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- National Industrial Recovery Act
- sought to bolster those prices and thus help businesses and individuals. allowed trade associations in many industries to draw up codes to regulate wages, working conditions, production, and even prices.
- Federal Securities Act
- required full disclosure of information about stock offered for sale.
- New Deal
- Proposals and programs adopted by FDR in response to the Great Depression; included social and economic programs and changes in government regulation.
- Tennessee Valley Authority
- created in May 1933, helped farmers and created jobs in one of the country's least modernized regions. Provided cheap electric power, flood control, and recreational opportunities to the entire Tennessee River Valley.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- First lady 1933-1945:tireless worker for social causes, including women's rights and civil rights for African American and other groups.
- Fireside Chates
- FDR spoke to the nation over the radio to sooth the people.
- Federal Reserve Board
- regulate the purchase of stock on margin- a practice that had constirbuted heavily to the crash.
- Civilian Conservation Corps.
- put 2.5 million unmarried male workers into forest, beach, and park maintenance and restoration projects. CCC workers earned only a dollar a day but were boarded in camps and received job training.
- Emergency Banking Act
- authorized the government to inspect the financial health of the banks.
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- insure deposits up to 5,000 dollars. reassured the American people, many of whom had been terrified by the prospect of losing all their savings in a bank failure.
- Civil Works Administration
- gave the unemployed jobs building or improving roads, parks, airports, and other facilities.
- Indian Reorganization Act
- ended the sale of tribal lands begun under the Dawes Act and restored ownership of unallocated lands to Native American groups.
- Hundred Days
- First one hundred days of FDR's term of office.
- Francis Perkins
- Secretary of labor 1933-1945 under FDR; first woman cabinet member.
- Huey Long
- also known as Kingfish-was a different type of demagogue. one the governorship of Lousiana in 1928 and became a US senatorin 1932. He worked to help the underprivileged, improving education, medical care, and public services.
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- set up by congress to regulate the stock market.
- National Association of Colored Women. Bethune was active in voluntary groups.
- Works Progress Administration
- an agency set up in 1935 and lasted eight years, provided work for jmore than eight million citizens. constructed or improved more than 20,000 playgounds, schools, hospitals, and airfield, and supported the creative work of many artists and writers.
- National Labor Relations Act
- (Wagner Act) legalized practices allowed only unevenly in the past, such as closed shops- in which only union members can work- and collective bargaining. also outlawed spying on union activities and blacklisting- a practice in which employers agreed not to hire union leaders.
- National Labor Relations Board
- set up to enforce the Wagner Act's provisions.
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- banned child labor and established a minimum wage for all workers covered under the act.
- Social Security Act
- a system that provided old-age pensions for wokers; survivors' benefits for victims of industrial accidents; unemployment insurance; and aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically disabled.
- American Federation of Labor(AFL)
- did little to attract unskilled industrial workers during its half-century of existence.
- Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Labor group that split off from the American Federation of Labor in 1938 and organized unskilled steel, auto, and other workers.