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Humanities !st Semester Final


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basso continuo
harpsichord and/or cello, plays simple chords continuously through the piece while other instruments play melodies
John Locke
The condition of pre-government is not pre-social. There are natural rights to life and property. Order and the Power of Government is based in a social contrast, but with the Sovereign. The Sovereign is only legitimate if it protects the citizens.
single melody plays at one time
the time it take a planet to pass full circle through the fixed stars
Romantic music
complex meoldies, expansion of tone color, expansion in number of orchestra intruments, mpre dynamic contrasts, greater contrasts in rhythm, experimentation with musical form, odd key changes and move away from "pretty" melodies and harmonies
little stars
Urban VIII
a long time friend of Galileo who was elected pope, eventually had Galileo's book Dialogue removed from circulation and had Galileo examined for wrong doings.
Estates General
assembly run by Louis XVI called in classes to approve the raising of taxes, the middleclass insisted on rights determined to remake France, Clergy, Nobility, and Commoners together
required that eldest son inherit all the property
Sally Hemmings
Lover of Jefferson, they had five kids, she was considered 7/8 white
Cardinal Robert Bellarmine
developed debating techniques that were winning protestants back to catholicism and also doubted Artistotle, but believed that proof was needed before any reinterpretation of the scripture was acceptable, judged Galileo
stretched human capacity to feel, stress on emotion rather than reason, natural world is mysterious and uncontrollable conveyor of spiritual insight, fascination with iconography and rituals of Roman Catholicism, interested in the subjective, unique experience of the individual, interest in heroic individual especially creative "genius", stress on unconventional lifestyle, dress, manners
painter of "Oath of the Tennis Court"
type of government where the people who decide who governs and represents them
rational creator of the world creates and then leaves to it to run by its own laws
a portion of the boundary circle
great circle
the largest circles on the surface of a sphere
leader of the Radical Revolutionaries who eventually killed himself after trying to change the calender to remove all christian connotations
index of prohibited books
list of books Catholics are not suppose to read
the special stuff of which stars , sun, moon ,and planets are made of and fills the space in between.
prescribed by law which kinds of relatives could inherit property
early piano- uses hammers to strike strings
more than one line of melody running at the same time
first island what Napoleon was exiled too
Grand Duke Cosmo De Medici
Galileo's patron
St. Helena
second and final exile place for Napoleon
Giordano Bruno
a follower of Copernicus, was burnt at the stake which led people to believe that belief in Copernicus's theories led to heresy
the apparent path that the sun follows through the fixed stars as it passes full circle
music expressed through a story with sets and a plot
an enlightened execution tool. everyone was equal and died the same way, virtually painless
Beethoven's 3rd Symphany that was going to be dedicated to Napoleon before Beethoven changed his mind
Classical or Viennese music
music more homophonic in texture, rhythm is flexible and varied, stress on "tunes", more variety in dynamics, use of crescendo and diminuendo, rise of pianoforte, expanded number of instruments in orchestra, inc. more strings, wind, brass, and percussion
women are legally and economically covered by their father or husband, no control, dependent
planet then earth, then sun
Council of Trent
church got together and spoke about scripture and tradition along with the interpretation of the Bible. They decided that only the church would interpret scripture, not the individual
4 movements, orchestra
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
All french men were equal, no religious discrimination
liberty, equality, and fraternity
the three fundamental beliefs of the french revolution
one or more soloist with an orchestra
place where Napoleon finally failed after coming back from exile
rose from humble backgrounds, over came disadvantages, were geniuses and eccentric
three things Napoleon and Beethoven had in common
want a strong central government and chief executive
"wandering stars" that is, stars that do not remain in fixed positions in relation to the other stars, but rather move about in front of the backdrop of the fixed ones.
Fr. Christopher Scheiner
discovered sun spots around the same time as Galileo
Embargo Act of 1807
Banned all US vessels from sailing to foreign ports, failed
a prison that was over taken by the commoners as a symbol of their repression (July 14)
earth then planet then sun, where the earth is in relation to the other two bodies is what is crucial
fixed stars
all the visible stars form a massice constellation and seen to be a spherical contiainer of the sun, edarth, moon, and planets, they don't change their positions with relation to the other things
Missouri Compromise
compromise in order to keep the number of slave and non-slave states even
string quartet
1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, and a cello
scripture and words of the church revealed to them alone that can't be contradict tradition
literary music
music to tell a story or describe emotions in some identifiable order
baroque music
densely polyphonic, regular rhythm, stressed by basso continuo, complex melodies, limited changes in dynamics, individual movements present one musical theme only
a multi-movement selection for solo or solo w/ piano
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and moon
Galileo's planets
Ben Franklin, Joseph Priestly, Ben Rush, and David Rittenhouse
figures of the American enlightenment
Oath of the Tennis Court
Middle Class demanded equal rights to the nobility
birth place of Napoleon
a band of fixed stars about 46 degrees wide that completely encircles the earth, moon, sun, and planets.
Thomas Hobbes
The condition of mankind living in a 'natural' way without government would be war. A Power is needed to impose fear of the law on citizens. A social contrast is needed to establish a Sovereign Power
Louis XVI
King during the French Revolution

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