
- to spread, disseminate
- Nippon
- Japan
- tahanan politik
- political prisoner
- membina
- to develop, build, cultivate
- keputusan bersejarah
- historical agreement
- mengesampingkan
- to set aside
- Tata Negara
- form of government, state structure
- perselisihan pahamnya
- differences (of opinion)
- terkemuka
- prominent
- diresmikan
- made official
- otoriter-totaliter
- authoritarian, totalitarian
- regimentasi
- regimentation
- membubarkan
- to break up, disband
- ormas [organisasi masyarakat]
- community organisisation
- penyalur
- channelor
- sukarelawan
- volunteer
- turuan
- imitation
- pengerahan
- deployment
- tenaga pekerja kasar
- labourers, manual workers
- amanat
- instruction, speech
- berbau
- to suggest an element of, to reek of