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- uk
- ok
- 90% of the french people are Fr
- Roman Catholic
- A mountain range that seperates France from England Fr
- Pyrenees Mountians
- The cop that is used to make Frances wine is Fr
- grapes
- mountain range in northwest Switz. GSA
- Jura mountains
- The Frenh overthrough their king in Fr
- 1789
- Ireland is also called Ir
- Emerald Isle
- capital of France Fr
- Paris
- The house of commons chooses the uk
- Prime Minister
- narrow bays uk
- lochs
- a transportation and communications network on which an econemy depends on GSA
- infrastructure
- bringing East and west Germany together GSA
- reunification
- The tunnel under the English Channel that connects England and France Fr
- Chunnel
- Capitol of Irland Ir
- Dublin
- No part of Irelan is more than ? from the sea Ir
- 70 miles
- manufacturing
- This contibutes most to Ireland today and employs most people Ir
- a major inland waterway of Europe forming part of France's easter border Fr
- Rhine River
- German Superhighways GSA
- autobans
- The uk must import all of its food because uk
- lack of farmland
- a king or queen is head of the state uk
- parlamentary d.
- voters elect representatives into a lawmakig body called uk
- constitutional m.
- wide and deep enough to allow the passage of ships Fr
- navigable
- the population is more than uk
- 59 million
- during the 1800 unted kingdom became the world leading economic power because of the uk
- Industrial revolution
- form of money uk
- currency
- France is devided by Switzerland and Italy by Fr
- Alps
- official languages
- In Ireland Irish Gaelic and English are Irelands two Ir ?
- A strong national goverment headed by elected leaders Fr
- republic
- wet gound with decaying plants that can be used for fuel Ir
- peat
- treeless windy plains uk
- moors
- refusing to take sides on wars GSA
- neutrility
- In 1707 england and wales united wih scotland to form uk
- Great Britain
- Austia's climate is simalar to Switz. but with cooler GSA
- summer