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AP Gov Chap 11 and 12 quiz


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How long can a president be in term?
4 years per term, cannot run for more than 2 terms.
How long can a senator be in office
They can be in office for six years.
Minimum age of a president
at least 35.
Minimum age for a Senator?
Minimum age for a Representative?
An US representative must be at least 25 years of age and a US citizen for at least 7 years.
drawing of legislative districts boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent
redrawing of congressional and other legislative district lines following the census
– presiding officer in the House of Representatives, formally elected by the House or majority party
procedural practice in the Senate whereby a senator delays and prevents a vote on the floor
Standing Committee
a permanent committee established in a legislature, usually focusing on a policy area
Pocket Veto
– president takes no action for ten days and the bill does not return to Congress for an override
The incumbent, in politics, is the holder of a political office. This term is usually used in reference to elections, in which races can often be defined as being between an incumbent and non-incumbent(s). For example, in the 2004 United States presidential election, George W. Bush was the incumbent, because he was the president in the current term while the election sought to determine the president for the following term.
rider is an additional provision annexed to a bill under the consideration of a legislature, having little connection with the subject matter of the bill.[1] Riders are usually created as a tactic to pass a controversial provision which would not pass as its own bill.
Hard Money
"Hard" money is contributed directly to a candidate of a political party. It is regulated by law in both source and amount, and monitored by the Federal Election Commission.
Soft Money
"Soft" money is contributed to the political party as a whole.
Rally Points
a rally point is a common problem for the people that someone can use to their advantage for the support of the people
The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States of America, consisting of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Both senators and representatives are chosen through direct election.
A typical Senator and Representative is?
Senators and representatives come primarily from middle- and upper-middle-class backgrounds. They are the sterotype of a middle aged, white, male lawyer.
Congress performs these functions:
: representation, lawmaking, consensus building, overseeing the bureaucracy, policy clarification, and investigating.
When members of congress vote, they are influenced by:
their philosophy and values, their perceptions of constituents, interests, and the views of trusted colleagues, staff, party leaders, lobbyists, and the president.
How do subcommittees affect the congress?
They can prevent or delay legislation from being enacted
What are some advantages incumbents have at reelection?
: they have greater name recognition; they have large staffs; they are much better able to raise campaign money; and they have greater access to the media.
What motivates members of congress above all else?
. Members of Congress are motivated by the desire to win reelection, and much of what Congress does is in response to this motive.
Majority Whip
ourranked by the majority leader.
Majority Leader
kinda the same kinda level of the minority leader.
Minority Leader
minority leader is same of majority, just different groups are handled.
Minority Whip
same as majority whip
the trading of favors or quid ro quo, such as vote trading by legaslative members to obtain passage of actions of interest to each legilslative member.
National Security Policy (The U.S Vs Curtis Wirght)
The court referred to the "exclusive power of the president" as the sole organ of the federal government in the field of internal regulations-a power which does not trequire as a baiss for its excersice, an act of congress, by wihch, of course, like every other governmental power, must be excersice in subordination to the applicable provisions of the constitution." Protecting the prez's right to create foreign relaitons without telling the people about it.

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