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chapter 10 flashcards.


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foreign influential writers usually from paris.
ohio gang.
political supporters for president harding. corrupt and unqualified.
free enterprise which was an economic system.
belif that native-born americans are superior to foreigners.
langston hughes.
famous writer and poet.
laborsaving devices.
machines and factories that use less work.
amount of work of one person.
economic downturn.
people who believe there is no government.
scopes trial.
made it illegal to teach evolution in tennessee.
gross national product.
total of all goods and services.
five power treaty.
peace treaty. this treaty limited nations' navies. us, gb, france, italy, japan.
calvin coolidge.
vice president until harding detected the difference. "a friend to business"
quota system.
limit of immigrants from each country.
many recessions. spending more money than making more money.
marcus garvey.
founded universal negro improvement association.
ku klux klan.
first clan in 1860. was to ban immigrants from south.
installment buying.
buying products that pay small and regular amounts.
henry ford.
pioneer in making affordable autos with his model t which was an assembly line.
warren g. harding.
promised a return to normalcy. president from 1921-1923.
mass media.
forms of communication like movies, radio and newspapers.
teapot dome.
symbol for corruption in harding and coolidge administration.
assembly line.
henry fords model t. (a special method)
kellogg-briand act.
called for outlawing war.
herbert hoover.
republican of election of 1928. won election.
a total ban of something.
twenty-first amendment
first amendment to overturn the eighteenth amendment.
eighteenth amendment.
ban of alcohol.
national origins act.
banned japanese and chinese immigrants.
young women dressed with heavy makeup, short skirts and short bobbed hair.
nineteenth amendment.
women could vote.
louis armstrong.
jazz musician.
alfred e. smith.
democrat of election of 1928. lost election because he is catholic and irish.

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