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Causes of developmental delay
1. physical or psychosocial needs not being met 2. poor health 3. developmental disorder 4. neuro disease or damage 5. genetic 6. sensory impairment
Causes of motor delay
cerebral palsy muscular dystrophy spina bifida global - Downs
causes of language delay
hearing problem environmental deprivation oromotor problem eg cleft palate, cerebral palsy general delay (syndrome)
Causes of global delay
genetic (chromosomal) metabolic (PKU) structural (hydrocephalis) antenatal (teratogens, infection, malformation) perinatal (premature, hypoxia) postnatal (trauma, infection)
When to suspect a hearing problem
Not startled by noise at 3 months Doesn't turn to noise at 3-4 months Speech delay, learning problems, behavioural problems
Causes of sensorineural hearing loss
genetic ante/perinatal: infection, asphyxia, preterm, bilirubin raised postnatal: meningitis, encephalitis, head injury, medications Hearing loss does not improve, requires implant or signing
Causes of conductive hearing loss
secretory otits media (glue ear) eustachian dysfunction (Downs, cleft palate) wax build up
When to suspect vision problems
lack of eye contact visual inattention random eye movements squint, nystagmus, photophobia, no red reflex, white pupil
Causes of visual impairment
genetic - cataract, retinoblastoma anti/perinantal - congenital infection, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), hypoxic/ischaemic encephalopathy, cerebral injury post natal - trauma, infection
Causes of white pupils
retinoblastoma retinopathy of prematurity cataracts pseudoglioma
Cerebral palsy
chronic disorder of posture and movement, caused by non-progressive CNS lesion sustained before 2 yrs. Results in poor motor development +/- learning disability +/- epilepsy incidence of 2:1000 lifespan of 20yrs if quad
Features of cerebral palsy
- weakness, paralysis, delayed milestones (GM esp), seizure, language delays (oromotor issues) - difficulty co-ordinating purposeful movement - spasticity (pyramidal lesion) - dystonia (basal ganglia)
Aetiology of cerebral palsy
Strong association with LBW, preterm Timing: - 75% prenatal (alch, CMV, rubella, XR, antepartum haemorrhage (hypoxia)) - 10-15% perinatal (birth trauma, low glucose, raised bilirubin) - 5-10% postnatal (trauma, IVH, meningoencephalitis)
Triad of difficulties before 3 yrs: 1. Language disorder: 1/2 never speak, poor comprehension, echo 2. Difficulty relating to others: indefferent, no eye contact, no normal attachemnts, loners, don't appreciate others feelings 3. Rituals/routines with poverty of imagination: same foods, ways of doing things, disruptive, tantrums, odd motor patterns, seizures

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