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WS Industrial Revolution


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Abraham Darby
discovered that replacing the charcoal with coke (purified coal) that the process was more efficient and economical
Adam Smith
a man who believed in following your own true self interest. He was a philosopher of the Enlightment and influenced the Liberals in the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
Agricultural Revolution
a change from food gathering to food producing
Alexander Graham Bell
inventor of the telephone
Antoine-Henri Becquerel
the man who discovered radioactivity
the use of private money or goods to produce a profit
Charles Darwin
a naturalist who sailed around the world gathering data on plants, animals, and geology and published the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Charles Dickens
a popular author who wrote the book Hard Times, explaining the conditions of living in the Industrial Revolution.
Charles Fourier
a socialist who wanted to create ideal communities that was basically perfect. He is the man responsible for the idea known as utopian socialism.
an economic system esbablished through a dicatorship that abolishes private property and takes over the means of production.
business organizations in which large numbers of people purchased shares of stocks or certificates of parital ownership
cotton gin
a machine that seperated the seeds from cotton more quickly and efficiently than doing it by hand
crop rotation
a method of alternating different kinds of crops to preserve soil fertility
domestic system
system of cloth production in which people worked on cleaning , spinning, and weaving of wool in their homes.
a electric generator
Edmund Cartwright
a preacher who invented the first power loom
Eli Whitney
the American inventor that invented the cotton gin and interchangeable parts.
people who risked their wealth by investing in new technology or business ventures
people who buy companies as investments
Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx
two of the most influential socialists that developed scientific socialism
George Stephenson
the man who invented the locomotive
Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz
the men who put an engine on a horse carriage to create the first automobile
Gregor Mendel
the man who discovered the lasw of heredity
Guglielmo Marconi
the man who sent the first radio transmissions across the Atlantic
Henry Cort
a man who used steam power to improve iron production and used steam to power rolling mills which transformed iron into other shapes.
Industrial Revolution
a phase of technological development that began in Britain in the 1750's
Internal combustion engine
a machine which burned gasoline
Ivan Pavlov
a Russian psychologist who discovered that behavior could be controlled by outside factors. He conducted a famous experiment about the conditioned relex in dogs
the man who formed the United States steel Corporation
James Hargreaves
a weaver who invented the spinning jenny
James Watt
a man who improved upon Newcomen's invention of the steampowered water pump using far less fuel. it also use rotary power.
Jeremy Bentham
an English political philosopher who created the philosophy of utlitarianism
Jethro Tull
the man who introduced the seed drill and found out that crops grow better without weeds, and he developed the horse-drawn hoe.
John Dalton
the man that discovered that all matter is composed of miniature particles called atoms
John MacAdam and Thomas Telford
the men who invented the early versions of the automobile
John Stuart Mill
a man who felt that the government should be a democracy and should promote educations, but it should stay out of the people's lives as much as possible.
the belief in the importance of individual liberty in all areas focusing on freedom of conscience, freedom, thought, and speech as well as pursuing your own economic interests.
a steam powered engine that pulled a train of connected cars on iron rails
Lord Townshend
man who used Dutch technique of crop rotations and spread it in Britain
Louis Pasteur
the man who discovered bacteria and reated a heat treatment method that destroyed bacteria in certain foods and drinks
Marie Curie
awarded the Nobel Prize for physics and then eventually chemistry for her work.
means of production
the capital and the equipment needed to produce and exchange goods and use them for the common good of all the people
Michael Faraday and James Maxwell
the men who formulated the ideas governing magnetism and electricity
the dominance of a particular market
Natural selection
the belief that those that were better adaped to their environment survived long enough to reproduce and pass those adaptations to their offspring
Nikolaus August Otto
the man who developed the internal combustion engine.
open-field farming
land was divided into strips and worked by the villagers
a new working class that capitalists took advantage of to make their profits.
Queen Victoria
she was considred to be the perfect role model of the new roles of middle-class women
Richard Arkwright
the man who invented the water frame and started the first factory. He is often known as the "father of the factory system"
Robert Fulton
an American inventor and Entrepreneur who invented the steamship
Robert Owen
a utopian socialist who established several model communities that followed utopian socialism
Samuel Morse
the man who improved the telegraph and created Morse Code
seed drill
a machine that planted seeds in rows at the proper depth invented by Jethro Tull
Seperate spheres
the idea that men belonged to the world of business and women belonged in the homej.
Sergei White
a minister of finance in Russia that pursued a deliberate policy of industrialization
Sir Francis Galton
promoted the science of eugenics
Social Darwinsim
the theory that portrayed individuals and nations as part of the same struggle for survival as the species
the belief that individual interests must give way to the interests of society as a whole
spinning jenny
muscle-powered wooden machine that could spin eight cotton threads at a time, invented by James Hargereaves
a general walkout of all workers in the union to receive better pay, hours, or another goal
Thomas Edison
inventor the incandescent light bulb
Thomas Newcomen
a man who improved the steam-powered water pump
Thomas Savery
the inventor of the steam-powered water pump to pump water out of the mines
Thomas Telford and Gustave Eiffel
bridge builders who were considreed to be some of the first civil engineers
trade unions
a group of arisans who often went on strike against factories, attempting to put them out of business because they were mad that machines had put them out of business
combinations of similar businesses grouped together under the direction of a single entity
the growth of cities
the belief that laws should be used only if they bring happiness to a large number of the people and if it does not, the law should be abandoned
Utopian socialism
a community where people lived and worked together in perfect harmony
water frame
large water-powered spinning machine invented by Richard Arkwright
Wiber and Orville Wright
used a gasoline-powered engine to fly the first airplane.
Wilhelm Wundt
a German experimental physiologist founded the first psychological laboratory. He concluded that human psychology was based on experience and reality.

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