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copy deck
Marketing Definition
The process of planning and executing concepts, pricing, distribution, and promotion of ideas, goods, and services
Marketing Communication types
Collateral materials (catalogues, flyers, posters)
product advertising
sales promotion (contests, rebates)
public relations (press conference)
personal selling (door to door)
Long-term Macro Arguments
Proliferation, stereotyping, offensiveness, social impact, impact on values
Perception and puffery
Short-term manipulative arguments
Unfair Ad
Unjustifiably hurt the consumer
Comparative Ad
Has to be objective, meausrable (can do it as long as they prove it to be true)
"proof" behind claim
Affirmative disclosure
warnings, disclaimers, or disclosures
Consent decree
Agreements to stop ad without admitting wrongdoing
Cease and Desist Order
Prohibits further use of ad
Corrective advertising
Explain and correct offending ads, reeducation
Larger marketing context of advertising
Marketing is the business process management uses to plan and execute the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of its products
Marketing Key concepts
Utility, exchange, peprception, satisfaction
Product's ability to satisfy both functional needs and symbolic wants
Perceptual screens
Subconscious filters that shield us from unwanted messages
Physiological screens
Dedect incoming data and meausre dimension and intensity of the physical stimuli (5 senses)
Psychological screens
Evalaute, filter, and personalize information according to subjective emotional standards (innate, learned, selective)
Central route to persuasion
Consumers have a igh level of invovlement with the product or message and are motivated to pay attention to the central, product-related information in an ad
Results of learning
Attitudes and interests, habits and brand loyalty, defines needs and wants
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization
Evoked set
Particular group of alternative goods or services a consumer considers when making a buying decision
Evaluative criteria
Standards a consumer uses for judging the features and benefits of alternative products
Theory of Cognitive dissonance
people try to jsutify their behavior by reducing the degree to whcih their impressions or beliefs are inconsistent with reality
User status variables
brand loyalty
Purchase occasion variables
when the product or service is being bought or used
Benefits-sought variables
high quality, low price, sex appeal, etc.
Categories of advertising research
Strategy research, creative concept research, pretesting, protesting
Strategy research
Product concept, target audience selection, message element selection, media selection
Steps in research process
Define proble, exploratory research, research objectives, formal research, data interpretation and findings
Primary data
information collected from the marketplace about a specific problem
Secondary data
information previously collected or published, usually for some other purpose, by the firm or by some other organization
internal data
company records
external data
information from government, market research compaines, trade associations, various trade publications, or computerized databases
Qualitative research methods
Interviews, focus groups, projective techniques
Quantitative research methods
Experiment, observation, survey
Direct questioning, central location tests, clutter tests
Attitude tests, recall tests, inquiry tests, sales tests
considerations for quantitative research
validity, reliability, sampling method, questionnaire development, data tabulation and analysis
Creative team
copywriter, art director, creative director
art director
determines hwo the ad's verbal and visual symbols will fit together
creative director
heads a creative team of agency copywritesrs and artists that is ultimately responsible for the creative product - the form the final ad takes
Do most ads resonate with the audience?
most do not have resonance
strategic relevance
must be relevant to the ads strategy (resonance doesn't work without relevance)
four elements of advertising strategy
product concept, target audience, advertising message, communications media
issues to consider in creative brief
who? why? what? etc.
elements of creative brief
objective statement, support statement, tone or brand character statement
message strategy
verbal, nonverbal, or technical
involves combining 2 or more previously unconnected objects or ideas into something new
how the art director and graphic artists choose and structure the artisitic elements of an ad
Roles of creativity
informs, persuades, reminds, puts the "boom"
fact-bassed vs value-based thinking
(fragment concepts into components and to analyze situations to discover the one best solution) vs (decisions are based on intuition, values, and ethical judgments)
searches for new information, paying attention to unusual patterns
experiments and plays with a variety of approaches, lookcing for an original idea
evaluates the results of experimentation and decides which approach is more practical
overcomes excuses, idea killers, setbacks, and obstacles to bring a creatie concept to realization
orderly arrangemetn of all the format elements of an ad: visual, headline, subheads, body copy, slogan, seal, logo, and signature
rough, rapidly produced pencil sketch that is used for trying out ideas
(comprehensive layout)

copy of a finished ad with a copy set in type and pasted into position along with proposed illustration; can see effects of final ad
presents the handheld look and feel of brochures, multipage materials, or point-of-purchase displays (assembled by hand)
black type and line art are pasted in place on a piece of white artboard (paste-up)
Principles of design
balance, unity, proportion, emphasis, sequence
Poster style
single, dominant visual that occupies between 60 and 70 percent of an advertisement's total area (also picture-window layout)
Mondrian Grid
series of vertical and horizontal lines, rectangles, and squares within a predeterimined grid to give geometric proportion to an ad
Layout style filled with multiple illustrations, oversized type, reverse blocks, tilts, or other gimmicks to bring an ad alive and make it interesting
special design of the advertiser's name; trademark
large dominant headline will run above or below the copy or even be framed by it (advertiser has a lot to say and visuals won't say it)
(similar to circus) multible illustrations together and arranges them by super-imposing or overlapping them to make a single composition
layout style that combines two or more other layout types to make an ad look more interesting
Purposes of using visuals
Capture attention, ID subject
words in the leading position of an advertisement - words that will be read first or that are positioned to draw the most attention
all of the picture elements taht are placed into and advertisement
secondary headline
Body copy
text of an advertisement htat tells teh complee story and attempts to close the sale; logical continuation of the headline and subheads and is usually set in a smaller type size than headlines or subheads
tagline, themeline (provide continuity for a campaign and to reduce a key theme or idea to a breif, memorable positioning statement)
Type of certification mark offered when a product meets standards established by these institutions; independent alued endorsement
types of headlines
benefit, news/info, provocative, questions, command
Benefit headline
makes a direct promise to consumer
News/info headline
"how-to" headlines as well as headlines that seek to gain didentification for their sponsors by announcing some news or providing ome promise of information
provocative headline
provokes the reader's curiosity so that, to learn more, the reader will read the body copy
questions headline
asks the reader a question
command headline
orders the reader to do something
straight announcements
oldest commercial type; deliver sale message direicly into microphone or on-camera and does so of-scrine while a slide or film is shown onscreen
one person or character presents the product and sales meeting
use of satisfied customers and celebrities to endorse a product in advertising
commercial that shows the product in use
jingle; sung with the sales message in a song
Slice of Life
dramatization of real-life situation in which the product is tried adn becomes to the solution to a problem
user is presented rather than the product
use of cartoons, puppet characters, or demonstrations of inanimate characters come to life in tv commercials
Production manager's role
planning, organizing, directing, controlling

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