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media term things


undefined, object
copy deck
A video camera and recorder in a single portable unit.
A motion picture theater.
In motion pictures, a grand, historical film. Epics normally are expensive to make, run
longer than most films, and have larger casts.

Type or style. In motion pictures, examples of genre include musicals and westerns.
Magic lantern
A device for projecting images onto a wall.
Movie palace
A large cinema featuring an ornate architectural design.
A compilation of news and feature film stories presented as part of a cinema program.
Newsreels died out after the arrival of television, but they were one of the bases from which
television newscasts emerged.

A cinema converted from a store. It showed a series of brief films for a nickel. The
films usually were projected against a white wall or even a bedsheet.

Self-censorship code
Created by the motion picture industry itself in its effort to head off government or religious censorship. G, PG, R, and NC-17 (formerly X) are age-directed, selfcensorship designations.

A method to make still images seem to move. Toys like the Thaumatrope spun to create the illusion known as persistence of vision.

Deck Info


