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A: Anti-collision lights G:Gas gauge O:Oil pressure gauge O:Oil temperature gauge S:Seat belts E:ELT A:Altimeter C:Compass A:Airspeed T:Tachometer
Significant Meteorological weather advisory, for non-convective severe weather conditions and is potentially hazardous to all aircraft.
Can night time currency count as day time currency requirements?
What are the privileges of the Private Pilot Certificate and Limitations?
1.Carry Passengers. Cannot fly for hire 2.Share expenses 3.Fly for charity: Must have 200 hrs with no CFI supervision. Now responsible to ensure all currency requirements are met, must at least fly with a CFI for bi-annual 5.Fly incidental to a business. 6. Tow a glider, must have training and 100 hrs. 7.Demonstrate an aircraft for sale. must have 200 hrs. 8.Perform minor maintenance on own aircraft. 9. Be reimbursed for expenses for search and rescue.
Convective SIGMET
Severe weather dealing with sever thunderstorms, tornadoes, etc.
What is the flap configuration for short field takeoff over a barrier in C-172's?
Most 172's will list zero degrees, but you may use 10 degrees, but you must be going 5 knots slower or the advantage is lost.
Two private Pilots are flying in the same airplane. The pilot in the left seat flys for 15 minutes and then puts on a hood and flies for 1 hour. The pilot in the right seat is acting as a safety pilot during this time. Now the pilot in the right seat takes the controls and flies the airplane home. The total flight time is 1 hour 30 minutes. How much time may each pilot log?
Each can log 1 hour and 15 minutes
What certificates must a pilot have in his/her possession while exercising the privileges of that certificate?
Valid pilot's certificate, medical certificate, and a government issued photo ID
What is the purpose of information found on the equipment list?
The basic purpose is to provide the operator a list of all the equipment installed.
What maintenace inspections are required on our airplane for the checkride?
1.Airworthiness directives 2.Annual 3.ELT battery 4.Transponder
Airmen's Meteorological Weather Advisory, for all pilots and is for moderate conditions.
What are some primary components of the electrical system?
1.Battery 2.Alternator 3.Master Switch 4.ACU (Alternator control unit) 5.Ammeter 6.Red Light 7.Bus Bars 8.Circuit breakers/fuses 9.Components
What are the lateral dimensions of the 30 mile mode C veil around class B?
Surface to 10,000 feet MSL
What are the 3 different Airmet advisories and their weather significances?
1.Sierra: Mountain obscuration or any other obscurations to visibility. 2.Tango: Turbulence 3.Zulu: Ice
If you landed at Perkins and the fuel gauge went inoperative, how could you possibly fly the aircraft back home legally to have it repaired?
Contact the local FSDO and request a special flight permit.
F:Fuses L:Landing light (if for hire) A:Anti-collision light P:Position lights S:Source of power
What are the basic VFR weather minimums for VGT while the tower is operating?
1000 ft ceiling and 3 miles visibility
What 2 general conditions of flight time must a pilot log in a reliable record?
Currency and aeronautical experience for a higher rating.
What do the make and model of a Lycoming O-360 engine mean?
O means opposed cylinders. 360 means the engine has a displacement of 360 cubic inches.
What are the 6 lower limits of class E airspace and point out examples of each
1.Surface. Noted by dashed magenta lines around an airport. 2.700 ft AGL- Shaded magenta around an airport 3.1200 ft MSL: Shaded blue along airways and other large areas used for transition to/from the terminal or en route environment. 4.As ddepicted: The floor of the shaded blue will change to the altitude as depicted when the dark blue fenced line appears, the altitude will be shown as 9700 MSL 5.14,500ft MSL: this is not noted on any chart, but class E starts over the USA at this altitude upwards to class A. 6.Above FL600.
How long is a private pilot's medical valid for if he/she is over 40?
24 months
FAR 91.205 lists the basic required equipment to be installed and functioning. The thing to remember is that if the equipment is required by a rule, then you need a permit to fly with it inoperative. The variance to this is that ATC may give permission for radio, and transponder inoperative flights. If the equipment is not required by a rule, then you must
1.Placard it inoperative 2.Deactivate it 3.Determine that it is safe to fly without that piece of equipment.
Where can you find operation limitations on the airplane?
POH, placards, instruments, AD's, maintenance records, regulations, pilot skills, age and condition of aricraft, performance
Which required airplane document must be in plain view?
Airworthiness certificate
What is the difference between normal and utility categories?
The utility category can withstand higher G forces such as spins. Spins are not authorized in the Normal category.

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